National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Specifics of social service NZDM in children under 15 years.
BÍLÝ, Tomáš
The aim of my thesis was to define and describe the particularities and interdisciplinary connections of the social service of low-threshold facilities for children and youth (hereinafter NZDM) as well as evaluate their significance when working with children and youth at the low-threshold level. NZDM is a rather new social service operating in social prevention area. Since being incorporated into the social services´ system in compliance with Act No.108/2006 Coll. which has clearly specified the character and activities of NZDM service, it has been facing misunderstanding and questioning of its role and content both from the professionals and lay people. This regards namely the pedagogical aspect of the service as such, there has been an effort to reduce it, which hinders the NZDM workers´ activity and brings existential and financial insecurity. In contrast to other social services, NZDM service must therefore defend its position in the social services´ system and argue for its substance and sense. This paper also aims at this line of reasoning. The thesis is divided into four chapters where essential characteristics of the service are first presented as well as its roots and important milestones in its development including the insight into the multi-layered quality and particularities of NZDM. The second chapter covers the area of developmental psychology, or more precisely the target group of NZDM in the context of chosen developmental characteristics. The third chapter presents interdisciplinary connections in pedagogy, thus giving evidence of the significance of upbringing and education in NZDM. In the closing part of the paper, there is an attempt of the author to reflect the rigours and paradoxes in this environment, to defend the role of free-time activities and to draw attention to the risks related to narrowed and reduced approach to NZDM service.
The role of gypsy mentors in rehabilitating socially excluded families claiming to belong to the Romany minority in the Region of South Bohemia.
Gypsy mentors deals with lay gypsy persons trained to support and assist gypsy families in their attempts at acquiring social skills needed to tackle difficult situations in life that threaten the proper development of gypsy children and youth. The mentors are members of the gypsy community like their clients and share with them their language and culture. The paper provides a summary of both historical and current aspects of gypsy existence in the Czech Republic, their tribal structure and family lifestyle. Special attention is paid to the issues of social exclusion. A brief account is given of history, mission, objectives, activities and some selected projects of the civic Association for Probation & Mediation in Justice. Moreover, the paper offers a list of principles and areas of activities pursued by the Czech Republic Probation & Mediation Service and by the Department for Social & Legal Protection of Children. The paper aims to explore the issues of field work done by the gypsy mentors (i) in helping the challenged gypsy families threatened with having their children or youngsters taken away to be brought up at care institutions and (ii) in assisting young gypsies put under administrative orders. The practical part of the paper employed the method of a qualitative survey of a case study. The required data were obtained through detailed semi-structured interviews with the mentors followed by the secondary data analyses.

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