National Repository of Grey Literature 8 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Securing operability system of resources in kind of chemical and technical service in the fire brigade of Pardubice region
The aim of the diploma thesis is to assess contamination by chemical substances of selected operating premises at the FRS stations of the Pardubice Region. Elevated contamination by dangerous dangerous chemical substances of the mentioned premises can be results of many factors, from technical to organisational ones, and as a final consequence of this, it may influence firefighters´ health negatively. The theoretical part of the thesis presents basic information about the organisation, duties and securing the operability of chemical and technical services material equipment. Furthermore, knowledge of possible risks of contamination of material equipment and about inspections of the chemicals in operating environment are presented. In the survey part, air contamination of 13 selected areas is assessed during everyday operations and once in an intentionally contaminated area. As the measuring procedure in all the selected areas, air sampling through adsorption tube with Tenax sorbent was used. Specifying the chemical substances in the samples is implemented by the means of a thermodesorption equipment and a gas chromatograph with a mass spectrometer. Furthermore, sampling in sample bags with following analysis by the means of infrared spectroscopy is implemented in contaminated areas. There are 42 air sampling in Tenax adsorption tubes and 2 air sampling in sample bags implemented altogether. Numbers of volatile organic substances is identified in the surveyed areas, most of them benzene and toluene. From identified inorganic gases hydrogen sulfide is discovered in one case, which concentration exceeded strongly the hygienic standards set by the Czech legislation. The identified results not only can influence securing the operability of material equipment but also contribute to a general reduction of firefighters´ exposure to dangerous chemical substances.
Data security of the fire department of the South Bohemian region
REMIÁŠ, František
The thesis is focused on work with the data and information for the Fire and Rescue Service of South Bohemia Region, and its goal is to determine whether the data and information faced by members and employees of Fire and Rescue Service in their work are treated in accordance with applicable legislation, and whether they are adequately secured and protected against misuse and loss. Based on the organizational structure of qualitative research are mapped in detail the security and protection of data on individual departments and workplaces. These information compile risk areas for different types of data and due to this is prepared the risk map for these areas. Due to the findings the specific measures are designed to mitigate the risks for certain fields of work with data and information. The first part explains the basic concepts and definitions of words data, information and knowledge. The next section discusses the historical context of the mapped datastorage and handling of data in paper and electronic form, including the development of information systemsand technologies. Further are described the possible threats by varius effects on these data. Another chapter focuseson describing the current state ofwork with data and description oftechnologies used to it at the Fire and Rescue Service. Afterwards is elaborated an organizational structure focused on work with data. In following part the risk map is prepared for each area and proposesseveral solutions and particular measures to reducethe greatest of the resultingrisks. The benefit of this work is the implementation of several specific solutions to eliminate and reduce the threat of risks when working with dataat Fire and Rescue Service of South Bohemia Region, and several otherproposal measures and stepsfor additional security and data protection.
Analysis of the number of persons killed by fires since 2001 in the South Bohemian region and draft measures for the number reduction
The Bachelor?s Thesis themed ?Analysis of the number of persons killed by fires since 2001 in the South Bohemian region and draft measures for the number reduction? is an analysis of persons killed by fires from 2001 to 2010 in the South Bohemian region according to criteria defined in advance. Among these criteria belongs a comparison of persons killed by fires according to age, buildings, regions of South Bohemia territory depending on months in the year, fire occurrence cause and comparison to other regions of the Czech Republic. First part of the Bachelor?s Thesis is focused on actual number of persons killed by fires in the Czech Republic. It further deals with basics of fires, defines danger in the place of fire and classifies toxic substances occurring as combustion products. Results of the analysis of fires during which there were killed persons in the South Bohemian region according to statistical data are presented in the second part of the thesis. Based on an identification of risk areas there has been developed a system of measures, which should lead to reduction of the number of death by fire. Comparison of the data from 2001 to 2010 brings us to the conclusion that despite the decreasing number of fires the number of killed persons increases and in terms of the death in fires households are the most risky area.
The Interoperability in the Integrated Rescue System.
The main objective of this thesis titled The Interoperability in the Integrated Rescue System was to explain the concept of interoperability and to draw attention to its necessity in the environment of communication and interaction among the basic components of the Integrated Rescue System in their joint interventions. The research was conducted in two parts. The first part was devoted to the study of professional literature, in particular the legislation relating to the Integrated Rescue System and its individual components. In the second part, the knowledge obtained was tested in practice. The initial part of the thesis is devoted to explaining the various concepts of interoperability and the Integrated Rescue System. It lists the system components, their main tasks and the ways of securing the aspects of interoperability. Furthermore, the thesis is dedicated to the levels of intervention management, communication and coordination of the components at the level of operating centres and the cooperation of the components during non-intervention periods. The initial part is concluded with the information about the upcoming project of a unified information system of the Integrated Rescue System (the IS IRS Project), which should bring significant improvements and higher quality of the cooperation among the basic components not only when receiving emergency calls but also during joint interventions. The theoretical results were applied in the Central and South Bohemia Region. Comparisons were made between the individual components and their securing in these aspects of interoperability. These comparisons revealed different levels between the components in some areas. In spite of this, the results show that the interoperability in the Integrated Rescue System is secured; the Czech Republic has a relatively well-functioning system in terms of response to emergencies. However, due to an increase in the number of incidents that have threatened us in the past few years, whether they are natural disasters or various accidents, the Integrated Rescue System is an area that deserves considerable attention. The results of the thesis could be used to further improvements in the cooperation of the basic components.
Comparing the operation of the Police, Fire Brigade and Ambulance Service in the Czech Republic, Germany, Austria and Slovakia.
Comparing the operation of the Police, Fire Brigade and Ambulance Service in the Czech Republic, Germany, Austria and Slovakia. Various authorities and different assignments of the members evoked an impulse to make a coordinated progress at rescue and liquidation works in MU - the joint rescue service. Joint rescue service integrates the daily needs in the cooperation of firemen, medics, the police and other departments at solving MU, for example fires, disasters or traffic accidents. The police, firefighters and the medical rescue service are governed by law No. 239/2000 Sb., about an Integrated Rescue System and about the change of some laws in the constituent parts. These components have also their own personal law and regulations, according to which they governs themselves. Law No. 238/2000 Sb., about firefighters in the Czech Republic and about the change in some laws, law No. 273/2000 Sb., about the police of the Czech Republic and law No. 374/2011 Sb., about the medical rescue service. The Bachelor thesis describes how individual forces are managed, their organizational structures and the way important tasks are performed. Every state has its own system, according to whose firemen, the police and the rescue service are in place and some differ from the system in the Czech Republic. Step by step, the thesis compares the systems of these forces from the point of view of authorities, legislative measures, arrival times or numbers of professional substitution of the employees. After establishing the criteria and their subsequent analysis, it came to light that the Czech Republic does not lag substantially behind in comparison with Germany, Austria and Slovakia, but in certain matters some countries appear to have a more elaborate system.
Readiness of forces and equipment to manage emergencies, non-military and military crisis
KUBÁT, Robert
We live in a time when people are increasingly threatened by emergencies that affect the health or lives of everyone. To prevent or delay the dangerous effects of these emergencies and crisis situations, our society has created a system eliminating these effects. The thesis is focused on this system, which is tailored and ready to address emergency situations by using its forces and equipment. In the Czech Republic such situations are managed by using some of components of the Integrated Rescue System. The objective of the thesis was to identify the readiness of forces and equipment of basic components of the Integrated Rescue System, which are the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic, the Police of the Czech Republic, the Emergency Medical Service and other components of the Army of the Czech Republic to manage emergencies. In order to determine how the individual components, members of individual components respectively, view the readiness of forces and equipment of basic components of the Integrated Rescue System and the Army of the Czech Republic, I personally distributed questionnaires focused on this issue. I made up one hundred questionnaires, and because I myself handed them out and collected them, the return rate was 100 %. Each file contains twenty-five questionnaires. Questionnaires were processed into tables and graphs and in this manner an overview was created showing how each of the components sees the readiness of forces and equipment to manage emergency situations.
South Bohemian inhabitants opinion of activity of basic bodies of Integrated Rescue System
The main objective of this study was to identify and evaluate the opinion of the South Bohemian region inhabitants on activities of the Integrated Rescue System basic components. The objective of the research was to carry out an analysis of data obtained through the questionnaire survey and evaluate the outcomes showing the view of the South Bohemian region inhabitants of activities of the Fire and Rescue Service, the Emergency Medical Service of the South Bohemian region and the Police of the Czech Republic.
Measures to ensure population protection in the emergency planning zone Tomegas Ltd. storage of propane - butane Branice
FOŠUM, Daniel
The aim of this thesis is to propose measures to implement the emergency planning and emergency clearance operations, to prevent or reduce the immediate risk of accidents, according to documents provided by the IRS components, the community, administrative bodies and the storage operator. Another objective is to propose measures ensuring protection of the population in the emergency planning zone, in order to satisfy in the best possible way the following hypothesis: "Measures to implement the emergency planning and emergency clearance operations and measures to ensure population protection are an integral part of the external emergency plan, ready to resolve possible accident cases endangering lives, health, significant property values or the environment." To meet the objectives and verify the hypothesis, I used my own experience in the field of emergency planning and my personal knowledge of the site so that I could create a proposal of appropriate measures, designed to reduce an immediate menace, and mitigate the impacts of a possible major accident. To complete the goal I chose ``The storage of propane - butane bottles and bottling plant Branice at Milevsko", the local juristic person with the name TOMEGAS Ltd. By the South Bohemian regional authority, these operations were classified as category B under Act No. 59/2006 Coll., on the prevention of major accidents caused by selected hazardous substances or chemical preparations, and also an emergency planning zone with a radius of 1 km was established. Those objectives are proposed in accordance with all legal standards and regulations. I believe that the findings of my work will be applicable in building and updating an external emergency plan for given operations. The hypothesis is undoubtedly confirmed by the existence of international treaties and the EU legislation focused on the protection of people living in the neighborhood of buildings where dangerous substances and preparations are handled, as well as by the number of accidents happening worldwide. In the section ``Discussion{\crqq} several issues are analyzed, the major of which seems to be the financial aspect that may result in difficulties with the early establishment of proposed preventive measures.

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