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Motivácia starších zaměstnancov k ďalšiemu vzdelávaniu v oblasti technológií
Stopka, Patrik
Stopka, P. Motivation of older employees for further education in the field of technology. Bachelor thesis. Brno: Mendel University in Brno, 2022. This document talks about older employees in a selected company, their motivation for education, access to new technologies and changing their work ability. The objective of this thesis is to form recommendations for the company, which will help the firm to cooperate with its older employees better. Quantitative and qualitative research precedes these recommendations.
Vybrané technologické aspekty při zakládání střešních zahrad
Jurková, Daniela
According the development of my batchelor theis I found out that the roof gardens are very architectural-artistically valuace, aesthetic, and very important for the balacing the temperature differences, reducing dust levels and restoration of vegetation in cities. Nowadays, the roof gardens are receiving the awareness and many Czech companies implement their realization. The only drawback is the need for imported materials for the foundation from abroad, since the Czech Republic is not so various market of these products. Foreign companies offering the material are mostly dealing with the implementation in the Czech Republic but the real realization is provided by native Czech company. Each company uses specific technology. Some of the foundation roof gardens are carried out intensive and some of them extensive way of greening. Both of these ways have surely their pros and cons.
Analýza technologií pěstování kukuřice v zemědělském podniku
Brabec, Jan
This master thesis is focused on economical evaluation of maize cultivation system in Agro MONET agriculture enterprise. Firstly the thesis summarizes the knowledge from literary sources about soil cultivation and about maize itself. This is followed by a part with the characteristics of the agricultural enterprise, its production and natural conditi-ons. Furthermore, the thesis describes existing technologies of growing maize for silage. This is followed by an economic evaluation of the technologies and their comparison. In the final part is proposed innovation of maize cultivation technology with regard to the improvement of soil condition, possibilities of increasing yield and saving fuel.
Výroba sladu a piva v České republice, homebrewing a minipivovary
Stojanová, Veronika
The aim of this bachelor's thesis is to describe the process of making the malt, its division and beer brewing in the Czech republic. The description of most widely used raw materials and their potential usage follows. The part of this project is dedicated to main aspects of the high public interest in small breweries and its products. A research amongst small breweries located near Brno showed, that the main reason for this interest is the diversity of beer produced there. The brewers in smaller breweries can afford experimenting with their beer a lot more, which leads to the wider variety of products offered and proportionally to the higher chances of attracting more customers. The more diverse the offer is, the more customers can find the type of beer they like here. Because of this, the small breweries have their foot-hold in brewing industry, though unable to compete with bigger breweries in the quantity and beer price.

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