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The effect of increased physical activity (sport) pregnancy and childbirth.
This bachelor thesis focuses on the impact of increased physical activity (sport) on pregnancy and childbrth. First, I deal with childbirth itself and its phases, also known as childbrith sequences. In my thesis I focus on physical changes during pregnancy, from metabolical changes and changes of weight to changes of motion system, as well as possible skin changes. The bachelor thesis also mentions psychological changes women may go through. Subsequently, the theoretical part deals with pregnancy diet, describing suitable drinking regime and suitable nutrition. The second part of the theoretical part is focused on physical activity in general, and physical activity during pregnancy. Both appropriate and inappropriate activities during pregnancy are described. The conclusion of the theoretical work includes top-level sport activities during pregnancy as well as relaxing, which makes up a key part in women who do sports on a top level. The aim of this thesis was to find out what impact increased physical activity (sport) has on pregnancy and childbirth. Two research questions were asked: In what ways did increased physical activity influence pregnancy? In what ways did increased physcal activity influence childbirth? For survey purposes, a qualitative method was used, carried out via individual semistructured interviews. These were carried out with respondents who did top-level sports wit increased physical activity before pregnancy, and some of them during pregnancy as well. All respondents were introduced to the topic beforehand, the aim of the interview was clarified. The respondents were secured about being kept anonymous as well as about dealing with information in accordance with ethical laws and norms. During interviews, information was noted down, later anonymized. Categories and sub-categories were created using data analysis via text-colouring method. The research survey has proved that increased physical activity has positive influence mainly on the psychology and physical condition. During pregnancy, the women did not suffer from anxiety, depression, nor any other disorders. Only one of the respondents was concerned for the fetus due to risky pregnancy, which did not have to be caused by toplevel sport she was doing before pregnancy. Women were in good physical condition during the whole pregnancy, proving itself in childbirth itself. The women could cope better with the birth load, and they knew how to breathe correctly. During puerperium all women recovered very fast, and all of them returned to their top-level sport. The research work points to the fact that increased physical activity may be done even during pregnancy for it has positive influence on the woman´s overall situation. Women should be informed about these facts by their birth assistants. It is important to stress that women should not get overwhelmed at the expense of pregnancy, and if they are not feeling well, they should rather limit or leave sport out altogether. This bachelor thesis may be used to improve informing those women who do increased physical activity (sport).
Nursing care of women after abortion performed for a genetic indication in II. trimester
The finding congenital defect or chromosomal aberration by child puts a woman to big medical, ethical but also social problem, when she is forced to decide, if she should interrupt the pregnancy or to continue. By searching for abnormalities and pathologies in pregnancy is held by prenatal diagnostics. This involves cooperation of many medical fields such as obstetrics, ultrasonography, specialized laboratory and clinical genetics. The task of prenatal diagnostics is to reveal abnormalities in development of the child and to be able to interrupt the pregnancy, give information about following approach, to give possibility of choice, decrease fear and worries, and be able to cure the child in prenatal stage. Interruption is an action by which another development of the child is terminated. It brings many complicated situations, in which it is necessary to deal with them individually and in correlation with legislation. According to law it is possible to interrupt pregnancy after 12th week only in that case, when a life of the woman is threaten, or serious damage of child is proven or the child is not able to survive. If there are some genetic reasons for interruption, it is possible to interrupt pregnancy till 24th week and furthermore this possibility is valid when risk of damage of the child is more than 10% based on genetic examination. For interruption in second trimester it is necessary to choose sufficient method of interruption and provide a woman traumatic treatment to minimize the trauma. In this case the assistance of birth assistant is essential.This bachelor thesis is focused on problematic of interruption of pregnancy in second trimester based on genetic indication from decision of a woman if continue or interrupt the pregnancy all the way to nursery care during hospitalization. The aim of the thesis is to find out the factors, which influenced women in making their decision about interruption of pregnancy in second trimester a to find out their satisfaction with nursery care and attitude of birth assistants during hospitalization.In theoretical part the findings obtained from bibliographic sources were generalized. In practical part was done research for which was used qualitative method in form of questioning. For data collection technique was chosen structured interview. Interviews were done in department of conservative gynecology of Gynecological- obstetric clinic of Faculty Hospital in Pilsen in January, February and March of 2013. The focus group were five women, which were hospitalized here in that time with diagnosis of interruption in second trimester based on genetic indication. Obtained data were then categorized and for its interpretation some respondents´ citation were used.With research was found, that the decision making about interruption is influenced mainly by results of prenatal examination, standpoint of the partner and family and also suggestion of gynecologist. The decision is indirectly influenced by moral principles and conscience and also personal experience with damaged child. Satisfaction with nursery care and approach of birth assistants was expressed by all questioned women. They had some comments regarding organizational possibilities of medical facility. Two out of five respondents expressed need of more privacy, to be alone in the room. In their case it was impossible due to occupied single rooms. For three respondents it was unpleasant to go through interruption in delivery room. The research also revealed lack in satisfaction of psychical needs of respondents. The possibility of intervention with psychologist was offered only to two of them and all questioned women would appreciate intervention with psychologist already during decision making process.
Actual genuine realization of 10 steps to successful breast-feeding in hospital and terrain
Breast milk is one of the most precious gift that can mother give to her child. Therefore the mother's best choice is to breast-feed her child. It is very important to properly instruct the mothers to understand all advantages of breast-feeding and it's correct technique. Such a comprehensive information can be communicated only through precise methodical guidance during prenatal and postnatal period. The birth assistant represents significantly this field of activity for his/her imminent contact with mothers. He/she takes care of mother's and child's needs and realizes this care via nursing process. The thesis is focused on methodical recommendations which should support breast-feeding of carried to term newborns. First target of this thesis was to ascertain if the 10 steps to successful breast-feeding are implemented in the hospitals. Second target was to find out if the mothers are enabled to breast-feed their childern for the first time within an hour from delivery. Third target was to find out if the 10 steps for successful breast-feeding are also implemented in field. Fourth target was to find out how is the field education of mothers, concerning the 10 steps to successful breast-feeding, provided. There were following hypothesis determined: H1 - Genuine implementaiton of 10 steps for successful breast-feeding in hospitals corresponds with methodical recommendation as per WHO/UNICEF. H2 - Mothers are enabled to breast-feed their childern for the first time within an hour from delivery. Both theories have been confirmed through research.There were also asked following research questions:VO1 - Does the genuine implementation of 10 steps to successful breast-feeding in field correspond with methodical recommendations as per WHO/UNICEF? VO2 - What is the mother's opinion of implementation of 10 steps to successful breast-feeding in field? The quantitative research part was processed via questionnaires focused on mothers after delivery during they stay at Gynaecological-Obstetrical clinic of College hospital in Pilsen. For qualitative research part of the thesis was chosen a structured field conversation with mothers who were 6 months after delivery. The results of the research show that the 10 steps to successful breast-feeding is implemented indeed both in hospital and field. Mothers are allowed to breast-feed their childern within an hour from delivery. If the first breast-feeding hadn't been performed until one hour from delivery, mothers have been adquately informed how to stimulate and maintan lactation. Respondents in field declared that they were educated by nurse and pediatrician. All respondents in field coincident with opinion that implementation of 10 steps to successful breast-feeding is on high level. Results of reasearch may be a benefit and motivation for work of nursing personell of puerperium ward and rooming. Results may contribute to increase the quality of nursering care of breast-feeding mothers and newborns. In field can be results of the research used to increase the quality of mothers's training in breast-feeding both in pregnancy counsellings and prenatal courses. On the basis of this thesis results will be composed simple comprehensive manual, leaflet or web page which can be at mother's disposal by their attending gynaecologist, outpatient's department of maternity hospital, puerperium ward or at home via internet.
Nursing care women during wirt abortion
A birth assistant should manage several roles when taking care of women {--} she should communicate well, be a good nurse, should show empathy to women, introduce new trends and knowledge into her work, discuss them with her colleagues, be able to defend her actions and contribute to the improvement of nursing care. My work uses a quantitative survey based on the collection of data through questionnaires combined with a qualitative survey using interviews to clarify survey questions. The survey was carried out from October to December 2008. Research subjects included birth assistants and women patients at Gynaecological and Obstetric Departments. Questionnaires for birth assistants were distributed in 5 hospitals in the Czech Republic (Ústí nad Labem, Jindřichův Hradec, České Budějovice, Třebíč and Brno). I distributed 150 questionnaires for birth assistants; 105 (70%) questionnaires were collected. 15 questionnaires were discarded for being incorrectly completed; the research uses the total of 90 (100%) questionnaires. Interviews with women patients were carried out in the hospital in Ústí nad Labem. I interviewed 8 patients, who had been informed about the structure of the interview. They agreed that the interviews were recorded by dictaphone; the interviews were subsequently transcribed and assessed in charts and tables. My bachelor thesis formulates four targets and four hypotheses. The survey confirmed the targets and the hypotheses. The bachelor thesis deals with women after abortion; it focuses on nursing care, information provided to women patients, the securing of their intimacy and the care rendered to them according to standards. During the collection of data, I did not encounter unwillingness or displeasure on the part of birth assistants or women patients. The approach of both these groups was positive; 70% of birth assistants and 100% of women patients cooperated on the research. Both groups were interested in the results of the research. The results and theoretical part of the bachelor thesis will be used as a source of information for birth assistants and women after abortion. Birth assistants promised to use the results of the work as inspiration for the improving of their care of women after abortion. The bachelor thesis may also be used as an information brochure for women after abortion and the general public. It may provide information for the production of leaflets available at Gynaecological and Obstetric Departments or lectures.

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