National Repository of Grey Literature 34 records found  beginprevious25 - 34  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Effect of tillage technology to control weeds in crops of winter oilseed rape
The aim of this thesis is to extend the knowledge about the use of modern machinery cultivator with minimum tillage and conventional tillage in agriculture. For this purpose you can use a wide range of agricultural machines from various manufacturers such as the Horsch, Lemken, Vaderstad and more. In this work evaluates the stubble Horsch Terrano 6FG and Vaderstad Carrier 820 with a focus on lumps size, incorporation of crop residues and maintain the set depth.
The issue of dissemination and regulation methods of invasive weeds in the Czech Republic and the Russian Federation.
The subject matter of this paper was to deal with the issue of spreading and ocuurence of the weed which endanger our environment the most. The biology, occurence, spreading and also the regulation of these weeds were described in the paper. A few probable options were suggested for the area of Russian Federadion. (Heracleum mantegazzianum Sommer at Levier), (Kochia scoparia(L.), Schrader),( Abutilon Theophrasti Med.), (Reynoutria Japonka Houtt.), (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.), ( Lactuca tatarka L.) etc. The main aim of the paper was to cover the issue of spreading of invasion weed in the Czech Republic and the Russian Federation with specialization on very dangerous species.
Control of weeds on arable land in forests rape (Brassica spp.)
The aim of this thesis is to expand knowledge about how to control very dangerous weeds occurring on arable land in forests grown rapeseed. When growing crops are placed great demands on the quality of both production and the economy growing. Modern technologies of cultivation and the production system measures its influence reached the amount of seeds and harvest quality. The possibility of using herbicides to control the occurrence of plant very dangerous weed species in stands grown at conventional oilseed farming is offered as one of the many and very effective control measures against the occurrence of monocot and dicotyledonous weeds.
Biology and control of Redroot pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus L.) on arable land
This work is focused on pigweed species-related issues, particularly those of redroot pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus L.), including biology, occurrence, harmfulness, spreading and possibilities to regulate the plant, which, nowadays, ranks among very dangerous and constantly spreading weed species. I therefore monitored the frequency of occurrence of redroot pigweed and other weed species grown on experimental plots during the maize vegetation season, and the effectiveness of weed regulation efforts through three registered herbicides, namely Adengo, Milagro and Callisto 480 SC. All three herbicides were appreciably very effective on redroot pigweed and delivered results proved the necessity of applying herbicides to control weed populations in today?s agricultural practices. In this respect, it can indeed be noted that a long-term regulation must be based on principles of good agro-technology practices and combine effectively sowing procedures, chemical protection and other both direct and preventive procedures.
The Issues of Spread of Slender Meadow Foxtail(Alopecurus myosuroides Huds.) on Arable Land and the Methods of its Regulation.
JUSKO, Vladimír
This research paper focuses on One Year Slender Meadow Foxtail weed and options for its regulation. Slender Meadow Foxtail has become a significantly localized weed and it is necessary to stop it from spreading further. In certain locations the presence of One Year Slender Meadow Foxtail is very high; for example in Zitmunice in the district of Ceske Budejovice. This weed is to be found mainly in winter grain (cereal), rape (canola) growth, free growing spring grain (cereal), and also in clover growth. This paper describes the presence of One Year Slender Meadow Foxtail in spring barley and different methods of regulating its presence. Experiments with whether the amount of herbicide influences the regulation of weed growth have been carried out at selected locations.
The occurrence of weed control methods in stands of grasses spring cereals
SLABÁ, Jiřina
This work focused on the problems of weed plants in spring cereals on plots of agricultural cooperative Čížová. The company is located in South Bohemia, 5 km from Písek. The evaluation of weed infestation was made by numerical method in period from spring 2011 to summer 2011. The issue of weed plants is one of the main negative factors affecting yield and grain quality. Number of weed plants, which at a given location occurred, was regularly observed and evaluated. The most commonly occurring weeds were Viola arvensis, which made up approximately 50 % of all the range of weeds which occurred in the explored land. Other significant weeds were Thlaspi arvense L. and Capsella bursa-pastoris L. We can suppose that Viola arvensis will be a problematic weed. The conclusions can be stated that long-term regulation against the occurrence of perennial weeds must be done carefully and must be based on complete protection which consists of direct and indirect methods of weed control products. Underestimating the occurrence of weeds in crops can cause serious problems.
The methods of regulation the Elytrigia repens (L.) Desv. on arable land
KOCEK, Václav
Weed infestation of the arable land by persistent weeds is serious problem today. Very dangerous species occuring in all crops, not just only on the arable land, is "Elytrigia repens". It's spread is connected with decrease the level of tillage and with reduction of agrotechnical measures. The target of my thesis is to broadening of knowledges and to suggest other possible solutions of regulation of the occurrence of "Elytrigia repens". SO we did an herbicidal attempt at "Triticum aestivum", which was focused on chemical regulation of this weed. There were used three herbicidal products in different variants. Using of herbicidal products reduces the occurrence of weed species.
Methods of weed control on permanent grasslands
Mikulka, Jan ; Pavlů, Vilém ; Skuhrovec, Jiří ; Koprdová, Stanislava
This methodology includes the newest knowledge about biology, ecology, reproduction and control of weeds, growing on meadows and pastures. Recommended systems of grasslands management are described. Control of weed management contains mechanical methods, using of herbicides and as well as biological control agents on permanent grasslands.
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Influence Of Time And Quality Of Minimum Tillage On The Development Of Weeds
KOCEK, Václav
My bachelare thesis was aimed at the growth of the following weeds: Elytrigia repens L.,Cirsium arvense L. , Avena fatua L., Apera spica-venti L. It was found that modern technologies of the tillage have a positive effect on the impact of the above listed weed species. The use of the herbicides affects the incidence of these weed species.
Comparison choice cultural and weed kinds form stock Amaranthus
Amaranthus (L.) belongs to among old cultural crops. Cultural forms of some species were already grown by Aztecs and Incs in ancient times. High nutritive value of seeds redounded to rediscovery of the crops. Tested varieties of cultural amaranth get to the interaction whit wild species of amaranth. This work would had contribute to better knowledge of ecology in the hybrid of cultural variety and weed (A. x turicensis = A. cruentus x A. retroflexus) The aim of this work was to describe production and morphometric characteristics of selected relative cultural and weed species of amaranth (Amaranthus hypochondriacus, Amaranthus cruentus, Amaranthus retroflexus), the hybrid A. x turicensis and to determinate occurrence and survival of weed species A. retroflexus onplaces, where cultural amarant was grown. A. retroflexus shows as a very resistant to damage. Cultural species responded on damage by reduction of majority observed parameters. Cultural species of amaranth responded more on different conditions substrate than the weed species. Response of hybrid on different substratum conditions was in the middle of spectrum of the response in cultural parents and the weed species. Indiference of the hybrid to substrate should be better clear up in the next studies. Weed species is little sensitive to competicion and his characteristics (total biomass, legth inflorescence, height of plants, number of leaves) are different not much. Effect of competition on hybrid shows his non - uniform response probably caused by his considerable variability Absence of cultural amarant and interspecific hybrids shows on relation of these plants to warmer weather that is probably the main factor for their occurrence.

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