National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Physics problems for radiology assistants
The thesis was examining an opportunity to apply the curriculum process theorem in the matter of general and radiology physics and their problems' expression. The first objective is to create an educational text which would elucidate an indispensable theory for radiology assistant. The educational text is to involve problem expressions of needful physical fields. The second objective was to implement the curriculum process as a quiz and so to evaluate the familiarity among the professionals in the field. Furthermore, three hypotheses were formed. The first hypothesis presumed it is possible by applying the curriculum process to delimit the collection of physics problems that will be tailored to the needs and facilities of radiology assistants. The second hypothesis was divided into two subparts: A) By comparison of a physics structure and compounds of a radiology assistant profile it is possible to process a collection of problems dedicated to general physics. B) By comparison of a physics structure and compounds of a radiology assistant profile it is possible to process the collection of problems dedicated to radiology physics. The third formed hypothesis presumed the familiarity among responders regarding the field will resemble of normal distribution. By comparing the conceptual curriculum of physics and radiology, an educational text was created, which contained exemplary statements of general and radiological physics in relation to the components of the profile of the radiological assistant. By creating the text and defining example statements, the first goal of the work was fulfilled, and the first two hypotheses were accepted. Another application of the curricular process was to compile a test, the questions of which were based on the content of the educational text. Descriptive and mathematical statistics were used to appraise the research observing the test results. The outcome of the research acknowledged the third hypothesis. The second objective was reached by the test implementation. As a certain standardisation the second, previously used test was handed to the responders concomitantly to the first test. Via a parametric test the link between both tests results was confirmed. Following correlation analysis established the strong positive correlation. The results of the bachelor's thesis show that the created educational text together with a set of example statements can be effectively used to prepare students for the profession of radiological assistant.
Comparison of Knowledge From Radiological Physics at Laical and Expert Community
BARTOŇOVÁ, Miroslava
To accomplish the fundamental goal of the bachelor thesis was needed to create a structure of radiological physics model in education to radiological assistants. Creation of this model questionnaire was then used on respondents of the laic expert public. It was verified as a normal existence of knowledge at the laic public while the existence of the knowledge at expert public was Poisson?s separation. There was measured the difference between the laics? and the experts? knowledge. Essential condition for realization and description of the procedure was the analysis of radiological assistants? preparation in the Czech Republic and abroad. To reach the fundamental goal were set up three hypotheses: H1. Theoretical division of knowledge at the laic public will be closer to normal division. H2. Theoretical division of knowledge at the expert public will not have normal division.. H3. Compare of knowledge at both public with the help of parametrical tests will lead to acceptation of alternative hypothesis. The entire three hypotheses were checked and positively accepted. For their verification it was mainly used, testing non-parametrical and parametrical hypotheses. The finding that the radiological physics structure for radiological assistants complies with the radiological physics structure used abroad for preparation of experts like radiological technologists, diagnostic radiographers, the medical imaging technologists, the therapy radiographers or the radiation therapists, was a good solution. This discovery was primarily found out from the analysis of curriculum at universities in the USA, Great Britain and Australian universities. From this point the validity of this constructive questionnaire rose. It needs to be mentioned that this questionnaire was made in terms to prepare radiological assistants in which the radiological physics has an only supportive role.

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