National Repository of Grey Literature 1 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
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The aim of the diploma thesis was to evaluate the impact of selected biological and nutritional factors on iodine content in egg yolk. Iodine was determined by the Sandell - Kolthoff spectrophonometric method, in a total of 146 hen eggs and 40 quail eggs. The eggs laid by hens being fed a compound feed contained almost twice as much iodine than eggs laid by hens being fed kitchen food scraps. The iodine values were almost ten times higher in eggs (IQeggs) from retail chain which have been enriched with iodine by the supplier. In addition to the daily iodine intake in feed, the iodine content was also affected by the age of the hens and the period of laying where the eggs of older hens with longer laying period contained more iodine in the yolk. The lowest iodine values were found in the eggs of the Maranska breed from a small - scale farming, covering only 1,2 % of the daily iodine need and the highest values were found in the eggs of the Czech Gold Brindled Hen breed from a special-purpose agricultural university facility, covering 6,2 % of the daily iodine need. Quail yolks contained significantly higher values of iodine, despite a similar iodine daily intake in the food.

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