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Hodnocení geodiverzity v kontextu tvorby a ochrany krajiny
Kubalíková, Lucie
The dissertation thesis focuses on geodiversity, which is defined as a set of abiotic elements and their relationships and systems within the landscape. The first goal of the thesis is to evaluate the role of geodiversity from the point of view of nature conservation and landscape planning and from the point of view of the development of sustainable forms of tourism and environmental education. The second goal is represented by a comparison of the suitability of the applied assessment methodologies. To protect geodiversity, use it rationally and evaluate its role in the nature conservation and landscape planning, it is necessary to design and apply specific methodological procedures. The first step is the identification of particular geodiversity elements, their detailed description and analysis; both within the entire defined territory and at the level of sites. On the basis of detailed research and field work, an evaluation of geodiversity can be carried out, again at the level of the entire territory (area-level) and at the level of specific localities (site-level). The most frequently used methodologies, approaches and tools include qualitative-quantitative assessment of specific localities (geosites, geomorphosites methodology), assessment of geodiversity within the concept of ecosystem (geosystem) services, or Geodiversity Action Plans. All these approaches have advantages and disadvantages and are applicable for different purposes and in different environments (both in urban and rural areas, both in natural and so-called geo-cultural sites). Thanks to the combination of geodiversity assessment methods, particular management measures can be proposed, including legislative protection or plans in the field of geotourism and environmental education.
Geoturistický potenciál vybraných geologických a geomorfologických lokalit v okolí Milov ve Žďárských vrších
Pospíšil, Jan
The interest of this bachelor thesis is the evaluation of the geotourism potential of seven selected geological and geomorphological localities around Milovy in the Žďárské hills, their very characteristics and evaluation using the already established methodology of geosites / geomorphosites Mrs. RNDr. Lucie Kubalíkové, Ph.D. Selected localities represent not only natural monuments or nature reserves in the form of rock formations, which are in terms of geotourism within the area of interest very attractive, but also neglected meanders of the Svratka River. Geotourism potential is evaluated on the basis of methodological evaluation and questionnaire survey, designed for the target group of respondents. The key participants of the questionnaire survey are local residents (stakeholders) and visitors (tourists). The thesis compares the view of local residents and tourists on geotourism itself in the given locality and informs about the possible positive and negative impacts of tourism within the area of interest with an emphasis on selected geological and geomorphological sites.
Geological paths – their use for the regional geography teaching
Kubalíková, Lucie ; Drápela, E. ; Bajer, A. ; Zapletalová, D. ; Balková, M. ; Zágoršek, K. ; Kirchner, Karel ; Kuda, František ; Roštínský, Pavel
Geological paths (geopaths, geotrails) represent a type of educational paths that connect sites, which are interesting from the Earth-sciences point of view. These sites (e.g. outcrops, old quarries, historical buildings built of local stone or viewpoints) often represent the links between geodiversity and other phenomena within a region (which is in accordance with a holistic approach to geotourism). Thus, they can give complex information not only about the abiotic nature but also about biodiversity, history or culture of the region, usually through narrative. Suitable interpretation of geodiversity and its relationships to the biodiversity and cultural heritage allows to identify regional specifics, it helps to find the mutual connections between particular phenomena within the region and it supports the holistic perception of a given region. The contribution presents an example from the Brno city where the urban geopath can be used for teaching regional geography of Brno and its surroundings.
Establishing geoparks in concept of sustainable development on the example of Joachim Barrande Geopark
Červinková, Romana ; Fialová, Dana (advisor) ; Štyrský, Jiří (referee)
The diploma thesis deals with the application of a new instrument for landscape protection and nature conservation which is the foundation of Geoparks, with a particular focus on the candidate Joachim Barrande Geopark. The aim of this paper is not only to assess the impacts of tourism on this area. Management of establishment of the geopark is discussed, too. The thesis emphasizes the current relations, cooperation and attitudes of the actors. Proposals to improve the efficiency of establishment of Geoparks are an integral part of the paper, too. It also critically appreciates the phenomenon of Geoparks, which is widely discussed in the concept of sustainable tourism. The thesis gives an overview of the legislative restrictions related to the protection of nature and implies the confrontation of the nature conservation interests with the interests of tourism. Key words: sustainable development, tourism, geotourism, geopark, Bohemian Karst
Midlochová, Andrea ; Fialová, Dana (advisor) ; Šauer, Martin (referee)
Diploma thesis deals with the concept of geoparks, which rapidly expand worldwide as a tool for sustainable development. This paper is focused on the socio-economic and educational function of geoparks and their management. The concept of geoparks, geoturism, heritage and its interpretation is generally discused, complemented by findings from practical researches. These researches are used to create an overview of methods, which are used in sociogeographical researches of geoparks. In practical terms are used qualitative methods, which identify and evaluate the overall functioning of the National Geopark Ralsko and its socio-economic and educational impacts. The main actors in the area are identified by document analysis and direct field observation and the geopark's education and interpretation of the local heritage is evaluated hrough. The main part of the research is semi-structured interviews with the actors in the territory. Based on these interview is evaluated management of this geopark, understanding and attitude towards the geopark and the functioning of the whole area. Several barriers to the development of the region and the Geopark have been identified. These barriers are are discussed with the theory. Local actors also have proposed concrete steps to improve the functioning of the area...
Cultural functions and services of geodiversity within urban areas (with a special regard on tourism and recreation)
Kubalíková, Lucie ; Bajer, A. ; Drápela, E. ; Zapletalová, D. ; Kirchner, Karel ; Balková, M. ; Zágoršek, K. ; Kuda, František ; Roštínský, Pavel
Geodiversity (or abiotic nature) within urban areas has numerous functions and offers various benefits and services. In addition, it has strong links to cultural heritage and historical aspects and it influences and is influenced by urban development and planning. The geodiversity functions and services can be sorted according to the ecosystem services approach: regulating, supporting, provisioning and cultural services. The last mentioned includes a wide spectrum of aspects (spiritual, religious, historical, archaeological, social, artistic, sense of place etc.) and besides this, it encompasses also the tourist and recreational functions which are (in some cases) unexplored and underestimated in urban areas. The paper presents examples from two different Czech cities – Brno and Liberec. Selected geocultural sites are described and assessed and specific proposals for tourist, recreational and educational use are outlined. The results of evaluation show that they can represent an interesting alternative to the traditional tourist destinations within urban areas.
Local geoheritage: its importance and potential for geotourist and recreational activities (a case study from Lomnicko area)
Kirchner, Karel ; Kubalíková, Lucie ; Bajer, A.
Geodiversity, respectively its valuable part – geoheritage is considered an important resource for the geotourism and recreation purposes. In the C.R., there are a lot of examples of such use of geoheritage: sandstone rock cities, karst areas or polygenetic relief at mountain areas and others. These geoheritage features are usually significant on the national level, their existence assure the attractiveness of the given area, enables the geotourist and recreational activities and support the local and regional development. However, in the local scale, the geodiversity (respectively geoheritage, represented by particular geosites and geomorphosites) can also serve the above mentioned purposes. The paper presents the example from Lomnicko area which can be seen as an “average” area from the geodiversity/geoheritage point of view on the national level, but on the local and regional level, there is a considerable number of geosites and geomorphosites with a potential for geotourism and recreation.
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Plný tet: UGN_0482389 - Download fulltextPDF
Establishing geoparks in concept of sustainable development on the example of Joachim Barrande Geopark
Červinková, Romana ; Fialová, Dana (advisor) ; Štyrský, Jiří (referee)
The diploma thesis deals with the application of a new instrument for landscape protection and nature conservation which is the foundation of Geoparks, with a particular focus on the candidate Joachim Barrande Geopark. The aim of this paper is not only to assess the impacts of tourism on this area. Management of establishment of the geopark is discussed, too. The thesis emphasizes the current relations, cooperation and attitudes of the actors. Proposals to improve the efficiency of establishment of Geoparks are an integral part of the paper, too. It also critically appreciates the phenomenon of Geoparks, which is widely discussed in the concept of sustainable tourism. The thesis gives an overview of the legislative restrictions related to the protection of nature and implies the confrontation of the nature conservation interests with the interests of tourism. Key words: sustainable development, tourism, geotourism, geopark, Bohemian Karst
The application of the geomorphosites concept in the tourist sector (Novohradské hory case study)
The bachelor thesis evaluates and proposes potential use of geomorphosites in the travel industry (geotourism). The analysis is done on the example of a specific territory in Novohradské hory. The thesis involves a geographical characteristic of the territory, it describes the conditions of Novohradské hory region in more detail. The theoretical part of the text also introduces the concepts of geomorphosites and geotourism. Moreover, it provides an inventory of the assessed sites (Cikánský vrch, Kamenec, Kraví hora, Kuní hora, Kuřský vrch, Mrzenáč, Myslivna, Vysoká and Zaječí vrch). The emphasis of the thesis is the analysis of the geotourist potential focused especially on assessed geomorphosites. The author examines how those sites are linked tohiking paths, accommodation facilities, and selected points of interest. As a conclusion, appropriate ways of the useof the sites are proposed.
Ecotourism and geotourism in case of Czech geoparks
Čtveráková, Iveta ; Fialová, Dana (advisor) ; Ryant, Filip (referee)
Ecotourism and Geotourism in Case of Czech Geoparks Abstract This bachelor thesis explain issues of sustainable tourism with specialization on a potential of ecotourism and geotourism in Czech geoparks. The theoretical part of thesis is dedicated to impact of tourism on the environment and it highlights necessity of friendly tourism. One of the aims of this thesis is focused on methods of interpterpretation of information about geological, cultural and historical heritage. Special attention is given to information panels along nature trails and their contribution to educate wide range of people. The other part deals with activities offered in geoparks and with quality of services for tourists. Methods of promotion interesting things, activities and services are important points of this thesis. In the final part of analytical unit are presented four European geoparks. Their example may be a source of inspiration for development of Czech geoparks. Key words: ecotourism, geotourism, geopark, information panel, interpretation of information, nature trail, sustainable tourism

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