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Využití jetele plazivého v trávnících
Odehnalová, Jana
The first part of the diploma thesis is written in the form of a literature search focusing on lawns, the suitability of clover for the lawn, a description of creeping clover and small-leaved varieties of the 'Microclover' type. The second part is devoted to an experiment that took place at the Vatín Forage Research Station, which belongs to the MUAF in Brno. This research was focused on the evaluation of the admixture of clover crawling on lawns. Three variants were sown, where the first was composed only of grasses, which were fertilized twice with nitrogen during the year, the second was present for the fodder variety of creeping clover 'Klondike' and the last was the variant with a mixture of micropettle 'Pipolina'. Both variants with creeping clover were not fertilized with nitrogen during the experiment. In this work, the parameters are evaluated: involvement of stands, proportion of weeds, height growth, production of above-ground biomass and leaf size of creeping clover. It was shown that the mixture of grass, without clover showed the lowest involvement of stands, the proportion of voids reached 10,4%, while the mixture with creeping clover was only 6.5%. Furthermore, the share of weeds here was higher than in the variants with clover, only at the beginning all 3 variants had the same proportion, around 3%, and over time before the 6th mowing of grass showed 11% weeds and variants with clover only 1%. The variant of clean grass was on average significantly lower than the crop with jet, on average only before the 1st mowing, this variant was the highest, due to spring nitrogen fertilization. Variants with the representation of clover at the beginning of vegetation were not so high, due to the colder weather. The fodder variety of clover reached a significantly larger diameter of shamrocks than the variety of microclover (46 vs. 37 mm). The largest annual dry matter production was recorded by the grass variant with 14,6 t / ha, followed by the' Pipolina' microclover with 12,7 t / ha and the 'Klondike'clover variety reached a yield of 11,9 t / ha. The average annual yield of fresh biomass was highest in the clover stand where the 'Pipolina' variety reached 67 t / ha, 'Klondike' 63 t / ha and a mixture of grasses only 55 t / ha.
Optimalizace systému výživy řepky ozimé
Heger, Jan
The thesis on 'Optimization of the winter rape nutrition system' aimed to assess the effect of applying selected combinations of winter rape fertilisation during vegetation in a one-year trial based on small plots at the school farm's field trial station in Žabčice by Brno in year 2018/2019. The trial included nitrogen fertilisation variants in terms of: Autumn fertilization 1), regenerative fertilisation 2), I. + II. fertilisation 3, 4) and fertilisation during the butonisation phase 5) in the following combinations and doses: N – non-fertilized, 1. - (control) LAD (104 kg N/ha)2) + DAM (45 kg N/ha)3) + DAM (45 kg N/ha)3), 2. – ALZON Neo-N (30 kg N/ha)1) + LAD (74 kg N/ha)2) + DAM (45 kg N/ha)3) + DAM (45 kg N/ha)4), 3. – LOVOGRAN B (100 kg N/ha)2) + LAD (54 kg N/ha)3) + DAM (40 kg N/ha)4), 4. – LAS (64 kg N/ha)2) + DAM (130 kg N/ha)4), 5. – DASA (78 kg N/ha)2) + DAM (45 kg N/ha)3) + DAM (45 kg N/ha)4) + LOVO CaN (25 kg N/ha)5), 6. – DASA (78 kg N/ha)2) + DAM (45 kg N/ha)3) + DAM (45 kg N/ha)4) + urea (25 kg N/ha)5). For all fertilised variants, the total nitrogen dose used during vegetation was at 194 kg per hectare. Application of nitrogen fertilisers had a positive effect on yield over the non-fertilised variant, according to statistical evidence. In our case, it was more efficient to divide nitrogen doses into more applications than to do fewer applications with more nitrogen. In our experiment, option No.2 responded best to nitrogen fertilization with the application of the autumn nitrogen dose, when the yield was statistically conclusive versus the non-fertilized variant and control. Fertilisation with nitrogen fertilisers did not have a very significant effect on oiliness in a given marketing year, but a statistically conclusive effect was seen in oil production. From an economic point of view, only option No.2, which was able to cover the cost of nitrogen fertilisation, was advantageous.
Sledování jakosti vody ve vybraném úseku mezi vodními díly Dalešice a Mohelno
Dobrovolný, Michal
The diploma thesis on the topic "Monitoring of water quality in a selected section between water plant Dalešice and Mohelno" deals with monitoring of water quality in a selected section of the Jihlava river (from the swell of the Dalešice reservoir to about 2 km from the water plant of the Mohelno reservoir). The theoretical part deals with the characteristics of surface waters, protection of surface waters according to applicable legislation and the characteristics of selected indicators of surface water quality. In the practical part, the work deals with sampling and analysis of selected indicators. The following indicators were selected for this work: electrolytic conductivity: pH - water reaction, amount of oxygen dissolved in water, chemical oxygen demand, total phosphorus content, total nitrogen content, biochemical oxygen demand and undissolved matter content. In the following chapters, the results of the analyzes are evaluated and compared with the valid legislation. The result of the evaluation shows that the content of total phosphorus is the biggest problem in the whole selected section. In addition, increased values of total nitrogen and conductivity were noted. The entire Jihlava river basin has a great influence on the quality of surface waters in the selected section. Another factor in the quality of surface water in the selected section are industrial and recreational activities. The conclusion summarizes the results of annual measurements and suggests ways to improve the quality of surface water in a selected section of the Jihlava River.
Vliv hnojiv s inhibitory na výnos a kvalitu zrna pšenice ozimé v poloprovozním pokusu
Mudrák, Tomáš
The aim of the bachelor thesis was to prove the positive influence of nitrogen fertilizers with nitrification inhibitors (IN) and urease inhibitor (IU) on winter wheat. The main idea was to assess the influence of different variants of fertilization, with and without inhibitors, on the yield and quality parameters of the grain (content of N-substances, Zeleny test, falling number, bulk density) and to evaluate the results economically. The experiment was conducted in the growing season 2020/2021 on the land of an agricultural enterprise in the village of Zádveřice - Raková. Three variants of fertilization were included: 1. Alzon neoN (Urea with IN and IU) + AS (ammonium sulfate), 2. CAN + ENSIN (ammonium nitrate and ammonium sulfate with IN), 3. CAN + ANAS (ammonium nitrate and ammonium sulfate) + UAN 30. Statistically significant results were obtained only for amount of yield. Higher yield was recorded in variant that did not contain inhibitors of nitrification, urease. Control variant of fertilization without inhibitors - 3. CAN + ANAS + UAN 30 achieved a 13% higher yield compared to variant 1. Alzone neoN + AS and compared to variant 2. CAN + ENSIN in an even greater yield of 15.2 %. None of the fertilization variants studied achieved a statistically conclusive difference in the other quantities studied. The most economically favorable variant was again the variant 3. LAD + DASA 26-13 + DAM 390 due to the highest yield and the lowest input costs.
Výživa pšenice ozimé za použití stabilizovaných dusíkatých hnojiv
Balun, Jonáš
The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the effect of stabilized nitrogen fertilizers on a yield and quality of winter wheat grain, which was observed in a small-plot field experiment in the vegetation season 2018/19 near the village of Vatín in the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands (560 m above sea level). The stabilized fertilizers used in the experiment were Ammonium Sulphate (AS) with the inhibitor of nitrification (IN), Ammonium Nitrate Sulphate (ANS) with IN and UAN 390 with Ammonium Thiosulphate (ATS), which is expected to have an inhibitory effect on nitrification. The experiment includes following variations: 1. Unfertilized, 2. Calcium Ammonium Nitrate (CAN) + CAN + Urea Ammonium Nitrate (UAN), 3. CAN + AS, 4. CAN + AS with IN, 5. CAN + ANS with IN and 6. CAN + UAN with ATS. Fertilizers with nitrification inhibitors did not statistically significantly affect grain yields and bulk density. The highest grain yield was found after application of ANS fertilizer with a nitrification inhibitor. The contents of nitrogenous substances and gluten as well as the quality of proteins in the grain were significantly increased by the application of fertilizers with nitrification inhibitors (AS with IN and ANS with IN). The amount of nitrogenous substances in the grain increased by 10, resp. 12% and a gluten content of 11, resp. 14% compared to the classic split nitrogen application (CAN + CAN + UAN). The quality of proteins in the grain given by the sedimentation value increased by 22, resp. 28%. All monitored parameters were the best after application of ANS fertilizer with nitrification inhibitor, which was represented in the experiment by ENSIN fertilizer.
Vliv stresu suchem na konkurenci mezi plevely a jarním ječmenem
Jedlička, František
In this diploma thesis, the effect of nitrogen nutrition and reduced water availability on the competition between spring barley and two model weed species: Chenopodium albumand Sinapis albawas studied. The aim of this work was to find out how the reduced water availability changes the competitive interactions between barley and two weed species with different growth rates, and how the interactions are affected bynitrogen nutrition. These findings are important, especially in the view of the ongoing climate change and the associated increasing frequency and intensity of droughts, which can fundamentally affect both thecompetition of weeds and the possibilities of weed regulation. Within the experiment, it was found that competition affected all species, but this effect was most pronounced in Chenopodium album, and the least severe effect of competition was observed in barley. Sinapis albahad a greater competitive effect on barley, which caused a more significant reduction in the leaf area and biomass, especially under reduced water availability and without nitrogen fertilization. In the context of competition between barley and Sinapis alba, it is also evident that nitrogen nutrition promotes barley competition against weeds, even against species with fast growth. Sinapis albawas also the species most affected by the reduced water availability, although this effect was only observed in plants growing without competition of barley. On the contrary, Chenopodium albumwas the least affected by both nitrogen nutrition and reducedwater availability, even in the case of plants without competition of barley. Measurement of plant physiology using chlorophyll fluorescence imaging showed only a negative impact of competition, especially on Chenopodium album and Sinapis albaplants. Theeffect of nitrogen nutrition and reduced water availability on chlorophyll fluorescence parameters was very small and statistically insignificant in all species. In contrast, infrared thermal imaging (leaf temperature) showed the most significant effect of reduced water availability. It is clear, that the effect of reduced water availability on competition between barley and weed species will be rather lower, but in the case of reduced water availability and without nitrogen fertilization may lead to a weakening of barley competition. Conversely, nitrogen fertilization can help strengthen barley competition, even under reduced water availability.
Zhodnocení stavu vybraného toku v povodí Moravy
Zalubilová, Karla
This bachelor thesis is called Evaluation of the water quality in selected river basin. It deals with monitoring of water quality on the river Olšava, especially the poluution of nitrogen and phosphorus. Part of the thesis is processing of literaly research concerning the problemitics of water pollution. Reseach contains basin characteristics of water ma-nagement legislation, informations about nitrogen, phosphorus and surface water pollu-tion. Methodological part deals with characteristics of the stream and selected area, identification of sampling profiles and the description of laboratory analyzes that were realized at the Department of Applied and Landscaped Ecology. Final values of selec-ted indicators were processed into graphs and then compared with the limits of ČSN 75 7221 and Enviromental water quality standards according to NV 401/2015 Sb. In the end of the work is evalution of monitored water quality indicators and suggestion of possible types of precautions to improving water quality on the river Olšava.
Stabilizovaná dusíkato-sirná hnojiva ve výživě pšenice ozimé
Večeřa, Radomír
This bachelor thesis aimed to assess utilization of stabilized nitrogen-sulphur fertilizers on the nutrition of winter wheat. Small-plot experiments were conducted in Žabčice (South Moravian Region) and Vatín (Vysočina Region) for two years (2018 and 2019). The fertilization variants which were used: 1. CAN, 2. ANG, 3. CAN + AS, 4. CAN + AS-IN and 5. CAN + ASN-IN. CAN means calcium ammonium nitrate, ANG is ammonium nitrate with gypsum, AS is ammonium sulphate and ASN is ammonium sulphate nitrate. The abbreviation IN means nitrification inhibitor. The evaluated parametres were grain yield, N-substance content, and grain sedimentation value. Overall, the best evaluated fertilization variant was CAN + ASN-IN, which is fertilizer with a nitrification inhibitor. This variant achieved the highest average grain yield of 7.38 t/ha. This fertilization variant had the highest grain yield of 6.44 t/ha in Vatín and the third-highest grain yield 8.19 t/ha in Žabčice. This variant also had the secondhighest average content of nitrogen substances (14.34 %). The control variant of CAN was even better with an average of 14.42 %. In Vatín, the CAN + ASN-IN variant was the best, as it reached the highest content of nitrogen substances which was 14 %. As with the content of nitrogen substances, this variant reached the second-highest average sedimentation value (47.14 ml). However, in Vatín the best sedimentation value of this variant was 46.5 ml. Better results had only the ANG fertilization variant because it had a sedimentation value of 48.14 ml. Nevertheless, no difference was proven between fertilization variants in the content of nitrogen substances and sedimentation values.
Využití hnojiva DAM 390 s přídavkem inhibitoru ureázy nebo nitrifikace ve výživě řepky ozimé
Dohnal, Šimon
The aim of the bachelor thesis was to evaluate the effect of urease inhibitors (IU) or nitrification (IN) in combination with liquid fertilizer UAN (Urea Ammonium Nitrate) on the yield and oil content of winter rape seed. The research took the form of a small-plot field experiment in the 2018/2019 season in the locality of the Nová Obora field experimental station in Žabčice near Brno. The following variants were included in the experiment: 1. UAN, 2. UAN with IU, 3. UAN with IN, 4. UAN with both inhibitors (IU + IN). In all variants, the fertilizer LAS (ammonium nitrate with calcium sulphate) was applied to regenerate the plants after the winter at a rate of 64 kg of nitrogen per hectare. The dose of nitrogen applied at the beginning of stem elongation in UAN fertilizer was 130 kg of nitrogen per hectare. The individual variants differed only in the inhibitors used. PIADIN(r) was used as a nitrification inhibitor and StabilureN(r) as a urease inhibitor. The soil conditions and the course of the weather ensured above-average values of winter rape seed yields in the monitored year. Addition of IU, resp. IN did not have a significant effect on the achieved seed yields. The average increase in yield by 2.2, resp. by 1.8% was recorded on variants with application of IN, resp. with the application of both inhibitors (IU + IN). Also, the oil content of the seeds was not statistically significantly affected by fertilization variants. An increase in the average oil content by 1.6% was achieved in the variant with the application of IU, where, on the contrary, the yield was the lowest.
Využití směsného dusíkatého hnojiva s inhibitory ve výživě pšenice ozimé
Otáhalík, David
The bachelor thesis deals with the issue of fertilization of winter wheat with urea with urease and nitrification inhibitors (UI) in a mixture with ammonium sulfate (AS) in a ratio of 1: 1 or 2: 1. The influence of this mixed fertilizer on the quantitative and qualitative parameters of grain was monitored through small-plot field experiments at the localities of Žabčice and Vatín in the vegetation season 2019/2020. The following variants were used: 1. CAN, 2. US + AS (1: 1), 3. UI + AS (2: 1) and 4. CAN + UI + AS (1: 1). Grain yield and sedimentation value were not statistically affected. The highest grain yield was achieved after the application of the variant with UI+ AS inhibitors (2: 1). The sedimentation value of the grain was the highest percentage in the variant with CAN + UI + AS inhibitors (1: 1). The content of N-substances in the grain was highly significantly influenced by fertilization variants. The highest content of N-substances was found on the variant with CAN + UI + AS inhibitors (1: 1). Variants with CAN + UI + AS (1: 1) and UI + AS (2: 1) inhibitors performed best in all three parameters examined.

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