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Phenomenon of Netholism in Pupils of the Second Stage of Primary Schools in Příbram Area
My thesis deals with netholism, i.e. the Internet addiction. In my opinion, this is an up-to-date issue, often underestimated by children´s parents. The results of my research may serve as an information material to all professions working in contact with children. Important symptoms present in the Internet addicts, as well as the principles of the Internet safety and the parents´ supervision over children's activities on the Internet are mentioned. There is also the existence of considerable health risks related to computers. A large chapter is related to communication on the Internet. I have stated two main objectives of my diploma thesis. Objective 1: To survey activities of children on the Internet sites in dependence on their age. Objective 2: To determine the awareness of children about the risks arising from an excessive Internet use. (The excessive use of the Internet means a period longer than 3 hours a day.) To achieve the intended objectives and the hypotheses testing, an anonymous questionnaire, the method of quantitative research was used. The subject of the investigation was the issue of the use of the Internet by children attending the second stage of primary schools. There was diversity in the concept of questions. I believe I have managed to meet the both chosen objectives of my diploma thesis. The stated hypotheses have been disproved by the questionnaire survey. Hypothesis H1: Children attending the second stage of primary school spend more than half of their time communicating via social networking sites on the Internet, this has not been not confirmed. The survey has shown that almost always only 23% of the total 175 respondents communicate with friends or unknown persons via social networking sites. Hypothesis H2: Children attending the second stage of primary school are not sufficiently informed about the risks arising from the use of the Internet, this has not been confirmed. Only 12% of children think there are no risks arising from the use of the Internet. As a contribution of my diploma thesis in the health and social field may be regarded the recognition of "netholism" as another form of addiction.
Prevention of non-drug addictions
Non-drug addictions are part of us, including children and youth. It is important to realize that non-drug addictions influence us and are underestimated despite their seriousness. They constitute serious social-pathological phenomenon of the present. This Bachelor Thesis deals particularly with prevention and the present situation of socially undesired behaviour that is very widespread in current society. With pathological gambling, mobile phone addiction, virtual addictions, alimentary disorders and sect addiction. The goal of the research was to map the representation of individual phenomena of risk-loaded behaviour within primary prevention in schools and school institutions and to assess the efficiency of the prevention applied in the area of non-drug addictions. The goal of the Thesis was met. I came to the following conclusions through my research: Hypothesis 1: The issue of virtual addictions is insufficiently represented in primary prevention as against prevention of drug addictions, was confirmed. Hypothesis 2: Primary prevention of non-drug addictions is inefficient in schools and school institutions, was confirmed. The introduction of the theoretical part deals with several basic concepts; then it characterizes individual non-drug addictions. The conclusion of the theoretical part deals with prevention, particularly primary prevention and the system of organization and direction of primary prevention of socially pathological phenomena in pupils. I used quantitative research to process the practical part, and questionnaire technique to collect data. I performed questionnaire investigation in 2nd classes of a grammar school, a secondary school and a training institution of České Budějovice. The research set consisted of 73 respondents. The practical part of my Thesis deals particularly with the analysis of the experiences of the respondents with socially undesirable behaviour and timely primary prevention in schools with regard to individual kinds of socially undesirable behaviour.
The Importance of Self-help Groups during the Treatment of Addictive Substances Addictions.
This Bachelor paper addresses the subject of self-help groups established to facilitate the treatment of drug addictions. The practical section employs the qualitative method of research, namely the practice of data gathering with reliance on what is known as semi-structured interview. The interviews were held with the members of Alcoholics Anonymous selfhelp groups; the Better Life group in České Budějovice; the Fénix group in Brno; the Joy group in Ostrava, and the self-help group of Drug Addicts Anonymous within the NA Miracle group. To make the view of the self-help groups comprehensive, their therapeutists were interviewed as well. As also follows from the research, the Czech Republic still falls behind in the spread of addiction treatment through the self-help groups, despite the fact that this method is enormously effective in the subsequent care of the addicts. Most members were unaware of any other self-help groups apart from the 12-step communities. I would recommend that the specialists concentrate more on the subsequent care, since this stage emerges as most important for the addiction removal as well as for better awareness of the problem both in the general public and among the professionals. This Bachelor paper could serve the purpose.
Impact of investments on regional productivity
This bachelor's thesis is concerning with assessing the impact of investments on regional productivity in all fourteen regions of the Czech Republic. In the first part are presented the theoretical concepts related to productivity and investment in a macroeconomic perspective. In the second part the data obtained from the Czech Statistical Office are compared and results are evaluated in conclusion.
Problems of drug addiction of youth with the focus on the situation in the city of Příbram
The paper deals with the drug situation with focus on mapping the situation in the city of Příbram. The theoretical part deals with the addiction in general and further with the drug addiction, inclusive of causes of this drug addiction and warning signals. More in details it goes exactly into the causes of the drug addiction. The practical part includes hypotheses concerning the drug problems as well as the delinquency in the city of Příbram. These hypotheses are certified or disproved by a researched probe. Using a questionnaire was chosen as the most appropriate research method. This questionnaire was distributed in three secondary schools located exactly in Příbram. First year students of secondary schools were selected as the research specimen.
Possibilities of the Receptive Music Therapy in the Treatment of the Alcohol and Drug Addiction
Bachelor thesis titled ?Possibilities of receptive music therapy in the treatment of alcohol and drug addiction? has a theoretical and empirical nature. My task was to find out whether would be receptive music therapy applied in a psychiatric hospital Cervený Dvur and if it would be helpful in the treatment in this facility. The theoretical part is aimed at linking music therapy with psychotherapy. It describes the problems of alcohol, non-alcohol drugs and their distribution. This section also focuses on the importance of music therapy and its types. The practical part is focused on my own experimental investigations related to application of music therapeutic program for a selected sample of clients. At the same time I did also monitor the response of professional staff to the ongoing experiment with six set of hypotheses that were subsequently identified based on analysis of data I did verify. Survey results confirm the feasibility of the music therapeutic program at the hospital Cervený Dvur.
Alcohol Detoxitication Center for Children and Youths its Function and Significance in the Network of Institutions which Provide Treatment
The objective of this thesis was the description of the work of the Child and Adolescent Detoxification Centre in Prague, its importance in the treatment drug addiction among children and adolescents. Another objective was to find out about the interrelationship of the work of regional coordinators for the prevention of risk behaviour and forms of follow-up therapy according to individual needs and nature of Child and Adolescent Detoxification Centre in Prague. The research conducted in the period from January to March 2010. Mapping the variants of follow-up therapy of the clients using habit-forming drugs in different regions of the Czech Republic and the forms of prevention are other objectives. The theoretical part of the thesis contains the description of the establishment of the Hospital of Sisters of Mercy of St. Charles Borromeo, in the premises of which the Child and Adolescent Detoxification Centre (CaADC) in Prague is located, as well as the description of the CaADC, and its medical and other personnel. The thesis describes the process of hospitalization, tests which preceded it and the necessary procedures to ensure successful completion of the hospitalization. Part of the theoretical block is dedicated to the care provided by a social worker, psychologist and therapists. Related legislation that forms the basis of prevention methods of individual regional drug coordinators and the centre itself is an integral part of the work. Prevention is a critical form of struggle against the abuse of psychotropic substances by children and adolescents. It is described in detail here, as well as the factors involved in the development of addiction. Other related terms only complement the mosaic of the studied issue. Within quantitative research, a content analysis of the data from the statistics of the Child and Adolescent Detoxification Centre in Prague was used to verify set hypotheses. The responses of regional drug coordinators to a set of open and semi-open questions, which were formulated for this purpose, were also used. Another source was the results of standardized interviews with three doctors at the Child and Adolescent Detoxification Centre in Prague. Hypotheses 1, 3 and 5 have not been confirmed. On the contrary, hypotheses 2 and 4 have been confirmed. The set objectives have been met. Unfortunately, our country still lacks a sufficient number of facilities that provide follow-up care of child drug addicts, as is clear from the research.
Prevalence of smoking in general practitioners and teachers at primary schools in České Budějovice.
The objective of my thesis was to determine the prevalence of smoking in a selected group of general practitioners and primary school teachers in České Budějovice. I also wanted to emphasize the important role of physicians and teachers in smoking prevention. Therefore I focused on finding out what preventive activities are used in their professions to reduce smoking. To achieve the goal the interview technique for quantitative research was used. The results of the research show that prevalence of smoking among doctors and teachers is lower than in general population. It is 16 % among general practitioners and 14 % among teachers. In general population the prevalence reaches 30 %. But smoking prevalence among general practitioners for children and adolescents is the same as smoking prevalence in general population. The results of the research indicate the fact that teachers set a better example for their social surroundings than physicians. Physicians, on the contrary, use more preventive activities, provide information about possibilities of quitting smoking support and cooperate with institutions dealing with prevention and quitting smoking. The views of teachers (doctors) smokers and non-smokers on prevention administration are different. Lifelong non-smokers are most concerned in smoking reduction, former smokers take a lesser share and current smokers bring the least contribution to smoking reduction.
Comparison of Opinions of University Students of Medical and Economic Specializations of the Issue of Addiction
The thesis deals with the issue of addiction. The objective of the paper is to compare opinions and experience of university students of medical and economic specializations regarding narcotics and psychotropic substances. The issue of addictions is a frequently discussed and up-to-date subject that has big impact not only on health service and economics. The Annual Report of the Public Health Authority of the capital city of Prague in 2009 provides information about frequency of drug use among population. The first place belongs to methamphetamine (pervitin) which is mostly used by clients of K - centres and also by clients demanding treatment for the first time. The second place belongs to cannabis. The third place belongs to clients using opiates and demand treatment for the first time. (56) The theoretical part focuses on the issue of drug, alcohol and cigarettes addictions. The history and the development of every single type of addiction are mentioned here together with present knowledge and information. In the practical part of the thesis the method of quantitative research was applied. The data were obtained by means of a questionnaire. Students of the Third Faculty of Medicine of Charles University and students of the University of Economics were a quota for the selection. The objective of the research was to map and compare opinions of students of above mentioned specializations of the issue of addiction and also to find out what is the personal experience of these students with narcotics. The research shows that the first personal experience of students of medical specializations with narcotics and psychotropic substances is similar to experience of students of economic specialization. Over 60 % of respondents answered that they have already had experience with a narcotic and psychotropic substance. There is also the similarity of age. Both groups most frequently mentioned the age of 16 as the age of the first experience with narcotic and psychotropic substances. Marijuana was the drug that was most frequently mentioned and used by students. 97 % of the students of the third Faculty of Medicine and 100 % of the students of the University of Economics answered no to the question whether they use narcotics or psychotropic substances regularly. They have had experimental experience with narcotics or psychotropic substances, however are not regular consumers. The students of the University of Economics show bigger tolerance to the use of psychotropic substances than the students of the Faculty of Medicine, these students mostly condemn such an activity. The students of the Faculty of Economics distinguish soft and hard drugs more than the students of the Faculty of Medicine, these students mostly answered that all drugs are dangerous. One of the questions focused on a total ban of smoking in restaurants and on the attitude of the students to the ban. 78 % of all students think it is a good thing. They mind passive smoking above all. Respondents from both universities agreed that they would not establish a partnership with an addict. Most students would even not tolerate a partnership with a person who was once an addict and now abstains since they are afraid that he/she could return to the addiction. The hard drug addiction is found by the students the most serious. On the other hand, marijuana addiction is extremely underestimated.
Family and Outside Family Factors of the Origination of an Addiction
The work refers to the factors of the origination of alcoholic and non-alcoholic addictions. The theoretical part is focused on the definition of an addiction, factors that influence its origination {--} especially regarding the social factors concerning the family. There are also mentioned possibilities of treatment in the Czech Republic in the work. Mental home Červený Dvůr is mentioned as an example, which is engaged in the treatment of alcohol and non-alcohol drug addictions and pathological gambling. The practical part contains questionnaire survey made in the mental home Červený Dvůr. It was especially focused on family surrounding of addicts, their first experience with a habit forming substance, reasons for the first misusage. The aim was to determine the common signs of the family surroundings of the patients, function of their families and family background, or other outside-family factors that might have influenced origination of their addiction. Conclusion of the survey is that addicts almost lived in complete families. The riskiest outside-family factors of the addictions were the company of peers and that a habit forming substance was misused in the low age.

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