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Trauma readiness of hospitals and emergency medical services of the Region
Trauma preparedness of medical care of a particular region represents the professional core of public health emergency preparedness. The key subjects are medical rescue service and hospital service provider. Current legislation imposes the providers of medical service with duty to work out the trauma plan which covers the system of activities used if some mass disaster happens. Topic of this diploma thesis focuses on trauma planning, specifically on mass health damage and on knowledge mapping and medical staff orientation in trauma plans and preparation on not common accidents with great number of wounded. I focused on non-medical staff of the regional emergency rescue service and the regional hospital. I focused on their knowledge and orientation in terms of trauma preparedness of the given subject. The theoretical part serves as a base for the research. It is split into chapters which deal with pre-hospital necessary care, co-operation of the integrated rescue system members and procedures of participating rescuers- mostly medical staff. I paid more attention to the terminology of mass health damage and separation of wounded at the place of an accident. I also described the subsequence of medical care at medical facilities. While searching for the level of preparedness of subjects for an uncommon accident I used the method of data comparison. There I focused on comparison of trauma plans of two subjects: the regional hospital and the regional emergency rescue service and I was researching the level of co-operation of both subjects based on the similarity of the trauma plans. In the second part I was mapping the medical staff knowledge of the trauma plan directive via quantitative research, for that purpose I used the survey. The respondents had to circle the correct answer. The questions were modified and applied to directives of both trauma plans. The respondents were non-medical workers of emergency rescue service in CB and non-medical workers of the hospital of CB. I tightened the workers of the hospital to trauma emergency staff and the resuscitation department staff. The survey consists of 28 questions. Five of it had rather an information character, they were searching for: the sex, age, years of praxis, education and a grade. The rest 23 were used for the statistic research. Those questions dealt with the theory presented in directives of both subjects. The received information I worked out in the chapter results. The comparisons of trauma plans were presented at charts. The survey was evaluated by nonparametric testing and a chi-square test of a good match.
Mass Health Damage - the Emergency Medical Service Operating Procedure when in Terrain
Abstract Mass Health Damage ? the Emergency Medical Service Operating Procedure when in Terrain The bachelor work topic is the procedure of the Emergency Medical Service (EMS) during the mass health damage. Though it concerns the EMS procedures only, we should not forget the work of the other integrated rescue forces, e.g. the Police, and the Firemen squad. The cooperation of these is quite usual during the mass health damage intervention, and good-working emergency system guarantees the effective dealing with the emergency states. For the best dealing though, the emergency medical rescuers are very important to orienteer in the concrete event issues. The theory concerns the complex issues of the mass health damage. At the very beginning, the main terms such as emergency state are defined. A short excursion to the history of the Disaster Medicine proceeds. There we can trace the very first procedures of the pre-hospital care during the war conflicts, and the first aid steps which are still up-to-date in today?s practice. Because of the out-standing significance of the good-working cooperation within the emergency system, the part of the work concerns the emergency system itself. Next chapters deal with the real operating procedures of the EMS at the field of the mass health damage and with the injuries sorting methods. The practice was focused on the mapping of the practical knowledge of the rescuers, concerning the mass health damage. The survey was realized quantitatively, using anonymous questionnaires. The data was collected from February till April 2013. The basic research aggregate for the data-collecting were the members of EMS working at the position of medical rescuer, branch Southern-Bohemian. The research questionnaires were spread electronically, and in pencil-paper form, too. There were 150 questionnaires sent in total, 76, 6% came back, it means 115 were filled in the proceeding research evaluation. The respondents were informed about the research aim and the rule of anonymity before inquiring. The questionnaires consisted of 20 closed one-choice questions. Questions 1 to 6 were only formal, serving the closer knowledge of the respondent. Questions 7 to 20 were to find about the respondent?s knowledge concerning the issues of the mass health damage. Those we used for the next verifying of the hypothesis. It says that the members of EMS have sufficient knowledge of the mass health damage procedures. The data we gained were subsequently assessed, each question was evaluated separately and the data was put into the graphs and tables. These show bot, the relative and the absolute frequency of gained answers. The defined hypothesis was statistically evaluated using the Chi test. The resulting level of significance rejected the null hypothesis and thus confirmed the hypothesis H1, which says that awareness of emergency medical services crews on the procedures for collective impairment of health is sufficient. The aim of the bachelor?s work was to map the procedures and knowledge concerning the mass health damage. The respondents were the medical rescuers. This aim was fulfilled. The statistic evaluation of the questioning and the confirmed hypothesis show on the fact, that the medical rescuers have the basic knowledge concerning the mass health damage procedures.

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