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Development issues of Sub-Saharan Africa with the intention of Namibia
The bachelor degree thesis called ?Development Issues of Sub-Saharan Africa with a Focus on Namibia? deals with basic terms of development cooperation and with international organizations relevant for the topic, e.g. the World Bank and the United Nations. The chapter on selected causes of failure and on the current situation discusses political regimes, civil wars, indebtedness, remission of debt and approaches of ?planners? , i.e. big international entities providing development aid, such as UNICEF or USAID, versus ?searchers?, represented by non-governmental non-for-profit organizations Karas Huisen Crafts and Namibia People in Need. The thesis had one objective divided into three partial questions. The first partial objective was identical with the research question: Is the living standard in Namibia improving thanks to the traditional approach to development cooperation on the side of ?planners? or is it rather thanks to the alternative approach of ?searchers?? The answer to the question has been as follows: The improvements of the living standard in Namibia occur rather thanks to the alternative approach of ?searchers?. The second partial objective attempted to identify the influence of developed countries and world´s financial and development organizations on the development of Namibia. The final effect of entities involved in the development cooperation has proved to be favorable. The last partial objective was to evaluate the overall situation. Also this objective has been met and the situation evaluated. The answer mentioned particularly problems Namibia needs to deal with, such as alcoholism and related risks, including sexual promiscuity, violence and unemployment. A major issue is also the relatively widespread AIDS. Development is a very extensive topic and this thesis may continue further with an analysis of other causes of failure and of the current situation. In practice, the thesis will be provided to selected non-governmental non-for-profit organizations in the Czech Republic. The answer to the research question might further clarify the issue of ?searchers? versus ?planners? to those organizations, specifically the real powers of such entities.

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