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The functionality of single - parent - divorced family in relation to a child
Every man enters the marriage and founds family with the idea of undoubtebly lucky and everlasting attachment. Unfortunately, it often happens, that sooner or later, a break-up of this idea occurs. During our lives, all of us face the break-up of marriage, respectively the family from our experience or from people around. The family break-up phenomenon is largely interconnected with the disintegration of traditional society and its transformation into modern industrial society that is set up with other values, other way of life, and legitimity of its autority. If the family does not meet its main objectives, it means important risk for the man affecting his sensitive spots by its dysfunction and afunction. All the members of family, children and adults are given their home by the family. The family nowadays, however, is considerably vulnerable due to changed social situation. The growing number of single-parent families, i.e. families where mother or father themselves take care of their children, is increasing with the number of divorces. The family has as unsubstitutable role in development and children´s bringing up. Instability of family life represents a serious threat in child socialization. The family system functioning is based on personality character, especially in parents, and that is why, when one of the parents fails in his/her basic role, the whole community is severely disturbed. In this regard, it is necessary to ask a lot of questions: How do single-parent families function? Are these families functional in relation to the child? What problems do these families meet? Is it necessary to help these families and how to do it? The last investigation into functioning of families was conducted in the 1980s by means of the Questionnaire of family functionality in relation to a child by Prof. Dunovský. In my thesis I decided to test the functionality of present families, and exactly single-parent {--} divorced families, which are constantly increasing in our society. Every fourth family in the Czech Republic is reported to be single-parent family. The aim of my thesis is, therefore, the findings of functionality level of these single-parent {--} divorced families.
Problems of contacts between a child and father after divorce (parental alienation syndrome)
VESELÁ, Kateřina
The subject of the bachelor{\crq}s thesis is the issue of the contact of the child with the father after the divorce (parental alienation syndrome). At present, the number of divorces has been increasing as practically every second marriage is divorced. In our society the trend persists that the children are being given in charge to mother in 90% after the divorce. For this reason the thesis concentrate on fathers. Almost one half of the children from divorced marriages is being incited against one of parent, mostly against the father. Approximately one third of these children is incited so much that they develop the parental alienation syndrome. The target of the thesis is to show the causes and the way of manipulation by parents to whom the child was entrusted into the exclusive care against the other parent in South Bohemia. Moreover to find out the possibilities of the defense and how the parents concerned by this issue are informed of these possibilities. In this thesis the method of the qualitative research was applied, a half-controlled talk with fathers whose children have the parental alienation syndrome. 5 case studies were elaborated based on these talks. Moreover the research was extended by the quantitative method of questionnaire research. The questionnaires were given to fathers visiting OSPOD and Crisis Centre in České Budějovice; these centers treat the problems associated with the contact to their children after the divorce. After processing all the source documents I found out that the most frequent motive of mothers obstructing the contact of father with the child was the revenge for wrongs in the marriage or for the divorce. If the mother wants to obstruct the contact to children, the most effective solution is to move with children. The most frequent way is the illness of the child. It happens that the children have a sore-throat or problems with belly every two weeks. Although fathers are well informed of the legal possibilities to treat these problems, it is difficult to prove mother{\crq}s fault. Treating the issue of the parental alienation syndrome consists in prevention. The parents should know what impacts their divorce conflicts could have on the children and they should try that the children are not witnesses of their conflicts. The employees meeting the after-divorce conflicts of parents because of children during their work should keep in mind the parental alienation syndrome and they should intervene if they see the warning symptoms. The removal of the developed parental alienation syndrome is very complicated and the relationship of the child to the parent alienated sooner is very concerned by this. The disturbed psyche of the child may have influence on his life and influence his later relationships.
The crisis of the contemporary family - psychosocial aspects
Today{\crq}s marriages and partnerships come with knowing that they can end easily. The social stigma previously linked to divorce is a long time gone. A life without a wedding is not only socially acceptable, but even fashionable. Divorce is very traumatic, very painful and it leaves long-term consequences for all involved. Even more so for the children who only barely understand, what happened. The loss of certitude is often combined with the feeling of guilt. The children may assume it is their fault that the parents broke up. The consequences of stress are still visible long after the divorce. The goal of this work was to map the child situation in a divorced family. To discover the consequences of divorce for the child{\crq}s future development. The chosen method was a combination of quality and quantity research. For the mapping of this issue, quality research was chosen at first which used conversation techniques with adult children who went through their parents` divorce. For quantity research we used questionnaires. Two-hundred and sixty of them were distributed in schools, with the questionnaires divided into two parts. The first part was focused on opinions regarding marriage, the second was on mapping the situation of children who went through the parents` divorce. The questionnaire was completed by 54 children from divorced and 179 from non-divorced marriages. The goal of the quality research was to map problematics of divorce from the view of today{\crq}s now adult children. The goal of the quantity research was to map opinions of high school and university students on marriage and family. An additional goal of the quantity research was to find out how the students who experienced their parents` divorce view the process and consequences of divorce. The direct influence of divorce on child development was not proved. The inquired informants do not consider the time following the divorce a traumatic life experience. The research shows then that divorce does not always have to be a catastrophe for the child. It depends also on the personality and immunity of the child. If the parents can openly speak about what is happening, the child can more easily accept the situation and even begin to realize the bright sides.
Passive smoking, whose basis is inhalation of smoke produced by other persons, is sometimes also termed as the enforced smoking or as the explosion of air containing a tobacco smoke. In case of children there are formed the condition for origin of asthma, disease of respiratory track, inflammation of the middle ear, syndrome of sudden death in case of newly born babies and other diseases. Although the undesirable effects of passive smoking has been known for a long time, according to the researches more than forty percent of children have been still exposed to them. The aim of this diploma thesis was to map the situation within the selected sample of children´s population, to ascertain to what extent the children are exposed to cigarette´s smoke, what is the level of their awareness of health consequences of passive smoking, what is their relation to active smoking and if this relation is affected by the fact, where and how they are exposed to passive smoking. For the purpose of the research there were determined two hypotheses. The former one assumed that most of children did not realize the principal harmful effects of passive smoking. However, from the evaluation of the results of the questionnaire survey it implied that 90 % of children were able to name correctly the harmful effects of cigarette´s smoke and 91 % thought that passive smoking was detrimental to their health. The latter assumption was that in case of the children being exposed to passive smoking there is a higher risk to become the active smokers. This hypothesis was not completely verified. The percentage of children, who have repeated the experience in smoking, was in the group, whose parents are smokers, lower. On the contrary these children, who are friends with a smoker, more often carried out experiments with a cigarette. In addition to the diploma thesis mentions the results of the pilot study performed in 1996 in the Czech Republic within the project {\clqq}Smoking and me``, which devotes to problems of passive smoking and also selected ascertainment of the study named The Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) of 2002.
Issues associated with hospitalization of children with parents staying with them
I chose the topic of my thesis-the problems of child´s hospitalization with parents at children´s ward, because ill children and in hospital should not stay alone. The care should be focused on their psychic and also on their parents who are afraid and worried about their child. In the theoretical part of my work the branch paediatrics is mentioned first, followed partly by history of children medicine and nursing. Contemporary system of children´s care is described and developmental periods of children are mentioned in short. Then concepts like health, illness, coping with illness in different age periods continue. Further chapters are devoted to the family of ill child, preparation for hospitalization and nursing process in child at the ward. Practical part is focused on parent´s and nurses´ opinion on the problems, their opinions whether they prefer hospitalization together with parent or just short-time visits of a child who is hospitalized. The data were investigated with the help of two kinds of questionnaires. The first one was established for nurses working at the ward, the other one was for parents or company of hospitalized children. It was found out that Hypothesis I:{\crqq}Parents prefer hospitalization with the child{\crqq} was confirmed. But Hypothesis II:``Nurses prefer in child´s hospitalization just short visits of parents{\crqq} was not confirmed because nurses prefer common hospitalization of parents and their children to short-time visits. The results of this thesis can be used both by children stations and other people who are interested in the problems.
The use of the nursing model by V. Henderson in care of a child client
Contemporary nursing care of children is based on the holistic approach aimed at the satisfaction of needs. Nurses in the majority of health facilities use documentation developed by M. Gordon. The nursing model by Virginia Henderson, however, is actually much better suited to the identification and subsequent satisfaction of children's needs. This model belongs to the category of models of needs and of humanistic models. A child's needs are divided into 14 basic domains in this model. The present bachelor's thesis describes a study of the use of nursing documentation based on Henderson's nursing model at the Department of Babies, University Hospital in Plzeň. In Part 1, the quasi-experimental method {--} observation method was applied to data processing. The research group included in-patient children at the Department of Babies. Part 2 of the research was quantitative, based on answers to questions asked by means of a questionnaire. Here the research group included nurses working at the Department of Babies, University Hospital in Plzeň.
Observing the Charter of rights of children patients in hospital
My thesis deals with protection of children´s rights in the hospital in Pelhrimov. It raises the issue of hospitalized children, their physical, emotional and social needs. The objective was to find out if the child-patient´s demands are met in the therapeutic process on the part of the small patients themselves as well as their parents. The theoretical part of my thesis gives basic information on the children´s ward in the hospital in Pelhrimov, discusses the aspects of the Charter and mentions the history of children´s rights. In the practical part of the thesis the following targets were set: to examine if persons accompanying children in hospital are given enough information on the Charter of Children´s Rights; if the Charter is posted up for public inspection at all the children wards in the hospital in Pelhrimov; if the rights are fulfilled.Five hypotheses were suggested: 1/ The persons accompanying child patients to hospital are made familiar with the Charter of Children´s Rights at admission to hospital. 2/ An entry is put into the medical record to document that the child´s accompanying person was acquainted with the Charter. 3/ The Charter is posted up for public inspection conspicuously. 4/ In the opinion of persons accompanying the child in hospital the Charter is being fulfilled in its full extent. 5/ In the opinion of nurses the Charter is being fulfilled in its full extent. The research was conducted by the quantitative method of a questionnaire.The hypotheses were confirmed. The objectives were achieved. The management of the hospital in Pelhrimov will be provided with these results to benefit from them at the accredit proceedings.
The satisfaction of child´s needs in the establishment: nursery
The bachelor thesis is aimed at the determination of the level of satisfying biological and psychical needs of children in facilities of the nursery-like type. Nurseries belong to special health-care facilities ensuring the all-round development of children in accordance with the provisions of Act 20/1996 of the Law Code, section 38. In the 1990s these facilities were mostly liquidated, now the attendance is about 1% of the children up to 1 year of age. However, nowadays the concept of nursery-like care seems to gain in importance. The objective of the thesis was to find if the nursery-like health care facilities can satisfy the child´s biological and psychical needs. The thesis elaboration was based on qualitative research, on the analysis of documents, methods of observation and interviews with the nurses in the facility as well as the parents of the observed children. The survey took place in Emil Pitter Nursery in České Budějovice. The facility belongs to the allowance organization network Nurseries and Shelters, České Budějovice. The sample consisted of eight children who regularly attended the facility. The case reports involved in the thesis comprise the information obtained at the stage of survey.
The contentment with nursing care at children´s department from the view of a person accomplanying the child
Satisfaction monitoring is one of the indicators of quality of provided care. The quality of nursing care provided in hospitals has been largely discussed recently. For many health care facilities the patients´ opinion is crucial for the nursing care evaluation and represents a feedback for the nursing staff. The objective of my thesis was to examine opinions of persons accompanying child patients in hospital on the nursing care quality. I set three hypotheses: The first hypothesis is {--} persons accompanying child patients in hospital are satisfied with the care, the second states {--} persons accompanying child patients in hospital are satisfied with communication with the nursing staff in a paediatric ward and the third hypothesis suggests that persons accompanying child patients in hospital are not satisfied with the paediatric ward equipment. The research sample was formed by persons accompanying child patients in the Český Krumlov hospital,Inc. Those persons were staying is hospital together with children during their hospitalization. The research was conducted in the paediatric ward of the Český Krumlov hospital,Inc. by the questionnaire method. The research took place in January, February and March. I analysed data obtained from 69 filled in questionnaires. The data analysis shows that persons accompanying children in hospital were satisfied with the care provided {--} the hypotesis I is confirmed. The persons accompanying children in hospital were also satisfied with communication {--} the hypothesis II is confirmed, and they were satisfied with the paediatric ward equipment {--} the hypothesis III isn´t confirmed. The results of my research will be given over to the Český Krumlov hospital, Inc. management, primarily to the Chief Nursing Officer of the Hospital, to the Chief Physician and to the Senior Nurse Manager of the paediatrical ward. The results may serve as a feedback and an expression of respect for the quality of nursing care in the paediatric ward in the hospital Český Krumlov,Inc.
The Beginning Preparation for Playing the Piano
DAVIDOVÁ, Veronika
This seminary work is divided into four chapters in which the aspects important for the beginning of the piano play are analysed. The first chapter deals with musical ontogenesis in men at particular periods {--} from the prenatal period to the period of adolescence. The second chapter mentions the main participants in pedagogical process - child, teacher and parent whose role in pedagogical process is essential. The third part describes briefly the psychology of musical abilities, the range of problems related with talent and dispositions, inborn and gained dispositions and finally it deals with the disposition defects and the causes of its origin. The last chapter mentions the development of child´s musicalness, musical perception and creativity. The personal experience with child´s piano education at a young age is a part of this seminary work.

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