National Repository of Grey Literature 4 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Sperm maturation process in fishes (review)
The main aim of this thesis was to review the current knowledge in the field of fish sperm maturation (a process where immature spermatozoa acquire the potential to respond to motility-activating factors) and the urogenital system structure in relation to this maturation.
Generation and Characterization of Glutamate Carboxypeptidase II (GCPII)-Deficient Mice
Vorlová, Barbora ; Šácha, Pavel (advisor) ; Eckschlager, Tomáš (referee) ; Bařinka, Cyril (referee)
Glutamate carboxypeptidase II (GCPII) is a transmembrane glycoprotein, which consists of short intracellular and transmembrane domains, and a large extracellular domain possessing carboxypeptidase activity. In the human body, GCPII fulfils a neuromodulatory function in the brain and facilitates folate absorption in the small intestine. In addition to the brain and small intestine, high level of GCPII is also present in the prostate and kidney. However, GCPII function in these tissues has not been determined yet. To study the role of GCPII in detail, several research groups attempted to inactivate GCPII encoding gene Folh1 in mice. Surprisingly, the experiments led to rather conflicting results ranging from embryonic lethality to generation of viable GCPII-deficient mice without any obvious phenotype. This dissertation project aimed to dissect the discrepancy using alternative strategy for gene modification. For this purpose, we designed TALENs that specifically targeted exon 11 of Folh1 gene and manipulated mouse zygotes of C57BL/6NCrl genetic background. We analysed all genetically modified mice of F0 generation for presence of TALEN-mediated mutations and established 5 different GCPII-mutant mouse colonies from founder mice that altogether carried 2 frame-shift mutations and 3 small in-frame...
Conventional imaging procedure in radiology with a view to urogenital system (the education programe)
In my work I concentrate on the basic examination methods for the urogenital system. It is about excretory urology (VUG), cystograph, cystouretrograph, retrograde uretrograph (ascending), histerosalpingograph (HSG), retrograde (ascending) pyelograph and antigrade (descending) pyelograph. Very detailed I describe the indication, the preparation and the follow through of the examinations. I am trying to compare non-invasive and invasive methods in the diagnosing of the urogenital system. I use the statistics of chosen hospitals in south of Czech Republic area in the time-span between 2000 and 2006. The modern radiodiagnostics methods together with the non-invasive and invasive methods in the diagnosing of the urogenital system still have non replaceable meaning in algorithm of the examinations in the urogenital system.

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