National Repository of Grey Literature 3 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Sestavení historické části regionální dubové standardní chronologie pro oblast jihozápadní Ukrajiny
Formánek, Šimon
Due to the high number of preserved wooden churches and bell towers in the southwest of Ukraine, it is possible to study their architecture and history. By the use of dendrochronological dating, we can determine with annual accuracy their construction or reconstruction year, which can be compared with the information available in historical literary sources. The aim of this thesis was to use dendrochronological analysis to determine the age of individual sacral buildings and to create a local standard oak chronology. Dendrochronological dating took place on a total of 11 churches and bell towers in the region of southwestern Ukraine. 167 samples were collected for analysis using Pressler borer. 41 oak and 5 fir samples were successfully dated. Oak wood had the highest representation among individual samples – 144. The wood of fir, spruce, poplar, ash and birch was present to a lesser extent. The oldest wooden element that has been reliably dated is from the Church of St. Nicholas in Serednia Vodiane, dating from 1591–1599. On the other hand, the youngest dated structural elements dating back to 1973/1974 are from the Church of St. Michael the Archangel in Uzhgorod. Other wooden churches and bell towers date back to the period between the 16th and the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries. Based on the successfully dated tree-ring series it was possible to create a local oak standard chronology covering the years 1366–1805 and 1890–1972. Dendrochronological dating helped to clarify the structural and historical development of wooden sacral buildings in the southwest of Ukraine and to provide information that is often missing in literary historical sources. The newly developed standard oak chronology will be able to serve as one of the cornerstones of a new oak standard chronology for the region of southwestern Ukraine.
Trends in tree-ring width of treeline trees along latitudinal gradient from subtropics to the Arctic.
Zborníková, Kateřina ; Treml, Václav (advisor) ; Mašek, Jiří (referee)
This bachelor thesis is interested in a tree ring of trees at the treeline from subtropics to the arctic and the main aim of this work is to find if there is a trend in the tree ring width at the treeline along the latidunial gradient. The work/thesis focuses on conifers. The data were obtained from International Tree-Ring Data Bank database, article searches and from the internal workplace database. A total of 9859 annual ring samples were obtained from 153 localities in Europe. Trees of the genus Pine (Pinus), Spruce (Picea) and Fir (Abies) were selected, which dominate the europeans ecotones of treeline. After removing the age trend, the regression of tree ring width and the latitude, were calculated. The results showed that in most cases the tree ring width decreases with higher latitude. However, a small number of tree ring samples from latitudes around 55ř north latitude adds to the uncertainty of this claim.
Tree-ring reconstruction of forest disturbances: evaluation of methods and past changes on forest dynamic
Tree-ring data serves as a chronicle of the past environment and provides long-term records about climate variations, volcanic eruptions, glacial activity and many others processes. Over the past few decades, dendrochronology has become common in studying disturbances. This thesis is focused on release detection methods (i.e. abrupt growth after death of neighbouring tree(s)) and their application. The presented review showed that despite the some uncertainties in methodological approaches, release detection is a reliable tool for forest disturbance reconstruction. In this thesis, release detection was applied in various forest ecosystems for reconstruction of disturbances and their effects. The achieved results importantly contribute to the understanding of the ecological processes concerning forest management, long-term changes in natural forest ecosystems, forest diversity and the impact of global changes.

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