National Repository of Grey Literature 22 records found  previous3 - 12next  jump to record: Search took 0.02 seconds. 
The System Progress in Emergency Planning
Skupová, Dagmar ; Fišer, Václav (referee) ; Fleissig, Petr (advisor)
Bachelor thesis deals with the system progress of emergency planning. Bachelor thesis studies internal emergency plans and external emergency plans. It is engaged in suitable methods of risk analysis. One of parts of my bachelor thesis is proposal of the most suitable method of risk analysis. The practical part describes my work with assessment programme named ALOHA.
Assessment of Environmental and Health Risk Sources in a Selected Company
Magera, Lukáš ; Hrabová, Kristýna (referee) ; Balgová, Zuzana (advisor)
This diploma theses deals with complex assessment of firm that handles dangerous chemical substances. Theoretical part is aimed at law and methodological requirements to evaluate every possible effect of dangerous chemical substances. Experimental part focuses on the analysis itself and in the end was evaluated the acceptability of analyzed risks.
Analysis of the readiness of the Police of the Czech republic to a radiation extraordinary event
The bachelor thesis analyzes the knowledge of police officers of the Regional Police Directorate of the South Bohemian Region in the performance of the tasks of the Police of the Czech Republic in the event of a radiation extraordinary event and analyzes the equipment of the Regional Police Directorate of the South Bohemian Region with protective equipment for a radiation emergency. The theoretical part of the bachelor thesis deals with an integrated rescue systém and its basic components, a radiation extraordinary events and their history and classification, a problematics of an ionizing radiation and its effects on a human organism, a radiation protection and a tasks of the Police of the Czech Republic in the radiation extraordinary event at Temelín Nuclear Power Plant. The research part of the bachelor thesis is carried out using a questionnaire survey and an interview with the staff of the Crisis Management Department of the Police of the Czech Republic in České Budějovice. Questionnaires were distributed to police officers of the Regional Police Directorate of the South Bohemian Region, from whom quantitative research was conducted. With the help of a questionnaire survey, the unpreparedness of the police officers of the Regional Police Directorate of the South Bohemian Region in the area of performing the tasks of the Police of the Czech Republic in the event of a radiation extraordinary event was found. The results did not reach the success rate, which was set at 70 %. Police officers who have a nuclear power plant in their region should have more knowledge in this area. By studying the professional literature, the External Emergency Plan of the Temelín Nuclear Power Plant, the documentation of the Regional Police Directorate of the South Bohemian Region and based on the interview, it was found that the amount of protective equipment available in a radiation emergency available to the Regional Police Directorate of the South Bohemian Region is sufficient due to the number of serving police officers.
The analysis of attitude and behavior of the population during an evacuation
The aim of this bachelor thesis is to determine and evaluate the level of knowledge and behaviour of the population living in the Vimperk municipality with extended powers. To achieve this goal, it was necessary to set a research question as follows: "Is the population's knowledge with regard to conducting evacuations at a good level?" In the theoretical part, the main aim is to describe the issues in the main topic. This was carried out by analysing documents, especially legal norms and professional texts. These documents described the evacuation problems in the public protection and fire protection areas. This section also listed several cases of large-scale evacuations, that have had to be carried out around the world. From both historical and modern events. In the practical part, the task was to find out the real knowledge of the inhabitants in the Vimperk municipality. For this purpose, a questionnaire was created, which we then distributed among the population. The questions mainly concerned knowledge in the field of population protection and they also partially concerned fire protection. Some questions were asked in such a way that they could be answered subjectively, so their result will not be included in the overall examined knowledge results. These questions assess the personal opinion of respondents. The questionnaire consisted of total of 17 questions, whereby 10 questions directly examined the population's knowledge and behaviour and 7 examined the subjective opinion of the population. Evaluation of 84 returned questionnaires showed that the knowledge of the population attains 88%. While the evaluation limit was set at 75%. This information indicates that the answer to the research question is positive. The knowledge of the population with concern to implementing evacuation in the Vimperk municipality is at a good level.
Emergency planning within the Integrated Rescue System with focus on the activities of Police of the Czech Republic
Sázavský, Jan ; Fiala, Miloš (advisor) ; Vilášek, Josef (referee)
Subject: Emergency planning within the Integrated Rescue Systém with focus on the activities of Police of the Czech Republic Objective: unify and define the legislation relating to the emergency planning with a focus on the service performance of the Czech Police and implement subsequently relevant legal standards into the tactical exercises "The Island 2011" in order to verify the practical set of principles, mechanisms with the possibilities of their evaluation based on real use. Method applied: research, classification and study of available sources, consultaion with the experts in the subject above, detailed analysis of the carried out exercises. Outcome: Based on the study of legislative norms indicating the framework of activities of individual components of Integrated Rescue Systém, consulting the respective variants of implementation of practical knowledge, as a result, the exercise was designed in order to verify the ability of the police management to manage and control the forces and resources during the performance of the police tasks and also to verify the practical ability of police Officers to perform set tasks and cooperate in the place of intervention with units and relevant agencies. Key words: Integrated Rescue Systém, crisis management, emergency planning, tipical aktivity,...
The principles of family readiness for evacuation from EPZ of nuclear power plant
This thesis examines the level of knowledge of families living in the emergency plan-ning zone of Nuclear power plant Temelín. It focuses mainly on the knowledge of eva-cuation baggage contents, evacuation routes, organs that organize this measure and other important information, which are found in particular in the Manual for the pro-tection of population in the radiation accident of the Nuclear power plant Temelín. The theoretical part is based on the analysis of current problematics. The first part is focused on the principle of the operation of the nuclear power plant and its security, which is emphasized. Further it deals with the topic of radiological emergency and consequently the effect of ionizing radiation on the organism. The next chapter is devoted to the issue of issue of protective measures that could be announced during the radiation accident of the nuclear power plant. In the last section of the theoretical part, the work focuses on the topic of emergency plans, as these are necessary to establish rules that would require the authorities and residents to follow if necessary. In connection with these topics, the legal framework dealing with the issue is mentioned. The practical part verifies the level of awareness of families living in the emergency planning zone of a nuclear power plant on how to proceed with the evacuation. For this purpose, a quantitative questionnaire survey was used and a hypothesis was established claiming that at least 50% of the respondents did not have sufficient knowledge of how to proceed during the evacuation from EPZ of nuclear power plant. The methodology for statistical processing was set out. After evaluating the obtained data, the answers to individual questions were compiled graphically. Furthermore, the thesis deals in detail with individual questions. The established hypothesis is confirmed by evaluating the results using descriptive statistics methods. In the discussion, the questions that have been identified and the findings are discussed. Furthermore, there are suggested ways to improve population awareness of the issue,
Protection of population in the city of České Budějovice territory in case of an accident associated with dangerous chemicals leakage
BOURA, Jindřich
The theoretical part of this thesis deals with the protection of the population, focusing specifically on events that are associated with the release of hazardous chemicals. The content of the first chapter is the basic division between incidents that are categorised as being events that are caused by human activities and events that occur irregardless of human activity and are mainly of a natural character. This chapter, is focused on events that are related to human activities and events that have some association with the release of hazardous chemicals such as accidents that occur at chemical facilities. In the following subsection the basic classification of hazardous chemicals in accordance with their chemical properties and their toxicity is processed.The following subsection deals with population protection as a whole. For helping with understanding this issue in its entirety this subsection presents basic information that is related to population protection and defines the characteristics of the basic concepts that are related to this issue. Both warning and evacuation are discussed in greater detail in this chapter. The text also defines emergency planning as representing a basic means of population protection. Emergency planning is described from the level of a territorial authority unit, i.e. as a regional emergency plan, to an in-house emergency plan for a chemical plant.In the second part of the thesis research questions are formulated, which read: "What is the readiness of the system for protecting the population of České Budějovice in the event of the leakage of hazardous chemicals?" The research was focused on the content of the relevant plans of the entities that deal with hazardous chemicals in the district of České Budějovice. During the research basic criteria were observed that should be included in those plans; namely whether or not they are listed there.Subjected to research were the 16 plans for tackling emergencies of the entities that deal with hazardous chemicals in both the District and the City of České Budějovice. Following is an evaluation of the results obtained in accordance with the Readiness Index that was established. At the conclusion of the work the research questions were also answered with regard to the serious deficiencies that had been identified in the relevant plans during the research period. The discussion and the conclusion also contain proposed measures that are aimed at improving the overall level of population protection within the territorial authority unit constituting both the District and the City of České Budějovice.
Emergency preparedness in the chemical enterprise Synthos Kralupy a.s. in the release of hazardous substances
The risk of serious accident is increasing with the rise of the amount of chemical industry manufacturing. This accident can have immeasurable consequences. The aim of this thesis is to point out the consequences caused by leakage of dangerous substance of petrol from the biggest cistern in chemical company Synthos Kralupy a.s. and to suggest steps for emergency clearance. To fulfil the aim, examination of serious accident risks had to be carried out first. The method of Dow's Fire and Explosion Index was used for this examination which enabled evaluation of a real fire and explosion risk. Apart from these methods, another method called IAEA-TECDOC-727 was also used. Consequently, possible scenarios of dangerous substances leakage from storage cistern were created. These were simulated through software programmes ALOHA and TerEx. Acquired results were then well arranged in charts. During the research of this issue, a method of controlled interviews was used. These interviews with employees of firefighter emergency service were focused on emergency readiness of the chemical company Synthos Kralupy a.s. A cistern containing dangerous substance represents a crucial risk, even though the results showed that the accident of all petrol leakage from the cistern is very unlikely. However, this accident should not be neglected because a dangerous cloud reaching 565 m from the site of the accident would occurred. The dangerous cloud cause mortality of 70% within a distance of 2,000 m and a distance of 4,970 m to the 1 st degree burns. If all petrol leaked from the cistern, the consequences would be much bigger than just pollution. It would also include death toll, health problems and vast property damages.
Emergency planning within the Integrated Rescue System with focus on the activities of Police of the Czech Republic
Sázavský, Jan ; Fiala, Miloš (advisor) ; Vilášek, Josef (referee)
Subject: Emergency planning within the Integrated Rescue Systém with focus on the activities of Police of the Czech Republic Objective: unify and define the legislation relating to the emergency planning with a focus on the service performance of the Czech Police and implement subsequently relevant legal standards into the tactical exercises "The Island 2011" in order to verify the practical set of principles, mechanisms with the possibilities of their evaluation based on real use. Method applied: research, classification and study of available sources, consultaion with the experts in the subject above, detailed analysis of the carried out exercises. Outcome: Based on the study of legislative norms indicating the framework of activities of individual components of Integrated Rescue Systém, consulting the respective variants of implementation of practical knowledge, as a result, the exercise was designed in order to verify the ability of the police management to manage and control the forces and resources during the performance of the police tasks and also to verify the practical ability of police Officers to perform set tasks and cooperate in the place of intervention with units and relevant agencies. Key words: Integrated Rescue Systém, crisis management, emergency planning, tipical aktivity,...
A Plan of Measures in Case of Exceptional Incidents on Manufactury Premises
Musil, Jan ; Doležel, Ludvík (referee) ; Svoboda, Bohuslav (advisor)
This Diploma thesis deals with creating the Plan of Measures in Case of Exceptional Incidents on manufacture Premises. The first part of thesis is dedicated to description of Exceptional Incidents, primarily accidents with leak of hazardous chemical substances, legislation background of Exceptional Incidents and Emergency planning, Civil Protection, as a complex within Czech Republic and then individual measures (the plan are assembled of) are descripted. The Plan of Measures, as such itself, is created on the basis of processed analysis of hazardous properties connected with chemical substances, used in McBride, a.s., mainly the Acids and mixtures of alcohol. The leak of this compounds was simulated in software ALOHA, which gives information about degree of threat to inhabitants of this area. Suggested Measures are created to be practicable in particular situation in surroundings of McBride, a.s. Aim of this Diploma thesis is not just to create a particular Plan, but integrally describe the issues of Emergency planning especially for smaller subjects within municipality, that do not come under the scope of law n. 59/2006 Sb., and to create a tool, that can help to other creators of similar Plans of Measures to understand to partial relations.

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