National Repository of Grey Literature 5 records found  Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Bank account
Matějka, Filip ; Liška, Petr (advisor) ; Elek, Štefan (referee)
Cizojazyčné resumé The thesis is dedicated to the matter of a bank account. The bank account is considered to be a financial product that serves for depositing of temporarilly free financial funds and primarily for realizing cashless payment system. The aim of this thesis is to provide an analysis of current applicable and effective legislation considering the bank account in Civil Code, where newly contained the bank account legislation as a result of recodification of private law. In some sections of the thesis the analysis of the legislation is accomplished in the context of the antecedent legislation in former Commercial Code. The thesis is divided into seven chapters. The first chapter is dedicated to analyse the basis of the bank account from the point of view of legal doctrine. The second chapter provides fundamental legal charakteristic of bank account contract. This chapter describes the bank account contract as banking contract and focuses on the bank account contract from the point of view of consumer law. This chapter also provides analysis of parties of the bank account agreement. The end of the chapter discusses the general charakterization of banking terms and conditions. Third chapter provides analysis of general legislation of the bank account from the perspective of Civil Code. These legal...
Bank account
Matějka, Filip ; Liška, Petr (advisor) ; Elek, Štefan (referee)
Cizojazyčné resumé The thesis is dedicated to the matter of a bank account. The bank account is considered to be a financial product that serves for depositing of temporarilly free financial funds and primarily for realizing cashless payment system. The aim of this thesis is to provide an analysis of current applicable and effective legislation considering the bank account in Civil Code, where newly contained the bank account legislation as a result of recodification of private law. In some sections of the thesis the analysis of the legislation is accomplished in the context of the antecedent legislation in former Commercial Code. The thesis is divided into seven chapters. The first chapter is dedicated to analyse the basis of the bank account from the point of view of legal doctrine. The second chapter provides fundamental legal charakteristic of bank account contract. This chapter describes the bank account contract as banking contract and focuses on the bank account contract from the point of view of consumer law. This chapter also provides analysis of parties of the bank account agreement. The end of the chapter discusses the general charakterization of banking terms and conditions. Third chapter provides analysis of general legislation of the bank account from the perspective of Civil Code. These legal...
A comparison of current account and deposit account contracts
Novák, Ondřej ; Liška, Petr (advisor) ; Plíva, Stanislav (referee)
1 Název a shrnutí práce v anglickém jazyce Summary of the Thesis "A comparison of current account and deposit account contracts" The aim of my thesis is to provide a comparison of current account and deposit account contracts. The above specified aim should be reached by closer investigation of both contracts and analysis of their purpose, characteristic and applicable legislation. Since these contracts play an important role within today's society and became very common, this topic should be interesting and current. The thesis is composed of five chapters, each of them dealing with different aspects of these contracts and corresponding legislation. Chapter One is an introductory part and examines the development of Czech legal regulation of both contracts. This chapter is divided into three parts. Part One describes the development of legal regulation in the Commercial Code. Part Two characterizes the Act on Payment System and also includes the specification of basic terminology used in the thesis, as well as brief overview of the Directive of European Parliament and Council on Payment services on common market. Part Three deals with effective legislation applicable on the current account contract and deposit account contract. Chapter Two examines closely current account contract. This chapter consists of...
Payment services and their legal regulation
Pártl, Jakub ; Kotáb, Petr (advisor) ; Kohajda, Michael (referee)
The diploma thesis "The Payment services and their legal regulation" deals with payment services, their definition and description of the legislation. Furthermore it treats payment services contract and focuses further on payment transactions (transfer of funds), in particular payment orders and their requirements. The aim of the paper is analysis of various payment services and related institutions, including a short presentation of persons authorized to provide a payment service. The paper itself consists of introduction, three chapters and conclusion. The author presents the topic and his motives along with short example of literature in the introduction. First chapter deals with a theoretical introduction to the topic and explains key concepts and relations, including specific notion of payment (contact). Furthermore, the first chapter includes description of the persons authorized to provide payment services and introduces legislation dealing with payment services, including European legislation and its comparison with the preceding regulation covering payments. In the second part, the author presents, defines and describes the various payment services, including examples. Also so-called negative list of payment services, as results from the Payment Act, is presented. The second chapter also...
A current account contract with a special regard to German legislation
Hrdlička, Vojtěch ; Liška, Petr (advisor) ; Horáček, Vít (referee)
- THE CURRENT ACCOUNT CONTRACT CONSIDERING GERMAN LEGISLATION In my diploma thesys I have focused on legal regulation of current account contract not only in czech law but also in german law. Is not comparison in strict sence, but just a considiration of in my opinion more exact and explicit legislation of legal institute. In introduction part I have pointed out the term of current account, its purpose and fuction. The main part is focused on applicable legislation of current account contract, its characteristic and to statutes concerning above mentioned questions (for example Act on banks, Act on payment system act). I also mention issuies of contracting parties position, management of banc account , fee for account maintenance, interest on the balance of funds on accounts, termination of contract, account owners death, payments and related deadlines for execution of payment transactions or unilateral changes to terms and conditions. I also consider to be relevant that the czech legislator introduced dual regulation of current account contract in connection with the implementation of european directive. Czech legislator distinguish between current account contract that is not a payment service contract and current account contract that is payment service contract. In my opinion this duality causes...

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