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Analysis of the current state of special cynology in the Czech Republic - with a focus on the search of explosives.
Civil protection is getting one of the most important activities governments of all civilized states in the world deal with. Substantial funds are spent on setting up of armed forces, security organizations, groups of specialists and employees and on reinforcing of army forces that can participate in civil protection during state of emergency or in critical civil situations. For realization of these attacks a lot of money is needed. To get the money other crimes are committed, namely production and trade with narcotics and psychotropic substances or illegal weapon trade. The bodies participating in civil protection of each single state have to be able and ready to search for implements that directly or indirectly endanger not only the safety of inhabitants, but also the safety of important buildings and the premises of critical infrastructure. It concerns searching for explosives, firearms, narcotics and psychotropic substances, burning accelerants or e.g. banknotes. For these activities most police forces and bodies of civil protection use dogs because of their character and abilities. This companion closest to a man is able to find and mark all named commodities after having finished its proper training. The aim of this thesis is to specify the importance of special kynology for civil protection, focused on locating of explosives using specially trained dogs. Qualitative survey is the base of this dissertation. Respondents are experts with long-time experience in special kynology and explosives. Methods used within the research are following: secondary data analysis, half structured interview and photo documentation. SWOT analysis has been made that describes the condition of special kynology in the Czech Republic. The Police of the Czech Republic, as one of three basic bodies of Integrated Rescue System, have to fulfil many tasks defined by law. One of the most important tasks is life and health protection of all persons that are in the certain moment in our state territory. For attacks against these values explosives are used nowadays. If they are misused and installed in explosive systems, the members of the Police of the Czech Republic are the ones who enter the area of explosive placement or the possible placement of such object. Besides, they carry out safety and preventive explosives search. Some of these members are canine officers. Their task is to train the dogs in a special way so that these are able to locate explosives. They take part in every search for explosives which is led by the police. Thanks to their placement they are able to begin with investigation within a few minutes or tens of minutes almost anywhere in the area of the Czech Republic. Nowadays there is no other body of armed force that would be able to provide this kind of service. That is why it is necessary to solve such problems that endanger this activity, such as lack of finance or little cooperation among individual units. Despite these problems we have to highlight the professionalism of canine officers, their experience and work enthusiasm as well as a very high level of training centres. If trained and used in the right way, the dogs are irreplaceable in the search for explosives not only nowadays but also in the future. Without their help the search cannot be effective. The dissertation presents a complete overview and description of the use of special kynology concerning search for explosives in relation to civil protection. In practice it will improve the public awareness and it will be used as complete information material for experts.
Comparison of anti biological protection of the CR with selected EU countries
Comparison of anti biological protection of the CR with selected EU countries The system of application of hygienic-epidemiological measures within the Czech Republic is based on Act No. 258/2000 Col. on public health protection and on modification of some related acts defining the system of the public health protection bodies and on Directive No. 440/2000 Sb. stipulating the conditions of prevention of occurrence and transmission of infectious diseases and hygienic requirements for operation of healthcare facilities. The individual tasks given to the public health protection bodies as well as to the Integrated Rescue System units may sometimes be misunderstood. These tasks must be known so as the set goals can be performed and thorough hygienic and epidemiological measures can be ensured. Each state has its own biological security system, which very often differs from that of the Czech Republic. To be able to ensure civil protection in the Czech Republic it is necessary to know the legislation provision or the system of biological agent detection in neighbouring countries, i.e. in Slovakia, in Germany, in Austria and in Poland, to make the cross-border cooperation more effective and reliable. The thesis compares the methods of anti-biological protection in the Czech Republic and in the neighbouring states. The thesis also provides information on the differences in legislation and in anti-biological protection application, from both, the basic as well as professional points of view. Upon these comparisons and upon set criteria a conclusion has been drawn that the Czech Republic is ready to cope with an attack by means of B-agents and that some country has more elaborated protection.
Civil protection is one of the most important activities governments of all states have to deal with. This certainly happens in civilized world, numerous rescue units and armed forces are involved in civil protection and substantial funds are spent on this activity. Fight against terrorism, the activities of which people all over the world have to face, is highly stressed nowadays. Terrorist attacks are most often aimed against civilians. They are most often led by locating explosive systems at places where large numbers of people gather, setting fires at such places or by actions of shooters who try to injure or kill as many people as possible. This is why civil protection has to involve searching for possible means used for these attacks, namely for explosives, fire accelerants and guns. However it is not only terrorism, which endangers inhabitants. Abusing narcotic and psychotropic substances or similar criminal activities are very dangerous too. These phenomena should be prevented as much as possible or investigated very quickly so as the persons committing such offences can be captured. Finally the bodies participating in civil protection have to be ready to search for lost people in large areas, finding people buried under rubble or avalanches. Dogs, the animal companions closest to a man, can be used in all these activities. The animal has such properties that even nowadays it has its irreplaceable position in numerous activities directly related to civil protection. This thesis describes methods used in special kynology for civil protection; it also describes their uniqueness and irreplaceability.
Readiness of public service workers, legal and natural persons, including pupils and students
Readiness of public service workers, legal and natural persons to emergency incidents is based on the concept of protection of population prepared by the Ministry of Interior ? the General Directorate of Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic. In the first part of my work I deal with the historical development of population protection from its beginnings to the present; with the development of legislation, and further on the implementation of protection of the population itself including the status and role of public authorities. Above that at the example of two other countries I document how protection of population is safeguarded in the world. In the next part of my work I deal with questionnaires by means of which I determined the level of readiness of public service workers, legal and natural persons including the school youth in selected districts of the capital city Prague, in Mariánské Lázně, and in České Budějovice. The questionnaire itself contains 21 questions concerning the basic knowledge: e.g. what the basic components of the Integrated Rescue System are; what should evacuation luggage contain; or what the emergency call numbers are. Altogether I evaluated 720 questionnaires and elaborated all answers graphically. In fine it is possible to conclude that the group of school youth within the group category of 15 to 17 years proved the worst results; while the best knowledge occurred with public service workers.
Planning and Designing of Measures for the Protection of Population in Case Extraordinary Events and Crisis Conditions
In the first part of the bachelor thesis I covered historical development of population protection, basic terms used in crisis management, protection of population, integrated rescue system, crisis management, crisis management bodies, management of extraordinary events and crisis conditions and a list of extraordinary events and crisis conditions which may potentially occur in České Budějovice and Prachatice. Drawing on legislation, professional literature, my own personal interviews and practice, I have compiled basic material in which I deal with planning in events of crises, because it is the first manager task and is indispensable for the solution of extraordinary events and crisis states. In the following two chapters, I deal with the general procedure of the solution of extraordinary events and crisis situations (before and while they occur, during their solution and after these situations die away) and crisis legislation.
The assessment of preventive educational activities in the field of fire protection and getting people in villages aware of the nature of potential threats and of protective measures implemented by municipalities and regional fire brigades.
The content of this thesis is to document the current status of the content and forms of training people for self-protection and mutual assistance in case of emergency events. This content and forms are part of the legislative norms of the state, including the quantification and qualification of entities that provide these activities. To obtain information, questionnaire survey was conducted with employees of one branch of civil service and self-government authorities. Similar research with one hundred citizens aged over 18 years was carried out for specific assessment of education and public awareness. After the analysis of these sections, it can be concluded that although the current legislation, the long-term concept of the government of the Czech Republic and the wide range of possible influences on the population in preventive education activities in the field of fire protection and protection of the population form a prerequisite for penetration of the necessary information to the public, the desired efficiency and effectiveness required are not achieved in their implementation. For example, the older generation lacks basic knowledge, which has been politicized before 1989. Overall, this work can lead to the conclusions that there is a need for education at schools of all levels and subsequent lifelong learning for all the citizens of this country. It is also necessary to continuously update and maintain the required level of competency of staff of the entities that carry out preventive educational activities in the field of fire and civil protection.
Measures to civil protection in flood in selected municipalities of South Bohemian Region and the Pardubice Region.
PAULUS, František
Floods are now a topic discussed more and more frequently, requiring to be paid appropriate attention. Any activities carried out before floods occur, when they are being coped with, and after they recede, should be aimed above all at minimising the casualties and injuries. The diploma thesis analyses the measures taken to protect the population against floods in a selected sample of communities in the Pardubice Region and the South Bohemian Region. Readiness of the communities has been identified unambiguously under the conditions defined advance with a stress on the parameters observed. The analysis of the selected parts of the flood plans evaluates how the communities are ready to provide the population with protection if a flood occurs. In addition to a theoretical excursion to a specific field of the population protection applied in the environment of floods, the wide connections of its inclusion in the security system are also mentioned. The practical part deals with and analyses selected communities from the viewpoint of their readiness to take measures for protection of the population during the period of floods and from the viewpoint of their overall preparedness under the defined conditions. An index of readiness of the communities formulated with use of the operational analysis has been fixed for the purposes of an unambiguous identification. The index has been defined on the basis of monitoring clearly specified parameters formulated depending on the outputs from the legislative process and relevant standards. After the results have been processed and the conclusions have been made, the readiness of the selected communities to deal with floods, under precisely defined conditions, may be referred to as insufficient. The findings in the diploma thesis should be reflected by relevant flood-protection bodies. Use of the operation analysis methods and their applications also out of the field of the critical infrastructure are an added value of the thesis as well.
System arrangement civil protection as part of municipality
PIKSA, Libor
This work is focused on questions concerning the foundation of the Civil Protection Establishment as a part of municipalities. The Civil Protection Establishment is one of the tools to fulfil tasks stated by law in the field of population protection. In spite of the fact that there is possibility to found and run the Civil Protection Establishment this possibility is used very rarely by a organizer. The presented bachelor work deals with the population protection in the Czech Republic and describes the system of organization of the population protection in some European countries. In the case of the Czech Republic there are described mainly tasks of municipalities in the field of the population protection, especially then the foundation of the Civil Protection Establishment. Main attention is focused on the way of realization of the Population Protection Institute. For the bachelor work processing two hypotheses were stated, these were:`` For foundation of the Civil Protection Establishment it is convenient to use the members of Voluntary Fire Rescue Service in municipality`` and {\clq}q For foundation of the Civil Protection Establishment it is convenient to conclude agreements between another legal entity or physical entity``. Purpose of the presented bachelor work is to give complete survey about ways of foundation of the Civil Protection Establishment in the Czech Republic including the solution proposal of this task. Provide results of the work to the Fire Rescue Service in the South Bohemia Region as basis for planning in the field of foundation of the Civil Protection Establishment on the territory of the South Bohemia Region. In the conclusion of the bachelor work some problems are pointed out that can possibly arise in the process of foundation of the Civil Protection Establishment including solution proposals of these problems. On the base of evaluation of found facts the first hypotheses was prefered, it means that for foundation of the Civil Protection Establishment it is convenient to use members of Voluntary Fire Rescue Service.
Methods protection of population in present time
Civil protection in the CR has undergone a major transformation since the 1990s. New legislation came into force as of 1.1.2001. The enforcement of state administration in civil protection matters was transferred from the Defence Ministry to the Ministry of the Interior. These adverse influences entail natural disasters, industrial accidents and other exceptional events. That it is important not to underestimate exceptional events and to be thoroughly prepared for them, as by being prepared we are in a better position to overcome the fear and panic that breaks out when such a situation occurs. People are prepared they are able to more objectively assess any situation that arises and can help not only themselves but also their loved ones and neighbours.
The threat of a terrorist radiation attack
The goals of this thesis are as follows: Firstly, I seek to assess the risk of a terrorist radiation attack. I also characterize the effects that the ionizing radiation has on the human being and outline a scenario of a possible radiation attack. Secondly, I evaluate what awareness of the civil defence exists among the students in the final year of the compulsory school attendance. Thirdly, I propose some measures to improve the situation.

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