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Education of patients with myocardial infarction within secondary care
Myocardial infarction is the acute form of the coronary artery disease. The most common triggering effect is the rupture of an aterosclerotic plaque in a epicardial coronary artery that supplies heart with blood. The cardiovascular disease mortality in the Czech Republic is about 600 deaths per year per 100 000 persons. Also young people at productive age are being stricken by heart attack {--} as myocardial infarction is commonly known. To treat myocardial infarction effectively, it is necessary for the patient to follow all the principles of secondary care. The main demand is quitting smoking, changes in patient´s diet, reducing weight and increasing physical activity. The method of education is used to prevent the patient from recurrence of heart attack. The patient establishes new emotional and personal attitudes to his or her health. In the theoretical part of my thesis information on the anatomy and physiology of the heart, as well as general facts on the origin, symptoms and treatment of myodardial infarction are given. The issue of secondary prevention is dealt with at full length. The principles of the educational process, the appropriate communication with the patient and the choice of educational aids are mentioned. To meet the targets of the thesis the quantitative research was chosen. To collect relevant data I used the questionnaire method. The research was anonymous both for nurses and patients. There were 30 questions in questionnaires for nurses and 22 questions in questionnaires for patients. The research was conducted in March 2008 in the cardiology departments in hospitals in České Budějovice and Pardubice and in consulting rooms of cardiologists and internists in České Budějovice and Pardubice. I handed out 100 questionnaires to patients and 50 questionnaires to nurses. 79% patients and 98% nurses filled them in and sent them back to me. The objectives of the thesis was to examine if patients who have undergone myocardial infarction follow regimen instructions and if nurses give them enough information. The objectives were achieved. I formulated the following hypotheses in the practical part: H I: Patients are not informed by nurses about the principles of secondary care after undergoing myocardial infarction. This hypothesis was confirmed. H II: Patients do not follow the regimen instructions. This hypothesis was confirmed. H III: Nurses do not provide education for patients. This hypothesis was confirmed. The analysis of the data obtained shows that patients are informed about the principles of regimen but they do not always abide by them. The education provided by nurses is often done by handing over educative brochures and leaflets. The results of my research are applicable in practice. In the theoretical part patients who underwent myocardial infarction find a lot of useful information on the regimen {--} the plan to improve and maintain health. Nurses may learn how to provide the education effectively. This thesis can contribute to better awareness on the issue of secondary care for patients after myocardial infarction.

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