National Repository of Grey Literature 420 records found  beginprevious393 - 402nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.02 seconds. 
The play as the implement of knowledge and development of the pre-school child
In my bachelor´s work I am concerned with play activity and it´s development, characteristics, fundamental and meaning in preschool education. I am concerned with various selection of playing and with creation of optimal conditions for the playing. One of the most important part of playing are various toys and other play equipment. I observe child´s playing from two points of view. First as the child´s evaluation activity which means what the playing brings and how the activity develops the child´s personality. At the same time I deal with possibilities that the playing provides to the teacher to learn more about the child and to be able to understand the child better. I am interested in the meaning of the term free playing or playing as an investment of love or how it is possible to use playing in educational diagnostics and therapy. The theoretical knowledge is followed by the practical part which involves result analysis of the study of children´s playing. Using observation I compare how children play in a heterogenous group and group of children at different ages. It means what sort of toys they use most often and if they are able to cope with rules and respect each other and what way they use to solve conflict situations while enjoying group playing. I note if they play apart or if they have need to play with the others, to comunicate with them, to win recognition or if they are passive during playing and submit to the ideas of the others and let the others have the upper hand. Another research, in form of questionnaire for the teachers and parents, finds out how children play at home in their free time and how not only teachers but parents themselves view such playing and if they realize its naturalism and usefulness and its therapeutic signification.
Informedness of women about suppository uterine cancer
ABSTRACT Informedness of women about suppository uterine cancer Cervical cancer is globally one of the most important female cancers. Annually in total about half million of women fall ill with this disease and over 250 thousand of women dies. The situation in the Czech Republic is also by no means satisfactory - every year 400 deaths are recorded. However, it is a type of cancer which can be quite successfully prevented. This issue is very topical today, therefore I chose as a topic for my bachelor thesis: {\clqq}Awareness of women about cervical cancer{\crqq}. The theoretical part consists of the most important information on this disease, diagnostics, therapies and prevention possibilities. In the practical part I tried to find out a degree of the awareness of this disease at girls and women and a frequency of attendances at the gynecological examinations. The research part was realized by a quantitative way, I chose an interrogation method, a questionnaire technique. Respondents were students from secondary schools in Žďár nad Sázavou and their mothers. The total survey obtained information from 90 girls and 75 mothers. A goal of my thesis was to map an awareness of women about cervical cancer, a partial goal was to find out an interest of women in a vaccination. Both intentions were met. At the beginning three hypotheses were set: 1. An awareness of this disease depends on an age, 2. Women are interested in the vaccination, 3. Women go for regular gynecological examinations. Only last hypothesis was confirmed from the three ones. The thesis and results can be used to improve the awareness of women and girls of this disease and to realize an importance of regular preventive examinations. It also may lead to greater media coverage of other prevention options, such as the vaccination and a healthy lifestyle. Then the practical part of the thesis can serve to schools, which could, based on the obtained data, focus on a better quality in educational activities for their students.
Health and Social Problems of Alzheimers Disease in the District Jihlava
A theoretical part of the thesis is focused on Alzheimer´s disease (hereinafter only AD), its development, diagnosis and treatment. It describes communication problems with a person with dementia. It is also focused on a family caregiver and social services which are available for persons with AD. One objective was defined for the practical part. The aim of the thesis was to describe health and social care of people with AD in the district of Jihlava. A partial objective was to chart problems which lay caregivers, caring of a person with AD at home, fumble with. To realize the research I used an interviewing method and a technique of a semi-structured interview at six caregivers who care of a person with AD in the district of Jihlava and a method of a document analysis, a technique of a secondary data analysis. The research was carried out in the period from 20th January to 4th March, 2011 in caregivers´ households from the district of Jihlava. During interviews with respondents their anonymity was preserved. There was found out that 4 of 6 caregivers live in a common household with the person with AD from the analysed and evaluated interviews. All interviewed caregivers underestimated early symptoms of AD and confused them with symptoms of physiologic ageing. 5 of 6 caregivers do not know the Czech Alzheimer Society. All interviewed caregivers indicate the caregiver´s mental stress as the most difficult thing in the care of the person with AD. There was created a table of facilities providing residential health and social services for persons with AD in the region of Vysočina within the secondary data analysis. The bachelor thesis will serve as a basis for Diaconate ECBB in Myslibořice for a consultancy provided in an area of the residential health and social services in the region of Vysočina. The thesis could be used as a basis for a preparation of a community plan of the social services in the region of Vysočina.
Quality of life of woman with incontinence
Incontinence, i.e. involuntary paging of urine, is a hygienic, as well as a social, economic and partnership problem. It is a symptom which has various causes. Women of all ages suffer from this symptom while the incidence rises with older age. Incontinence can even affect pregnant women and women after birth. Urine incontinence affects the quality of life to a large extent. Although a number of ways exist of how to solve the problem, women are ashamed to openly speak about it. The task of the midwife is to provide female patients with all information concerning the reasons and the ways of how to cope with incontinence, and therefore to contribute to improve their quality of life. The theoretical part focuses on the anatomy of urinary tract and urination physiology. Furthermore, it describes the types of incontinence, its reasons, diagnosis and the subsequent therapy. In its final part it describes the role of the midwife. The practical part deals with the findings of the way of how incontinence influences affects a woman?s life. Furthermore, it focuses on the way women are informed and where woman obtain information about incontinence. A qualitative survey, i.e. a method of enquiry and a technique of in-depth interviews was chosen to process the task and achieve the predetermined aims. A SEIQoL questionnaire was used as an additional method. The questionnaire compares the resulting values of the quality of life of women who have finished a course of treatment of incontinence with those still being treated at out-patient urogynaecological units. The qualitative survey was conducted in the city of České Budějovice and its vicinity from 29th March to 13th April 2011. A total of 13 in-depth interviews were carried out. There aims were set together with related enquiry questions. The purpose of the project was to find out how women regard the quality of their lives with incontinence, if they are well informed about their problem and where they obtained the information. The purpose of the work was to also compile an educational programme on how to improve the quality of life of woman with incontinence involving the work carried by midwife. The SEIQoL questionnaire showed that the quality of life of women still suffering from urinary incontinence further deteriorates in comparison with that of woman who has been cured. The assessment of the quality of life of women suffering suffering with incontinence should not just be dealt with in scientific articles or research. They should be more sympathetic and assist women in their uneasy situation more than in the practice today. In this respect the education of midwives is extremely important and more attention should be devoted to it.
Mental disorders and their impact on crime
The work draws on documents and information obtained in the areas of psychology (psychology, criminal psychology, forensic psychology and police psychology), and should provide insight into problems of human personality, its composition, mental disorders and personality disorders. The individual chapters gradually work deals with the psychological view the personality of man, the structure of personality, personality disorders and criminal behavior individuals held in connection with mental disorder. The next phase is progressively described specific personality disorders, especially schizophrenia, paranoia, and antisocial histrionská disorder. The work also deals with addictive disorders and impulsivním the last two chapters of the victims of crime and treatment procedures that are in the treatment of mental disorders used. The work includes case studies of text and graphs to illustrate the issue.
Prevention and Therapy of the knee injuries in Football
BENEŠOVÁ, Michaela
My Bachelor Thesis deals with the problem of knee-joint injuries. The chosen theme ``Prevention and Therapy of the knee injuries in Football{\crqq} introduces a large variety of possible injuries. The Thesis includes an analysis of the complicated anatomical structure and biomechanics of the knee. The part devoted to injuries describes the injury mechanism that gives the ground for the following examination, diagnosis determination and proposal of the subsequent therapy. Another important chapter, prevention of the knee injuries, describes the activities to prevent from such injuries. The aim of this Thesis is to assess the treatment effect of the anterior cruciate ligament rupture in two probands in relation to their return to sports activities, and furthermore to furnish theoretic information concerning primarily the anatomy and prevention of injuries. In respect of the quantitative research, we chose at random two footballers of a district league standard suffering from ligamentum cruciatum anterius rupture. The research proceeded during their therapy using the technique of uncontrolled dialogue, observation, casuistry and secondary analysis of data. The result brought the ascertainment of the success in the therapy effectiveness. After 3 months both patients, sportsmen, achieved such health condition which allowed them do light sports activities with no limitation, e.g. exercise biking, swimming, walking, running on flat surface and even cross-country; cycling is also suitable. It is very important to keep to the said recommended sports activities as the inadequate overloading of the knee can give rise to recurrence or even to injury of other structures of the knee joint.
Alcohol Detoxitication Center for Children and Youths its Function and Significance in the Network of Institutions which Provide Treatment
The objective of this thesis was the description of the work of the Child and Adolescent Detoxification Centre in Prague, its importance in the treatment drug addiction among children and adolescents. Another objective was to find out about the interrelationship of the work of regional coordinators for the prevention of risk behaviour and forms of follow-up therapy according to individual needs and nature of Child and Adolescent Detoxification Centre in Prague. The research conducted in the period from January to March 2010. Mapping the variants of follow-up therapy of the clients using habit-forming drugs in different regions of the Czech Republic and the forms of prevention are other objectives. The theoretical part of the thesis contains the description of the establishment of the Hospital of Sisters of Mercy of St. Charles Borromeo, in the premises of which the Child and Adolescent Detoxification Centre (CaADC) in Prague is located, as well as the description of the CaADC, and its medical and other personnel. The thesis describes the process of hospitalization, tests which preceded it and the necessary procedures to ensure successful completion of the hospitalization. Part of the theoretical block is dedicated to the care provided by a social worker, psychologist and therapists. Related legislation that forms the basis of prevention methods of individual regional drug coordinators and the centre itself is an integral part of the work. Prevention is a critical form of struggle against the abuse of psychotropic substances by children and adolescents. It is described in detail here, as well as the factors involved in the development of addiction. Other related terms only complement the mosaic of the studied issue. Within quantitative research, a content analysis of the data from the statistics of the Child and Adolescent Detoxification Centre in Prague was used to verify set hypotheses. The responses of regional drug coordinators to a set of open and semi-open questions, which were formulated for this purpose, were also used. Another source was the results of standardized interviews with three doctors at the Child and Adolescent Detoxification Centre in Prague. Hypotheses 1, 3 and 5 have not been confirmed. On the contrary, hypotheses 2 and 4 have been confirmed. The set objectives have been met. Unfortunately, our country still lacks a sufficient number of facilities that provide follow-up care of child drug addicts, as is clear from the research.
Selected aspects of the therapy effectivenes in AT institutions
The bachelor thesis deals with the therapy of reliance on alcohol and its efficiency in biological, psychological and social aspects. The theoretical part deals with alcohol generally and with the basic conceptions connected with the reliance on alcohol. Further, in the theoretical part, the reliance on alcohol and its therapy is described. In greater detail, I turned to the therapy itself and to the description of the institutions dealing with the therapy of dependences. In the practical part, I chose the research of quality. I used the method of halfstandardized conversation with abstaining clients of AT institutions. As next research technique, I used the method of observation. I attended the session of the clients with reliance on alcohol in the programme of follow-up care in the social psycologic centre Arkáda in Písek and the session of anonymous alcoholics. Further, in my research, I used the technique of case-reports for a better presentation of the change of the quality of life due to the therapy of the dependences. The case-reports were interpretted from the resukts of the discussions. The last used method is the reading of professional literature and its presentation in this thesis. The aim of this work is to determine the selected aspects of the therapy effectivenes in AT institutions. The effectivenes is determmined by the change of the state from the point of view of bio-psycho-social aspects of the clients of AT institutions. The next aim was to evaluate the clients´ satisfaction with the services of individual AT institutions aimed at the fight with the reliance on alcohol and to determine other aspects of the reliance on alcohol. From my research it resulted, that the therapy of the reliance on alcohol in a specialized institution is a more effective form of the therapy of reliance on alcohol in an ambulatory establishment and this therapy markedly influences the quality of life of the clients with reliance on alcohol and the most effective way is the complex therapy in all items of the therapy of defendences. Further, it was proved, that the situation of the respondents improved in all selected aspects. My research also proved the connection of alcohol with another dependence, mostly on nicotine. Along with this, it confirmed the new trend in the therapy of dependences. i.e. the therapy of dual dependences, from which most of my respondents suffered. This work can serve as a whole manual for persons directly affected by the reliance on alcohol both in the laic and the professional public. Further, it can help the students with their studies or serve as a base for their follow-up studies.
Women´s awareness on prevention and treatment possibilities for vulvovaginal infections
Women´s awareness on prevention and treatment possibilities for vulvovaginal infections. The thesis on `` Women´s awareness on prevention and treatment possibilities for vulvovaginal infections was worked out by a research technique. The thesis is divided into two sections {--} theoretical and practical. The theoretical section is subdivided into thirteen main chapters. The introduction gives information on the current state of knowledge and is followed by a brief description of external and internal female genitals. Much attention is paid to pathophysiology of vulvovaginal infections and their classification. The issues of viral vulnovaginitis and Bartholin glands inflammation are not omitted. In the main chapter diagnostic possibilities and methods in the treatment of vulvovaginal infections and diagnostic criteria are surveyed. Another chapter deals with therapy of vulvovaginal infections mentioned and the description of supportive preparatives used to stabilize vaginal medium. An important part of the thesis is a chapter giving account of prevention possibilities and the role of a midwife in nursing care for a woman suffering from gynaecological inflammations mentioned. In the final chapter information on the nursing process in women with inflammatory diseases of vulva and vagina is given. The objective of the thesis was to learn about the awareness of prevention possibilities and treatment of vulvovaginal infections in women of reproductive age. Two hypotheses were stated: Hypothesis 1 assumed that women are not informed about vulvovaginal infections possible prevention. Hypothesis 2 assumed that women are informed about the possibilities of vulvovaginal infections treatment. To verify or reject the hypotheses the questionnaire method was used. The questionnaire included 29 questions. Total 170 questionnaires were distributed, 156 of which came back filled in, i.e. 92%. Hypothesis 1 was rejected by the research, hypothesis 2 was confirmed. The results obtained may be published at specialist seminars focused on education of midwives and gynaecologists working in both in-patient and out-patient departments. They may also contribute to enhancement of women{\crq} s awareness.
Designing and examining of an educational program for handicapped persons based on musical therapy.of.\\
In my bachelor thesis I dealt with the issue of handicaped people and with the possibility of applying musicotherapy in their treatment. In the practical research I observed the influence of a musicotherapeutical program on handicaped children of pre-school age in the ARPIDA center in České Budějovice. In my work I used standardized techniques through which I aquired important data for further evaluation. As the initial point of this thesis, two scientific questions concerning the influence of the therapeutical program had been set: Whether the program enriches the children`s life and whether it changes their values. The examined program was mainly concerned with the individuals psychic development and with the improvement of fine and gross motor skills of the children through their playful interaction with music and musical instruments. The effect of the programe was examined by two measurements (preliminary and subsequent) and all the aquired data was evaluated according to the individual research techniques.

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