National Repository of Grey Literature 4 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Multidisciplinary approach to the phenomenon of a game
Kalčicová, Kateřina ; Bednář, Miloš (advisor) ; Kolář, František (referee)
Title: Multidisciplinary approach to the phenomenon of a game Objectives: The objective of this thesis is to pursue an explanation of a game as a term and to demonstrate via multidisciplinary approach the scope and impact of a game. Sectional objectives are conceptual clarification of a game, description of its basic characteristics, determination of eligible classification, and analysis of historical development of games. Methods: There are progressive, diachronic, and probe methods applied in this thesis. The interpretation of text also utilized the hermeneutic method. Results: The first part of the thesis provides basic information regarding a game. It aims to explain a game as a term via selected definitions. It also contains the classification of games and characteristics of a game. Furthermore, the first part includes a chapter describing the history of a game from their origin all the way to the present. The main goal of this thesis is fulfilled in the second part. Utilizing analysis of particular disciplinary approaches, it proves the remarkable scope and impact of the phenomenon called a game. Keywords: game, culture, homo ludens, sportive games, kinanthropology, experience, temporality
A school for healthy and physically active lifestyle in pupils of elementary school in Kaplice\\
The thesis focuses on the differences in week-long physical activity in Year 9 pupils. The monitoring took place from 5th October 2011 to 12th October 2011 at Fantova Basic School in Kaplice. 31 pupils (17 boys and 14 girls) participated in this survey. The survey was carried out using pedometers Yamax Digi Walker SW-700 and accelerometers ActiTrainer. The pupils also filled in on-line questionnaires on website INDARES.COM (questionnaire about sports preferences, questionnaire IPAQ-long and questionnaire Motivation for physical activity). All the obtained data were processed in the Center for Kinanthropological Research in Olomouc and they were provided in the form of charts. The results showed that the girls were more physically active than the boys. The level of physical activity in girls was higher during school days. On the contrary, the level of physical activity in boys was higher on weekend days. The figures also showed higher level of physical activity during breaks than during lessons (except for PE lessons).
A school for healthy and physically active lifestyle in pupils of elementary school in Netolice
This thesis focuses on differences in locomotive activity between 13 ? 16 years old boys and girls during one week of 8th and 9th class. Research was carried out between from 18th ? 26th of September 2012 at the Elementary School Bavorovská in Netolice. The research was conducted by means of pedometer Yamax SW-700. The total amount of participants was 34 students, which included 20 boys and 14 girls. Additionally, the students participated in measurements conducted by ActiTrainer accelerometer recorded in the overall number of 56 daily records. In addition to the machine measurements, students were asked to fill in a questionnaire of their sport preferences on the webpage INDARES.COM. The data were analysed in the centre for kinanthropology research at Palacky University in Olomouc. The results do not confirm a hypothesis H1, which suggests that students do not exceed the recommended amount of locomotive activity. The data obtained during my research confirm a hypothesis H2, which states that boys are more active in their physical activities than girls. Additionally, a hypothesis H3 is also confirmed as boys prefer to participate in collective sports and girls in rhythmic and dancing activities. Hypothesis 4 is also considered to be correct since it has been proven that boys are more active than girls in terms of their movement during the class break. This thesis was produced as a part of research investigation MŠMT č. 619895221 ?Locomotive activity and inactivity of inhabitants of Czech Republic in the context of behavioural changes.?
The research of physical activity and sport preferences of 15-18 years-old students at secondery school in Jihlava
The graduation thesis is focused on the quantitative and qualitative comparison of weekly physical activity of boys and girls at Gymnázium Jihlava(a general secondary education institution) and on their sport preferences. The research was conducted within the frame of four school classes by the help of pedometers, online questionnaire IPAQ-long and questionnaire of sport preferences in the system INDARES.COM in 2009. Obtained data were elaborated in The Centre of Kinantropological Research in Olomouc. Outcomes of the research are introduced by the tables and diagrams describing the differences between physical activity of boys and girls, between work days and weekends and between sport preferences of students. Results of the pedometers did not confirm the expectation that boys perform more physical activity than girls. After all, this expectation was confirmed by the results of IPAQ questionnaire. On the contrary, the pedometers proved that students´ physical activity is more intensive during the week than at the weekends. Sport preferences questionnaire confirmed current trends in in the field. The thesis was elaborated within the research ?Physical activity and inactivity of Czech population in the context of behavioral changes? organized by Ministry of Eduction, Youth and Sports under the number 619895221.

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