National Repository of Grey Literature 6 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Control and acquisition of data from camera sensor OV2312
Kováč, Dávid ; Kříž, Petr (referee) ; Přinosil, Jiří (advisor)
This bachelor thesis deals with the implementation of a driver for the camera sensor OV2312 into the libcamera framework, with the creation of an API interface that allows direct frame capture from a camera in the C++ language and with the creation of a program for demosaicing raw data from the camera sensor for the Raspberry Pi platforms. The aim of this thesis is not only the creation of software that would allow the camera sensor OV2312 to work with Raspberry Pi computers, but will also provide extended control options. The theoretical part describes the single board computers Raspberry Pi, the Libcamera library, the demosaicing process and the troubleshooting procedure. The output of the thesis is a modified Libcamera library that allows the user to capture images and change the parameters of the camera sensor. The created library for direct access to the camera in the C++ language allows to expand the capabilities of the camera sensor. The program for demosaicing provides the user the ability to convert raw data into images.
Digital Photo Processing
Zdražil, Vít ; Sumec, Stanislav (referee) ; Potúček, Igor (advisor)
This document focuses on processing of RAW image data from digital cameras. In first section is described principle of image capturing by digital camera, common way of image processing in the device and what the RAW format is, its pros and cons. In the next section is described existing demosaicing methods, methods for additional processing of RAW image data and there is analyzed specific RAW format, Canon's CR2, including structure and guide for its conversion. Next sections contains proposal of the new improved demosaicing method and method for suppressing digital noise. On this basis a library for basic CR2 files processing was implemented. There is comparison of methods for processing RAW image data with this library in the next section. In the conclusion there is summary of finished work and there is also mentioned outline of future work.
Image demosaicing using Deep Image Prior
Balušík, Peter
The paper focuses on the problem of image demosaicingusing the deep image prior. The deep image prior (DIP)is an uncommon concept that uses a generative neural networkwhich, however, utilizes only the degraded image as the inputfor training. A novel method for image demosaicing is proposed,based on DIP, and it is compared with common demosaicingmethods. In terms of the objective PSNR and SSIM values,the proposed method proved to be comparable with a widelyused Malvar’s demosaicing method. Nevertheless, subjectively,DIP produces demosaiced images comparable with the superiorMenon’s algorithm. Unfortunately, the proposed method turnedout to be computationally immensely challenging
RAW image debayerization using deep neural network
Balušík, Peter ; Myška, Vojtěch (referee) ; Rajmic, Pavel (advisor)
Táto práca sa zaoberá problémom debayerizácie a to konkrétne debayerizáciou pomocou deep image prior. Deep image prior (DIP) je koncept riešenia bežných rekonštrukčných problémov použitím netrénovaných konvolučných neurónových sietí. Jedinou vstupnou informáciou je obrázok, ktorý bol nejakým spôsobom poškodený. Cieľom tejto práce je zistiť, či je DIP použitelná metóda na problémy debayerizácie. Taktiež bola navrhnutá nová debayerizačná metóda založená na DIP a porovnaná s bežnými debayerizačnými metódami. Rôzne mozaikové farebné filtre (CFAs) boli otestované na zistenie plného potenciálu navrhnutej metódy. Číselné porovnanie bolo spravené použitím rôznych metód hodnotenia. Na základne tohto porovnania, zvolená metóda preukázala podobné, v niektorých prípadoch aj lepšie, výsledky ako Malvarova debayerizačná metóda. Vizuálne, navrhovaná metóda ukázala podobné výsledky k najkvalitnejšej metóde v experimentoch – Menonovej debayerizačnej metóde. Dodatočne, spriemerovanie posledných pár obrázkov optimizačného procesu prinieslo pozitívne výsledky vzhľadom na číselné porovnanie. Aj keď navrhovaná metóda priniesla zaujímavé výsledky, ukázalo sa, že je mimoriadne výpočetne náročná v porovnaní s ďaľšími bežnými debayerizačnými metódami.
Demosaicing as an ill-posed inverse problem
Mariničová, Veronika ; Šroubek, Filip (advisor) ; Hnětynková, Iveta (referee)
Color information of a scene is only recorded partially by a digital camera.Specifically, only one of the red, green, and blue color components is sampled at each pixel.The missing color values must be estimated - a process called demosaicing. Demosaicing can be solved as an individual step in the image processing pipeline. In this case, any errors and artefacts produced by this step are carried over into further steps in the image processing pipeline and are possibly magnified. Alternatively, we can try to resolve several degradations at once in a joint solution, which eliminates this effect. We present one such solution, that in addition to demosaicing, also jointly solves denoising, deconvolution, and super-resolution in the form of a convex optimization problem. We provide an overview of demosaicing methods and evaluate the results from our solution against selected existing methods.
Digital Photo Processing
Zdražil, Vít ; Sumec, Stanislav (referee) ; Potúček, Igor (advisor)
This document focuses on processing of RAW image data from digital cameras. In first section is described principle of image capturing by digital camera, common way of image processing in the device and what the RAW format is, its pros and cons. In the next section is described existing demosaicing methods, methods for additional processing of RAW image data and there is analyzed specific RAW format, Canon's CR2, including structure and guide for its conversion. Next sections contains proposal of the new improved demosaicing method and method for suppressing digital noise. On this basis a library for basic CR2 files processing was implemented. There is comparison of methods for processing RAW image data with this library in the next section. In the conclusion there is summary of finished work and there is also mentioned outline of future work.

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