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Education of a patient with Atopic Dermatitis
The topic of this bachelor´s work is {\clqq}Education of a patient with atopic dermatitis``, and deals with education of patients performed by nurses working at outpatient departments of dermatology. There were objectives and hypotheses determined for the work and then verified with the help of a quality research. As an instrument of the research a questionnaire was used for the patients visiting outpatient departments of dermatology in Vysočina and Středočeský regions. Another instrument of the research used here was a structured interview with nurses as a group of research working at outpatient departments of dermatology in Vysočina and Středočeský regions. The objective of the research was to determine if the patients with atopic dermatitis are satisfied with education of nurses, and to find out the forms of education of the patients with atopic dermatitis. After handing out the questionnaires, information was processed and consequently hypotheses either confirmed or disconfirmed The research showed that the patients are satisfied with nurses education concerning atopic dermatitis. The first hypothesis was verified by the research. We found out that nurses educate the patients in atopic dermatitis in the form of information leaflets. The second hypothesis was verified as well. The research confirmed that the patients search for information about atopic dermatitis in a very active way, which, at the same time, verified the hypothesis number three. This disorder belongs to demanding life situations both emotionally and mentally. A nurse task here is to offer her empathetic and holistic approach and participate in health improvement of the patient. In the course of education, a nurse completes and affects the knowledge, abilities, approach and behaviour of the patient to encourage his own effort and help him this way to improve his health condition.
Clients foreknowledge problems of postoperative and subsequent care after replacement of the cardiac valve
PRŮŠOVÁ, Vendula
Problems of clients` knowledgeability of postoperative and follow-up care in the case of heart valve substitute. Heart valve defects are unpredictable diseases that can exist without any symptoms for a long time. Heart valve operations comprise the most frequent group second to by-pass operations and nearly a half of all heart-surgical interventions with adult clients. The aim of the thesis was to find out about clients` knowledgeability of postoperative and follow-up care in the case of heart valve substitute, and what kind of information is needed to achieve by the clients from nurses; what educational materials are used to inform the clients with heart valve substitute and also to find out who are the clients with heart valve substitute informed by. Two hypotheses were predefined: 1 {--} Clients are satisfied with the provided information about postoperative and follow-up care in the case of heart valve substitute; 2 {--} Clients are informed about postoperative and follow-up care in the case of heart valve substitute. Three research inquiries were formed: 1 {--} Which is the most frequent information needed by clients with heart valve substitute from nurses? 2 {--} What kind of education is used for clients with heart valve substitute? 3 {--} Who are the clients with heart valve substitute informed by? Collecting data was performed using the combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods. The quantitative ones were performed as questioning using the technique of a questionnaire, while the qualitative methods used the technique of a semi-standard dialogue. The research sample were the clients with heart valve substitute hospitalised in the cardiosurgical departments of the teaching hospitals in Motol, in Plzeň, in the Hospital České Budějovice, a joint-stock company, and nurses working in those departments. 80 questionnaires for clients were distributed, 74 of them were filled in and returned. Ten nurses were addressed. The above-mentioned four aims were fulfilled. Hypotheses H1 and H2 were confirmed. The nurses answered the research inquiries 1,2 and 3; the answers were analysed and the analyses were used for forming the hypotheses: 1. The most frequent information needed by clients with heart valve substitute from nurses are about moving activity, pain, physiotherapy, connection to instruments, possible complications, about housework, possible staying in spa, return to the occupation, principle of taking Warfarin, about regullary cardiology control. 2. The clients with heart valve substitute are educated by discussion and by the informational brochure. 3. The clients with heart valve substitute are educated by the doctor and the nurse. The results of this thesis will be submitted to the managements of the above mentioned hospitals as material to consider amending the informational brochure for the clients so that they would get the missing information about postoperative and follow-up care in the case of heart valve substitute. I suppose that education{\crq}s efficiency and forknowledge of the clients with heart valve substitute could be improved in this way.
The mothers education about baby swimming
Specialists engaged in providing health care belong among those whose job description binds them to educate the others in health-related issues. Such activity should always be strictly professional in its characteristics, procedures, methods and objectives. Nowadays people feel increasingly responsible for their health and try to take active care of the quality of their lives, also at the stage of life when they bring up their offspring. Perhaps that was the reason why people started to take their children of pre-school age or even younger to what is known as the "infant swimming". The theoretical part of the activity is dedicated to education, i.e. the rules and conditions of the infant swimming, and with this part completed, the swimming proper may commence. The research, conducted between January and April 2008, was based on a quasi-experiment and a questionnaire survey. Altogether 100 questionnaires were distributed, out of which 99% were returned in usable form (one was rejected for incompleteness). The effort followed these objectives: (1) to prepare for mothers workable instructive materials on "swimming" with infants; (2) to inform mothers on swimming with infants; (3) to make certain the educational materials thus produced motivate mothers to try the "infant swimming; and (4) to inform nurses working in GP's surgeries specialized in children & youngster medicine on the "infant swimming". The research investigated 5 hypotheses: Hypothesis 1: mothers of infants are not informed on the "infant swimming" - confirmed; Hypothesis 2: mothers do not get their initial information on the "infant swimming" from nurses in the GP's surgeries specialized in children & youngster medicine - confirmed; Hypothesis 3: educational materials make the mothers of infants interested in the "infant swimming" - confirmed; Hypothesis 4: Nurses in the GP's surgeries specialized in children & youngster medicine are not informed on the "infant swimming" and, therefore, are not able to educate the mothers of infants - confirmed. Hypothesis 5: Nurses in the GP's surgeries specialized in children & youngster medicine are interested in this instructive material on "infant swimming" developed for mothers of infants - also confirmed. The Paper concluded that nurses working in the GP's surgeries specialized in children & youngster medicine do not sufficiently inform mothers of infants about the "infant swimming" (for they themselves lack the relevant information). Other findings show that the mothers would be happy about obtaining information on the "infant swimming" from the nurses at these medical offices. The Paper preparation became an occasion for development of a material on "infant swimming" possibly instrumental in spreading the related information among both the children's nurses and the mothers of infants. Apart from other purposes, this educational material can serve as a basis wherefrom other materials of similar nature will originate.
Enlightenment problems of the patient with the pancreatitis
LOUDOVÁ, Veronika
Education is an important and significant part of treatment and the nursing process. The objective of education of patients with pancreatitis is for them to realize that a change of lifestyle and eating habits will lead to improved overall health condition and quality of further life. The objective of the thesis was to find out if nurses do educate patients with pancreatitis, how they educate the patients, if they tailor educational plan to needs of individual patients and what they consider to be the greatest problem of education of a patient with pacreatitis.
Knowledge of outsider public about services which is offer of home care agency
Home care is a modern form of health and social care which has been provided in the Czech Republic since 1990. It is focused on persons who would be hospitalized if it were not for home care. The costs are fully covered by health insurance. Those who make use of this service are people of all ages, with various diagnoses and medical indications. Home care is focused mainly on health support and maintenance, health restoration and self-administration development, pain management of incurable patients and terminal care to ensure patients meeting their death fearless and reconciled. The objective of this thesis is to learn more about the public awareness of services provided by home care agencies. The other objective is to find out if nurses working for these agencies promote the home care service well enough. The data collection was carried out by the questionnaire method and the method of public inquiry. The first sample was a group of people living in the South Bohemian region aged 18 49 years. The second sample was a group of people living in the South Bohemian region aged over 50. These two groups were supposed to fill in the same type of a questionnaire. The third sample were nurses working in home care agencies in the South Bohemian region who were handed out inquiry sheets. The hypothesis I {--} the public are not informed enough about services provided by home care agencies {--} was confirmed. The hypothesis II {--} there are differencies in awareness of the public in relation to the age of respondents -was confirmed. The hypothesis III {--} nurses promote home care services only among their patients {--} was not confirmed. It is advisable to hospitalize patients only when it is inevitable. In other cases there is an option to make use of home care services. The aim of my thesis was to bring up a survey of services provided by home care agencies and give some suggestions for the awareness of the public to be enhanced.
The Child with obezity - The education of parents
A child with obesity - education of parents In recent years children obesity is taking the character of worldwide epidemics. This tendency is among others caused by the change of eating habits and composition of diet rich in fats and sugars. The occurrence of obesity is further caused by gene base of a child and lifestyle in which the physical activity of children is decreasing and children spend their free time especially in front of televisions and computers. Obesity itself worsens health state and the life quality of a child, who consequently suffers from health and psychical problems. These children are often exposed to laughter and bully by their contemporaries. This condition leads to their effacing themselves to seclusion, feelings of anxiety; the children become solitaires and compensate everything by higher intake of food. Obesity in children is a very hardly curable diagnosis. In quite a lot of them combating obesity is not successful and obesity outlasts in adulthood. Health complications as disorders of joints, diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure or various heart problems are also linked to this disorder. A nurse plays an important role in care of children with obesity. Together with a doctor she works on detecting children with obesity and his or her preventive actions can lead to decreasing of risks and complications connected with children obesity. A nurse educates children and parents about the problem of obesity, possible consequences and complications connected with this diagnosis, and provides advice and emotional support at changes of lifestyle of obese children and their families. The thesis was processed using quantitative research by the method of questioning and the technique of a questionnaire. Researched group was composed of children with obesity or overweight children and their parents. Questionnaires were distributed in outpatient clinics of general practitioners for children and teenagers and also children hospitalized in teaching hospital in Pilsen. We chose two aims of the thesis. First we wanted to find out the parents´ informedness of the problem of obesity and second to find out lifestyle in the family with an obese child. We can conclude that parents are informed of the problem and complications of obesity; however they do not follow healthy lifestyle. Further we chose three hypotheses. Parents are informed of the problem of obesity. This hypothesis was proved. Parents are not informed of complications in connection with obesity in their children. This hypothesis was disproved. Children with obesity do not follow healthy lifestyle principles. This hypothesis was also proved. The results of this thesis research can serve as a study material and are offered to parents who participated in the research.
Exercise sister in prevention and treatment recurrent and chronic rhinitis and possible complication near puppy fat
Abstract The thesis examines the role of a nurse in prevention and treatment of recurrent and chronic rhinitis and possible complications in children. Rhinitis belongs to the most frequent diseases with chronic course in the group of children and adolescents. The number of affected people, particularly among children living in towns and cities is still rising, so sufficient and suitable education of children and parents provided by nurses is very important. Four goals were set in this thesis. The first goal was to examine the role of a nurse in prevention of recurrent and chronic rhinitis. The second goal was to examine the role of a nurse in treatment of recurrent and chronic rhinitis. The third goal focused on examination of the complications nurses most frequently face. The fourth goal was to elaborate an educational standard for nurses working at paediatric wards of hospitals and in surgeries of practitioners for children and adolescents. Three hypotheses were linked to the goals. The first hypothesis assumed that nurses educated parents in prevention of recurrent and chronic rhinitis. The second hypothesis asked whether nurses educated parents and children in treatment and possible complications of recurrent and chronic rhinitis. The third hypothesis said that otitis media, sinusitis and conjunctivitis were the most frequent complications of recurrent and chronic rhinitis. Quantitative research performed by the questionnaire method was used to achieve the goals. An anonymous questionnaire was designed for nurses and parents. The questionnaire for nurses and parents contained 24 questions. 70 questionnaires were distributed among nurses from paediatric wards and 50 returned. The return was 71 %. 60 questionnaires were distributed among nurses in surgeries of practitioners for children and adolescents, 40 returned. The return was 66 %. 50 questionnaires were distributed among parents and 30 returned. The return was 60 %. The data collection was performed in March 2011. The research results showed that most of the nurses educate parents in prevention and treatment of recurrent and chronic rhinitis. The parents confirm the benefit of the education. They consider a talk with a nurse in a surgery the most suitable education form. Education by a nurse has strong influence on parents and children suffering from recurrent and chronic rhinitis. A nurse helps them learn and understand the disease, teaches them how to find a new lifestyle, informs them about prevention and provides information on treatment. We also found that no educational standard dealing with care about children suffering from recurrent and chronic rhinitis existed. We have elaborated the standard and provided it to nurses in surgeries of practitioners for children and adolescents and paediatric wards.
Educational aims of the work with refugees in the detention centres of the Ministry of the Interior
This thesis deals with the refugees in detention centres in the Czech Republic. Its aim is to describe and suggest educational and training aims for them. Theoretical part outlines the situation of migration in the Czech Republic, detention centres for refugees and their typical psychological problems. It accounts the educational aims from the point of view of common theory of education and leisure time education. The practical part describes the life of refugees in the detention centre in Kostelec nad Orlicí, their activities in leisure time and relations between the employees and clients of the centre. The refugees are seen as social workers´ and educators´ clients. The interviews with the employees of the detention centre are qualitatively analysed, attention is paid both to their activities and to their private aims at work and so the educational aims for the pedagogical workers dealing with refugees are formulated.
Observing patients' rights in selected hospitals of the Czech Republic.
For everyone hospitalization represents a change accompanied by various restrictions. Anyway, this cannot mean a change in rights. Each patient is unique {--} they have specific needs, unchangeable principles, a value system of their own. A patient can be defined as a person under medical care, as an ill person undergoing treatment. The term {\clq}qpatient is derived from the Latin word {\clq}qpatiens`` {--} patient, suffering. The patients' rights are laid down in the Code of Patients' Rights which became effective in the Czech Republic in 1992. It is the knowledge of rights that is important before all for the strengthening of an equal relationship between the doctor and the patient The risks which represent a threat during the hospitalization can be lowered by consistent observation of the patients' rights as well as the patient's satisfaction with the care provided can be heightened. The basic individual rights of the patients include the right to silence to be preserved about the facts that the health worker became familiar with in connection with medical care or treatment, the right to being informed about their state of health, the right to gaining necessary information in order to be able to make a decision before a new diagnostic or therapeutical procedure is started up. The other rights include refusing a treatment and being informed about the consequences of the decision, the right to privacy during medical care or treatment and to a considerate, sensitive and worthy approach during the treatment. The thesis comprises the present state of problems in question, the aims of the thesis, determination of hypotheses, methodology, the results of the research, discussion, conclusion, the list of sources used, key words and supplements. The present state portrays the history of ethical codes, legal standards and the problems of medical law, the patients' rights, individual patients' rights, accreditation standards of the patients' rights. The aim of the thesis is to find out whether the patients are made acquainted with their rights after being taken to hospital, whether they are informed about the character of the disease, about suggested treatment and possible treatment alternatives. To map out whether there is the need of education being taken into account with each patient and whether the nurses keep notes in the documentation and find out the nurses' knowledge in the sphere of the patient's immobility. here have 7 hypotheses and 5 statistical hypotheses been specified in the thesis. Quantitative research approach was applied for the research. Questioning was used as a method, a questionnaire as a technique. The questionnaire for the patients was anonymous and included 26 questions. It focused on making the patient acquainted with their rights, on awareness of the state of health, the character of the disease and the suggested treatment, on the education of the patient by the nurse and on respecting the patient's intimacy. It included closed and semi-closed questions. At the end of the questionnaire the patients had a chance to express their possible comments, suggestions, impulses concerning the problems in question. The questionnaire for the nurses was anonymous and included 32 questions. It had its focus on observing the patients' rights, the informed patients' consent, their education, on the problems of restricting the patient on the bed and on respecting the patient's intimacy. The questionnaire included closed and semi-closed questions. The representative sample was made up of 218 patients and 205 nurses. The results were compiled in tabular and chart form, and subsequently processed by means of the SPSS statistical programme. The discussion includes a summary of the research knowledge in comparison with the sources used.
Issue Standards for Treatment of External Childrens Genital from Birth to 3 Years
Hygienic care is one of the most critical pillars of care for child´s health. Learning the right hygienic habits in childhood and keeping them throughout the lifetime is of vital importance for human health. Unfortunately, information about the hygiene of external genital of children is often inconsistent, both among the parents and healthcare workers. The thesis deals with the issue of treatment of external genital of children from birth to three years of age, while the main emphasis is put on education of mothers. The objective of the thesis was to determine, whether the nurses know their competences in treatment of the external genital in newborns, babies and toddlers and whether the nurses are able to apply the competences in full. The third objective of the thesis was to map the awareness of parents of how to treat external genital of children from birth to three years of age. Three hypotheses were established. The first hypothesis: Nurses know their competences in treatment of external genitals of newborns, babies and toddlers. The second hypothesis: Nurses, who know their competences in treatment of external genital of newborns, babies and toddlers, are unable to fully apply them. The third hypothesis: Parents of newborns, babies and toddlers do not have sufficient information about the proper hygienic treatment of external genital of their children. The quantitative research used two anonymous questionnaires, while one questionnaire was designed for nurses working with children from birth to 3 years of age. The other questionnaire was created and intended for mothers of children in the age category from birth to three years. The questionnaire research was performed on the territory of the South Bohemian region. The first hypothesis: ``Nurses know their competences in treatment of external genital of newborns, babies and toddlers.{\crq}q has been confirmed. The second hypothesis: ``Nurses, who know their competences in treatment of external genital of newborns, babies and toddlers in treatment of external genital of newborns, babies and toddlers, are unable to fully apply them.{\crq}q has been rebutted. The third hypothesis: ``Parents of newborns, babies and toddlers do not have sufficient information about the proper hygienic treatment of external genital of their children.{\crq}q has been confirmed. Based on those findings we have decided to develop an educational standard for nurses about the intimate hygiene of girls and boys from birth to three years of age and an educational material for treatment of external genital for parents of young children. We believe that the materials will improve the awareness of this issue and result in a better quality of care for children.

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