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Fabrics of the Weinsberg granitoids on example of the Prášily pluton (Moldanubický plutonický komplex)
Pour, Ondřej ; Verner, Kryštof (advisor) ; Racek, Martin (referee)
This bachelor thesis is concerned with the brief introduction to the structures and fabrics in granitoid plutons. In the next part of this work are sumarized results of structural analyses of Weinsberg-type granite intrusion (Prášily pluton) located in the SW part of high-grade rocks of the Moldanubian Zone. This research proceeded based on a combination of field structural data and results of AMS (Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility) method. The internal fabrics and structures of the Prášily pluton reflect emplacement mechanisms, kinematic history and evolution of the regional strain field during Variscan orogeny at around 330 Ma. The examined area provides crucial constraints for the geodynamic models of geological evolution of deeper parts of the Variscan orogen in the SW part of the Bohemian Massif.
High-pressure partial melting and its relationship to the granulite facies metamorphism: Implications for the origin of felsic high-PT granulites in the Bohemian Massif, central Europe
Nahodilová, Radmila ; Faryad, Shah Wali (advisor) ; Janák, Marian (referee) ; Kryza, Ryszard (referee)
Felsic granulites from the Kutná Hora complex in the Moldanubian zone of central Europe preserve mineral assemblage that record transition from early eclogite to granulite facies conditions, and exhibit discordant leucocratic veining, which is interpreted as evidence for melt loss during the decompression path. The granulites are layered and consist of variables proportions of quartz, ternary feldspar, garnet, biotite, kyanite, and rutile. In the mesocratic layers, garnet grains show relatively high Ca contents corresponding to 28-41 mol. % grossular end member. They have remarkably flat compositional profiles in their cores but their rims exhibit an increase in pyrope and a decrease in grossular and almandine components. In contrast, garnets from the leucocratic layers have relatively low Ca contents (15-26 mol. % grossular) that further decrease towards the rims. In addition to modelling of pressure-temperature pseudosections, compositions of garnet core composition, garnet rim- ternary feldspar-kyanite-quartz equilibrium, ternary feldspar composition, and the garnet- biotite equilibrium provide five constraints that were used to constrain the pressure- temperature path from eclogite through the granulite and amphibolite facies. In both layers, garnet cores grew during omphacite and phengite dehydration...
Crustal Structure of the Bohemian Massif Based on Seismic Refraction Data
Hrubcová, Pavla ; Vavryčuk, Václav (advisor) ; Plomerová, Jaroslava (referee) ; Švancara, Jan (referee)
The deep structure of the Bohemian Massif, the largest stable outcrop of the Variscan rocks in central Europe, was studied using the data of the international seismic refraction and wide- angle reflection experiments CELEBRATION 2000, ALP 2002 and SUDETES 2003. The data were interpreted by seismic tomographic inversion and by 2-D trial-and-error forward modelling of the P and S waves. Above, additional constraints on the crustal structure were imposed by reflectivity or gravity modelling, and by receiver function interpretation. Knowledge of the crustal velocity structure in the Bohemian Massif was complemented by its azimuthal variation. Though consolidated, the Bohemian Massif can be subdivided into several tectonic units separated by faults, shear zones, or thrusts reflecting varying influence of the crust forming processes. The resultant velocity models determined different types of the crust-mantle transition reflecting variable crustal thickness and delimiting contacts of these tectonic units at depth.
Surface Wave Analysis and Inversion-Application to the Bohemian Massif
Kolínský, Petr ; Prokop Brokešová, Johana (advisor) ; Novotný, Oldřich (referee) ; Růžek, Bohuslav (referee)
title: Surface Wave Analysis and Inversion Application to the Bohemian Massif author: Mgr. Petr Kolínský, DiS. author's e-mail address: departments: Department of Geophysics Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University Prague V Holešovičkách 2, Praha 8 - 180 00, Czech Republic and Department of Seismology Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics, v.v.i. Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic V Holešovičkách 41, Praha 8 - 182 09, Czech Republic supervisor: RNDr. Johana Brokešová, CSc. supervisor's e-mail address: consultant: RNDr. Jiří Málek, PhD. consultant's e-mail address: keywords: surface waves, group velocity, phase velocity, frequency-time analysis, multiple filtering, tomography, inversion problems, Earth crust structure, Bohemian Massif An overview of surface wave analysis methods as well as of inversion techniques is given. Special attention is paid to the multiple filtering method for dispersion curve estimation, which is described by two different ways in detail. The isometric method is used for dispersion curve inversion and its description and tests are presented. Described methods are further used in applications. The applications show examples of surface wave analysis and inversion for 1D and 2D...
Historical cinnabar deposits in Bohemia - genetic study.
Velebil, Dalibor ; Ackerman, Lukáš (referee) ; Zachariáš, Jiří (advisor)
The study of fluid inclusions proved the metamorphic origin of the cinnabar-pyrite mineralization at the deposit of Horní Luby. In addition, thermal conditions of the mineralization formation were determined. During the deposit forming processes, the primary homogenous H2O-CO2 fluid of the temperature of about 300řC was differentiated to fractions rich in H2O or CO2. The differentiation took place in several stages in the temperature range between 200 to 150řC. Quartz crystallized from the parent fluid at the temperature about 300řC, pyrite at temperatures in the range of 220řC to 210řC and cinnabar at temperatures in the range of 195řC to 160řC. The cinnabar is thus the youngest mineral at the deposit (crystallization succession. quartz - pyrite - cinnabar). At the deposit of Jedová hora, quartz crystallized at the temperature of about 160řC to 150řC, barite at temperature of about 115řC (the fluid boiling point) and cinnabar in the range between these temperatures. The origin of mercury at all Czech historical deposit of cinnabar can be very likely related to Lower Paleozoic submarine volcanism. In all cases, the pre-concentrated mercury was remobilized during the Variscian metamorphosis, followed by precipitation in form of veins with cinnabar or as cinnabar impregnation. Study of tetrahedrite...
A brief introduction to the geology of the Moldanubian batholith
Verner, K. ; René, Miloš ; Žák, J. ; Janoušek, V.
Emplacement processes and tectonic setting of the Moldanubian batholith. The batholith consists of multiple intrusive units (plutons, stocks and dykes), predominantly composed of granitic to granodioritic rocks with either S- or transitional I/S-type.
History of mining uranium deposit in Příbram
The region I´ve chosen for my diploma thesis is situated on the border of Poberounská and Czech-Moravian system of geomorphological unit Bohemian Massif. It used to be one of the richest uranium mining district of Příbram region, and it is characterized by geological structure of central-Bohemian plutonium within the geological complex Bohemian Massif. On the contiguity of it there is found vast hydrothermal uranium deposit. This deposit is divided into 9 panels ? Třebsko, Kamenná, Lešetice, Brod, Jeruzalém, Háje, Svatá Hora, Bytíz, Skalka and Obořiště, which belong to the Příbram district. The town Příbram is famous for its long-standing mining tradition not only of polymetalic but above all of uranium ores. This tradition achieved the great success of world standards in the second half of the 20th century. There was revealed a lot of hydrothermal dikes containing requested uranite (black blende, nasturan) after the Second World War. This raw material was heading to Soviet Union. Uranium mining works initiated its epoch in 1949 and regular mining activities finished by the closing of the last shaft in 1991. In all the period of time there was mined 50200, 8 tones of uranium ore. Uranium deposit in Příbram can also take pride in the deepest shaft No. 16 with the depth of 1838, 4 m which is the shaft No. 16. In connection with the mining there was formed the life of local people and also the life of people from all Czechoslovakia who were setting off to seek a living there. Today all the shafts are closed and deluged in a natural way. In certain area of the deposit has been built cavern gas reservoir. No other mining will be possible in the future. The state enterprise Diamo realizes revitalization works on former mining panels and monitors the value of surrounding environment.
The gravity measurements in the area of the geodynamic network HIGHLANDS
Kujal, Roman
Three gravity measurements were realized using the relative gravimeter SCINTREX CG-05 on sites of geodynamic network HIGHLANDS, selected sites of geodynamic network WEST SUDETEN and fundamental gravity points of the Czech Gravity Reference Network.
Final report on the results of a project of the programme "Trvalá prosperita" funded by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic in the period 2006-2007
Myslil, V. ; Stibitz, M. ; Jiráková, H. ; Fritschová, L. ; Šafanda, Jan ; Burda, J. ; Brož, K. ; Karous, M. ; Landa, I. ; Procházka, M. ; Gregor, P. ; Wolfbauer, J. ; Kalaš, P. ; Motlík, J. ; Alinče, Z. ; Spudil, J. ; Pechar, T. ; Mužák, J. ; Sciranková, L.
The project has explored a potential of the Litoměřice geothermal structure. The structure had been forecasted as a suitable one for the geothermal energy exploitation by the previous geothermal research of the Bohemian Massif.
The megaforms of oval pattern in granite of the Bohemian Massif
Hrádek, Mojmír
In territory build of Central Moldanubian Pluton morphologically evident structures of oval pattern have been found, most of as granite domes and rarely as ring structures. Megaforms have distinct relation to negative anomalies of gravity fields of granite intrusions. Characteristic features of ovals have been described.

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