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Drobní obratlovci v lesních ekosystémech Krušných hor a Děčínské vrchoviny
Těšík, Jindřich
The research was focused on the evaluation of trapping of common shrew, a small shrew, bank vole yellow--necked mouse, rat shrub, wetland voles with analysis of population and seasonal dynamics. Structures of capture common shrew, small shrew and bank vole were described more detailed. Animals were compared on base of nature conditions of localities. Conducted trapping of small terrestrial mammals took place in eastern part of Krusnohori (2003--2004) and Decin Highlands (1987--2013). 1831 small terrestrial mammals of 9 species (insectivores 4, rodents 5) were caught in the eastern part of Krusnohori and 2924 individuals belong to 11 species (6 insectivores, rodents 5) were caught in the Decin Highlands.
Vliv úpravy pH půdy na výnos zrnové kukuřice
Šimek, Vojtěch
In bachelor work on topic Influence of soil pH treatment on grain maize yield was evaluated yield-making and qualitative parameters of grain maize KWS 9361 in two different variants of fertilizing, depending on soil pH treatment with dolomitic limestone. One of these variants was fertilizing with only N rates 180 kg/ha and the second of them was fertilizing with NPK fertilizer rates 180 kg N/ha, 50 kg P/ha and 125 kg K/ha. These variants were compared with untreated variants (without dolomitic limestone). No-liming variant fertilized with NPK caused significantly better grain yield (10.19 t/ha), than other variants. The highest thousand grain weight (267.9 g) was also at no-liming variant fertilized with NPK. The share of grain to total cob-weight and starch content of the grain didn´t show any significant differences between variants. Dry weight of plants increased during the vegetation differently. The best yields of dry biomass were at no-liming variant, fertilized with NPK.
Odrůstání kultur na kalamitních holinách horských poloh
Albrechtová, Petra
The work deals with the issue of regenerating clearings due to salvage felling at mountain altitudes. Development was monitored on research plots Sokol in the Hrubý Jeseník Mts. (15 plots) and Jizerka in the Jizerské Mts. (15 plots). The aim was to assess the developing young plantations of Norway spruce, European beech, European larch and Carpathian pubescent birch in particular, as well as of sycamore maple, European mountain ash and Silesian willow aged 9 -- 14 years after planting. The assessment was focused primarily on the mensurational variables of the tree species (height, root collar diameter, crown diameter, and their increments). Part of the work was to evaluate the condition of soil environment, nutrition, root system architecture and health of Norway spruce. The best growth was shown by European larch. By contrast, the use of sycamore maple, European mountain ash and Silesian willow did not prove well. The mixing of Norway spruce and European beech was demonstrated to have a significantly favourable influence on the growth of the two species. The root system was confined to humus horizons only and all individuals exhibited deformation into a tangle. Analyses of soil conditions revealed that the effect of liming had persisted even after 20 years and the nutritional condition of the trees pointed to the luxurious supply namely of calcium and magnesium.
Srovnání působení granulovaných vápenatých hmot aplikovaných k řepce ozimé
Petrucha, Jan
This bachelor thesis focuses on the assessment of the influence of granular calcium matter applied to winter rape and its influence on exchangeable soil reaction, yield and oiliness of rape seed. The one-year field trial was based on two different localities, namely Vatín near Žďár nad Sázavou (560 m above sea level) and Žabčice (184 m above sea level). The following variants were included in the experiment: 1. Dolomite granulated, 2. Limestone granulated, 3. Dolokorn, 4. FERTI MK, 5. PhysioMax 975. The fertilizers were applied in autumn of the fourth leaf at a dose of 300 kg/ha and their influence on the exchange soil reaction, yield and oiliness of the seeds was monitored. The scaling was done in the autumn, and the effect of the applied granular calcium compounds was observed at two depths of 0 - 10 cm and 10 - 20 cm. As a result of liming, the soil reaction was higher in both localities than in the soil samples taken before liming. In a depth of 0 - 10 cm, the fertilizer FERTI MK in Žabčice showed the greatest effect and the Dolomite in a depth of 0 - 20 cm. The fertilizer PhysioMax 975 and Limestone worked the best in a depth of 0 - 10 and FERTI MK in a depth of 10 - 20 in Vatín. The yield was most affected in Žabčice by the Dolokorn fertilizer, the Limestone had increased the yield the most in Vatín. From the results of oiliness it can be said that it have been significantly higher in Žabčice than in Vatín.
Vliv vápnění a způsobu sklizně travních porostů na fyzikální a hydrofyzikální vlastnosti pseudogleje
Mikulenčák, Štěpán
This thesis evaluates impacts of liming, mulching and mowing grassland on soil physical and hydrophysical properties, in my case from pseudogley, which was at the site of experiment. There were used a soil samples for the analysis which were got from experiment site in years 2013, 2015 and 2016 everytime in October in depth 5-10 cm. There were analyzed the broken soil samples and these attributes were determined: organic carbon, active acidity and exchange acidity. From compact soil samples were determined different attributes, such as dry bulk density, total porosity, volume non-capillary porosity, water holding capacity, moisture and minimal air capacity. The results of the analyses were statistical evaluated and evaluation did not determine conclusive effect of liming treatment (1,8 t.ha-1 CaO) on most of the observed soil properties. Otherwise, mulching influenced most of the attributes in the positive way. Compare to mowing, the biggest inconvenience caused only the pH decreasing.
Vliv vápnění na chemismus pseudoglejů
Gacko, Roman
ABSTRACT Bachelor work is dealt with the influence of liming on the chemical properties of stagnosols. Introduction is considering their main properties and classification according to Taxonomic classification soil system of the Czech Republic. Also the way of exploitation and reclamation at present and in the past is described. Experimental work is aimed at the effect of liming in Stagnosol (Kameničky, Czech Republic). Obtained results indicated that liming of acidic soils under permanent grasslands leads to significant changes in soil chemical properties, nutrients availability and increasing of mineralization
Vliv acidifikace a vápnění na druhové složení a diverzitu bylinného patra na ekosystémové stanici Rájec
Müllerová, Iveta
The aim of this tittle was to evaluate changes in herb layer vegetation at the Rájec ecosystem station (Drahanská Uplands), where the conditions of acidification mitigation were artificially induced in the past by the application of dolomitic limestone. This research was carried out by collecting 60 phytocenological images. Subsequently, differences in species diversity, species claims on the environment using Ellenberg indicator values, species composition and changes in species frequencies within individual applications were evaluated.
Vápnění lesních půd ve smrkových monokulturách ve vztahu k minerálním formám dusíku
Končel, Karel
The liming of forest soils and its implications for the forest ecosystem can be observed from many points of view. However, the assessment of liming effects may vary considerably. To evaluate the effect of liming on the mineral forms of nitrate and the activity of soil enzymes, proteases and ureases, the experimentally limed area was used. The liming was performed using finely milled lime dolomite in doses of 2, 3, 4, 6 and 26 t·ha-1. Mixed soil samples from the humification horizon H and the organomineral horizon Ah were taken from each variant. This mixed samples were further modified and subjected to laboratory analyses. The effect of liming on ammonium and nitrate nitrogen content and protease activity was found. In the case of NH4+, NO3-, soil proteases and ureases activity, differences were observed in relation to the change in the application dose of dolomitic limestone.
Vliv vápnění půdy na výnos a kvalitu zrna kukuřice
Šimek, Vojtěch
Master thesis on topic Influence of liming on yield and quality of corn grain was evaluating yield-making and qualitative parameters of grain maize KWS 9361 in two different variants of fertilizing depending on soil pH treatment with dolomitic limestone in comparison with control variants (without dolomitic limestone). One of these variants was fertilizing with only N rates 110kg N/ha and second of them was fertilizing with NPK fertilizer rates 110 kg N/ha, 50kg P/ha in P2O5 form and 125 kg K/ha in K2O form. No-liming variant fertilized with NPK did significantly have highest yield in all three years (in average 12,07 t/ha). As well the weight of thousand kernel was highest in no-liming variant with NPK fertilizer (average 299 g). Starch content has not been influenced by variants of fertilizing or liming, it has been influenced only by year. Content of crude proteins in grain has been highest in no-liming variant fertilized only with nitrogen (average 7,3 %).

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