National Repository of Grey Literature 4 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Accident Tolerant Fuel simulation loaded in advanced nuclear power reactor during severe accident conditions
Hamřík, Lukáš ; Mičian, Peter
This paper introduces accident tolerant fuels with respect to their current state of development, while the leading causes are briefly mentioned. The main reasons for the development of other cladding materials are presented. Selected types of accident tolerant fuel cladding materials are described in short and then are used for a simulation in a model of advanced power reactor undergoing a severe accident scenario in the MELCOR code.
Accident Tolerant Fuel simulation loaded in advanced nuclear reactor during severe accident conditions
Hamřík, Lukáš ; Foral, Štěpán (referee) ; Mičian, Peter (advisor)
Tato diplomová práce se zaměřuje na paliva se zvýšenou tolerancí vůči haváriím, jež jsou považována za další krok ke zvyšování bezpečnosti provozu jaderných elektráren. Zpočátku jsou odhaleny slabiny v současnosti provozovaného palivového systému. Jsou popsány možnosti pokročilých paliv a jejich kategorizace, v návaznosti na jejich stav vývoje a problémy, kterým čelí před svým nasazením. Je zmíněna elektrárna APR1400 se svými systémy pro zmírnění následků havárie. Model APR1400 je využit k posouzení vlivu pokročilých materiálů pokrytí při těžké havárii. Stručně jsou představeny možnosti a schopnosti kódu MELCOR, který je schopen simulovat danou problematiku těžkých havárií. Je popsána implementace pokročilých materiálů pokrytí do programu MELCOR, společně se simulovanými scénáři. Na závěr jsou diskutovány výsledky získané ze simulací.
Experimental and calculational analyses of new generation nuclear fuels
Tioka, Jakub ; Mičian, Peter (referee) ; Števanka, Kamil (advisor)
The search for Accident tolerant fuels (ATF) which is the first part of this thesis is currently one of the most actual topics in the field of nuclear fuels. These fuels must be first successfully tested in operational and also accident conditions for their possible inclusion in commercial use. Following part of the thesis specifically focuses on the boiling crisis in nuclear reactors which can damage the nuclear fuel cladding. Therefore, it is necessary to know the critical heat flux value and the departure from nuclear boiling ratio. Calculations which determine critical heal flux value are placed in the practical part of the thesis. Calculations are compared with the data obtained during experiments. The ALTHAMC12 and the other correlations which are based on the previous measurements are used for the computational analysis.
Experimental and calculational analyses of new generation nuclear fuels
Tioka, Jakub ; Mičian, Peter (referee) ; Števanka, Kamil (advisor)
The search for Accident tolerant fuels (ATF) which is the first part of this thesis is currently one of the most actual topics in the field of nuclear fuels. These fuels must be first successfully tested in operational and also accident conditions for their possible inclusion in commercial use. Following part of the thesis specifically focuses on the boiling crisis in nuclear reactors which can damage the nuclear fuel cladding. Therefore, it is necessary to know the critical heat flux value and the departure from nuclear boiling ratio. Calculations which determine critical heal flux value are placed in the practical part of the thesis. Calculations are compared with the data obtained during experiments. The ALTHAMC12 and the other correlations which are based on the previous measurements are used for the computational analysis.

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