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1   IP960195
17   DKRVO
17   DKRVO
6   IIIB
1   5D194
6   GFL
1   17 % of Czech citizens would agree with return to the communist way of government, 15 % would approve authoritarian regime of strong leader with no parliament and with no elections, while three quarters of public disagree. Only 3% of Czechs think that the country should be governed by military, 93% dismissed such an idea.
1   2328-2714-4829
364   Visegrad
25433   No
364   Visegrad
1   11110008
15023   Small
2526   Grant
35   Fund's
15023   Small
2526   Grant
25433   No
1   11110008
5152   podpora
520658   na
1626   dlouhodoby
1082   koncepčni
23261   rozvoj
19309   vyzkumne
11924   organizace
277   Moravska
111   zemska
12495   knihovna
503265   v
189530   Brně