National Repository of Grey Literature 5 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Bank account
Láníková, Kristýna ; Liška, Petr (advisor) ; Elek, Štefan (referee)
Title of the Diploma Thesis Bank account Abstract The first part of the thesis deals with the account from the perspective of legal theory. It is examined the nature, characteristic elements and brief historical development. Following an analysis of the account as an object of property rights. In the chapter Legislation of the account under the Civil Code the thesis provides an analysis of provisions that affect the obligations of the account agreement. A part of this chapter is dedicated to a division of accounts under the existing scheme of the Civil Code. Regulation of other than a payment account and bankbook will be mentioned only in passing. Furthermore, the work deals with the analysis of rights and obligations being performed in relation to the provision of payment services, comprehensively regulated by the Payment System Act. Due to the fact, that the form of the Payment System Act has been significantly influenced by the european legislation, the thesis reflects, in appropriate cases, to the wording of the so-called Payment Services Directive. The final part describes fundamental changes in the provision of payment services going in connection with the adoption of the Directive 2014/92/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 July 2014 on the comparability of fees related to payment...
Legal regulation of payment transactions
Pail, Jakub ; Kotáb, Petr (advisor) ; Kohajda, Michael (referee)
This thesis is formally divided into 5 sections, which are: introduction, definition of basic terms, essay on the most important aspects of regulation of the payment services providers, chapter dedicated to payment systems and conclusion. It should argue on issues conected to payments and it is focused mainly on it's regulatory part. Introduction to the thesis sets the goal of it and defines the extent of the issues researched as well as the areas that are not accented much. The basic terms that are defined in the thesis are payment, payment relations, payment transactions, means of money, payment devices, electronic money, payment orders and payment services. This thesis contains non-regulatory issues as well as it accentuates the sociological importance of payment relations. It also shows historical connotations and describes trends which can be observed in the defined areas of exploration. It's goal is to explore and describe mainly the regulatory part of the issue though. The core structure of all parts is therefore focused mainly on the form of legal regulation of payments in effect. The biggest focus is set on description and analysis of the regulation of activities performed by providers of the payment services. Activities that consist of running the payment system and taking part on them...
Technical and economic aspects of payment transactions
Barvíková, Kamila ; Brada, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Kováč, Michal (referee)
Thesis describes technical and economic aspects of payment transaction using the empirical analysis on real data of payment institution. It focuses on the description of selected products provided by payment institution and empirically analyzes them on the basis of the available data in terms of the number of transactions in individual currencies, the ratio of product types utilization and clearing and settlement used by the payment institution. The thesis also describes the security requirements necessary for the conduct of payment transactions on the Internet for non-technically educated audiences. At the end of the thesis there are several recommendations for the development of payment institution based on empirical knowledge from data analysis, which can be used for further analysis of the payment institution.
Legal regulation of payment transactions
Martiník, Pavel ; Kotáb, Petr (advisor) ; Kohajda, Michael (referee)
Topic: Legal Regulation of Payment Transactions Author: Bc. Pavel Martiník Supervisor: JUDr. Petr Kotáb, Ph.D. Regulation of payment services plays a key role in this era driven by escalating digitalization. The aim of this Thesis is to depict current challenges that this area of financial law faces and to propose a basis for regulation that can be implemented in the Czech Republic. The main topic of this Thesis is virtual currencies, more specifically Bitcoins and their status within the system of payment services regulations. After a short introduction, the first chapter of this Thesis describes theoretical background of payment services regulation, especially general and specific aims of legislation in this area of financial law, by addressing it in full context of private and public law. Besides that, it also briefly illustrates the history of payment services and money. The next chapter deals with current regulation that has been adopted in the Czech Republic. Besides virtual currencies, electronic money is discussed in full detail due to its similar features with virtual currencies. Furthermore, foreign regulation of payment systems is briefly described in order to provide a comparison with the Czech Republic. Therefore, both Czech and foreign regulations dealing with virtual currencies that...
Bank account
Láníková, Kristýna ; Liška, Petr (advisor) ; Elek, Štefan (referee)
Title of the Diploma Thesis Bank account Abstract The first part of the thesis deals with the account from the perspective of legal theory. It is examined the nature, characteristic elements and brief historical development. Following an analysis of the account as an object of property rights. In the chapter Legislation of the account under the Civil Code the thesis provides an analysis of provisions that affect the obligations of the account agreement. A part of this chapter is dedicated to a division of accounts under the existing scheme of the Civil Code. Regulation of other than a payment account and bankbook will be mentioned only in passing. Furthermore, the work deals with the analysis of rights and obligations being performed in relation to the provision of payment services, comprehensively regulated by the Payment System Act. Due to the fact, that the form of the Payment System Act has been significantly influenced by the european legislation, the thesis reflects, in appropriate cases, to the wording of the so-called Payment Services Directive. The final part describes fundamental changes in the provision of payment services going in connection with the adoption of the Directive 2014/92/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 July 2014 on the comparability of fees related to payment...

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