National Repository of Grey Literature 9 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Souběžná obnova dubu zimního (Quercus petraeaMatt./ Liebl.) a dřevin přípravných
Žákovský, Jan
This work focuses on alternative solutions for forest regeneration in areas affected by calamity, namely the simultaneous regeneration of target and preparatory trees. The aim of the work is to evaluate experiments of simultaneous regeneration of winter oak (Quercus petraea Matt. / Libel.) and pioneer trees - grey poplar (Populus x canescens (Aiton) Sm.), aspen (Populus tremola L.), sticky alder (Alnus glutinosa L.), white birch (Betula Pendula Roth). established in the areas - Valšovice (SLT 3 B ) and Olšovec (SLT 4 S, 4 O) in 2015 and 2016 respectively. The results showed that aspen grows the fastest in height among the pioneer tree species. Rapid thickness and height growth was recorded for alder and birch. In the Olšovec alder there was a significant deterioration in vigour in the last year of the survey. Grey poplar did not progress on the Olšovec forest. Positive effect on oak regeneration was found only in alder on TVP Valšovice. The effect of pioneer tree species on oak quality was not unanimous.
Stav a potenciál přirozené obnovy po kalamitě na revíru Polana, LS Jablunkov
Dyrčík, Vojtěch
The aim of the presented thesis was to evaluate the status and potential of natural regeneration in relation to the condition of surviving individuals of the parent stand after a bark beetle calamity. The locality of interest was the Polana forest district, located in the territory of the Jablunkov forest administration. Five representative stands were selected for the field survey, where after the death of the spruce stand component, there remained in the upper stage individuals of the parent stand, mostly beech (Fagus sylvatica L.). As the number of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) individuals in the parent stand increased, so did the frequency of rejuvenation of this tree species. In places where there was less beech (Fagus sylvatica L.), spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst) and white birch (Betula pendula Roth) became more prominent. The most abundant species in the parent stand were beech (Fagus sylvatica L.), sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus L.) and larch (Larix decidua Mill). A relationship between the rejuvenation of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and the condition of the parent stand was also found in the area where the regeneration inventory was repeated. Here, the natural regeneration of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst) was more pronounced,as well. In contrast to beech (Fagus sylvatica L.), its abundance in the regeneration decreased after two years.The areas of interest can be considered as restored to 94 % of the total area, of which 77 % was created by natural regeneration alone and 17 % by combined regeneration. In 6 % of the area, rejuvenation gaps need to be filled.
Obnova jedle a přípravných dřevin na kalamitní holině
Sekanina, Jan
The main aim of this thesis is evaluation of the growth of European silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) and nursery woody species at initial stage of regeneration on calamity originated clear-cut. For this purpose were established experimental areas TVP Rakovec (ŠLP Křtiny) and TVP Tornádo (LČR LS Albrechtice city). These areas have been divided into smaller plots, where the regeneration of European silver fir was carried out concurrently with regeneration of White birch (Betula pendula Roth.), Black alder (Alnus glutinosa L.) and European aspen (Populus tremula L.) in spring 2014 and autumn 2015. The growth of European silver fir and nursery woody species was evaluated according to the height, diameter of root crown and mortality. In area of TVP Tornado the most successful manner was concurrent regeneration with birch, under which fir reached average height of 47 cm just after two years of growth and where the mortality was only 1,4 %. In case of this manner, the birch reached the height of 251 cm and 37 mm in diameter of the root crown. In area of TVP Rakovec the best growth of fir occurred under the European aspen and reached average height of 40 cm. Contrary, in case of this manner was the loss of the fir, exactly 26,2 %. The most successful nursery woody species in area of TVP Rakovec was the Black alder, where occurred much fewer losses and reached the best results of the growth. Within this diploma thesis was also made theoretical analysis of the nursery stand ability of production, in which have been found out that the European aspen has the highest production potential in all bonitet and the Black alder has the smallest production potential in compare with all chosen nursery woody species. Within both areas of research have been investigated the influence of the nursery stand in initial stage to the microclimate of calamity originated clear-cut. The impact hasn´t been confirmed.
Hodnocení stavu obnovy na kalamitní holině v oblasti východních Čech
Pišlová, Tereza
The thesis is focused on the evaluation of natural regeneration in a calamity clearcut in the eastern Bohemia. The area of about 5 hectares arose as a result of a wind disaster in 2005. The initial forest cover consisted of full - grown trees mainly represented by spruce. Nowodays, the stand composition is dominated by softwood deciduous trees, a type of pioneer species, mainly represented by the birch. The main research was carried out in years 2015 - 2016. For this purpose, a lasting research area of 125 m2 was created. It was divided into 20 separate parts. Another research was undertaken in tree circle areas of 100 m2. This thesis also includes evaluation of artificial regeneration of spruce. Natural regeneration was 8080 pcs/ha. The share of birch in the area is 70 % and it shows a great extent of recovery process and further growth. Birch is the essential component of the upper stand. The spruce, as a target tree species, represented only 24 % share in the area, with the occurrence only in sub-level stands and with rather irregular psacing. However, spruce is the only tree species which showed some slight increase in growth.
Projekt zalesnění kalamitních holin na území LS LČR Rožnov pod Radhoštěm
Sobotka, Milan
The aim of this thesis is to prepare a complex project of regeneration of the calamity clearing in the Rožnov district. The district is under the administration of the Forests of the Czech Republic (LČR) state enterprise, more specifically under the Rožnov pod Radhoštěm Forest Administration. The project addresses the beginning of the change of the species composition in selected stands on 3 large calamity clearings resulting from salvage logging with the long-term aim to create stands of the original species composition. The total area of these calamity clearings is 65,42 ha. Extensive planting will take place between 2019 and 2023. Within project activities, the whole area will be planted with a wide range of tree species. Other parts of the project include follow-up activities that address the initial protection of planted stands. This will consist in mechanical and chemical protection against wildlife damage and protection against weed pressure. The last part of the project is an adjustment of the composition of growing stands by cutting pioneer species. Direct economic costs are processed as part of the project.
Projekt zalesnění kalamitních holin na území LS LČR Vítkov
Valíček, Jakub
The aim of this diploma thesis is to elaborate a complex project of restoration of clearing due to salvage felling in the forest district Odry and reconstruction of the spruce in the district of Heřmánky. The forest districts are under the administration of the state enterprise Forests of the Czech Republic, specifically under the Forest Administration of Vítkov. The project includes an analysis of causes of declining and dying stands in the selected area, stand condition, condition of clearings and young plantations, site preparation, methods of woody species and methods of recovery, protective and defensive methods of established plantation, direct economic costs.
Obnovní experiment na kalamitní holině - Rakovec I (ŠLP Křtiny)
Schramm, Daniel
The aim of the thesis was to evaluate the success and cost evaluation experiment of regeneration of forest in the area named Rakovec I (ŠLP) For this purpose, was established 5 different types of forest regeneration on the clearing area on an area of 0.15 hectares. This area was formed after the wind calamity in mostly unoriginal spruce forest. Monitoring was conducted on this area from spring 2013 to autumn 2015. The "A" variant simulates re-growth using sowing of an alder (Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn) into a manually pre-prepared soil. The variant "B" represents the re-growth of forest by using a broadcast sowing of a birch (Betula pendula Roth.). The variant "C" represents the re-growth through sowing an alder (Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn) and a birch (Betula pendula Roth.), into a mechanickly pre-prepared soil. The variants "D" and "E" simulate re-growth using bare root plant, planted by dibble level planting. For the variant "D" is selected a tree species alder (Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn), and for the variant "E" isselected a spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karsten). According to an economic standpoint it is the least expensive a variant "B" (13,508.37 CZK/ha), in which is the only expense the purchase of seeds and subsequent sowing. Conversely, the most expensive variant is a variant of "E" (81,270 CZK/ha). Highest success of forest regeneration is a variant of "D", when from a total count of 93 pieces of seedlings in the autumn of 2015 was on the area a count of 90 pieces of viable individualsThe lowest succed of forest regeneration is in the variant "C", in which was found in the autumn of 2014 only 22 pieces of viable individuals on an area of 0.021 hectares.
Založení přípravného porostu na kalamitní holině plocha Rakovec II (ŠLP Křtiny)
Sekanina, Jan
The aim of this thesis was to evaluate the fruitfulness of the establishment of the preparative stand and to propose following suggestions for the forest restoration at the area Rakovec II (TFE). For this purpose has been at this research area analyzed the state and the development of the birch (Betula pendula Roth.) restoration by sowing and natural regeneration of all tree species at the clear-cut area, which was formed after the windthrow disaster in predominantly non-native spruce forest stand. On the larger part of the area (0.25 ha) it has been performed full-areal sowing of birch and remaining surface (0.125 ha) was left as a non-intervention area for control checking. Inventory control survey conducted on 100 blocks for the variation of sowing and on 50 blocks for control variant. There was additional inquiry to analyze the influence of substrate and soil preparation to initiation recovery survival. Monitoring took its course at the research area from spring 2013 to the autumn of the year 2014. While at the sowing area was the abundance of birch seedlings at the end of the experiment 261 pieces, on the control stand, it was only 6 pieces. From a total of 267 pieces of birch seedlings, the utter majority of them occurred on mineral soils -- 72 %. To evaluate the impact of subsequent land preparation for the restoration of birches, another monitoring is still needed. Limit of success of the preparative stand establishment by sowing the birch are suitable soil conditions. Soil preparation is also recommend, as a prerequisite for a successful restoration of birch trees at the area.
Vyhodnocení síje břízy (Betula pendula Roth.) na kalamitní holinu (ŠLP Křtiny)
Fojcik, Vítězslav
ABSTRACT Mainly aim's this bachelor's thesis was establishing and making primaeval evaluation of birch's sucessfull regeneration on calamity clear cut area. Two TVP were establisching on calamity clear cut area this towards. Calamity clear cut areas were name big on acreage 900 square meters and small on acreage 625 square meters. Birch was regenerating of sawing in two term's, first was autumn's and second was spring's. Sawing's ratio was 1g on 1 square meter for both terms. Evaluation qualities of seed was of part work's. TVP were spliting on element on acreage 25 square meters.for watch of regeneration. Little areas were demarcation in the middle element of TVP. On this little area waged evaluation of occurence woodly species, evaluation of coverage's vegetations and evaluation qualities soil's substrate. Little areas were establisching on calamity clear cut area for watch on influence soil preparation and term of sawing on sucessfull regeneration currently. Evaluation passed of in two terms, first were autumn's and second were springs. Highs overgroud part's birch and also root collar thicknes of highest seedlings were mesuring at the everyone element's on end vegetation season's. Average abundance of birchs were 14,44 ks at the little areas of big area and too average abundance birchs were 0,37 ks at the little areas of big area first year's spring. Average coverage's of vegetation were 47,4% at the small area on summer and next average coverage's of vegetation were 24,22% at the big area on summer. Autumn's and spring's sawing without soil preparation was succesfullest from all number of variants. Average talllnes of thirty six samplers was 38,17 cm and average root collar thickness of thirty six samplers was 5,75 mm.

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