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The physical characteristics of preschool children in relation to type of nutrition in infancy
The part of this bachelor´s thesis is about description and comparison of breast milk and artificial nutrition. Some previous breastfeeding researches are also described here. The aim of the thesis is to assess selected the physical characteristics of breastfed and non-breastfed five years old children. The measured characteristics were body height, body weight, selected circumference characterictics (the right arm circumference, the gluteal circumference, the waist circumference and the right thigh circumference) and the values of selected skin folds (the skin fold over the triceps, the subscapulare skin fold, the suprailiacal skin fold and the thigh over the quadriceps). In addition, the Body Mass Index (BMI) and the sum of all four skin folds were calculated. The differences in average values for breastfed and non-breastfed children were not statistically significant by Student´s test (t-test). Only the skin fold on the thigh over the quadriceps was at limit of significance for the non-breastfed girls in our group. In contrast, the results of the Mann-Whitney test for breastfed and non-breastfed children were statististically significant for the suprailiacal skin fold, for the skin fold on the thigh over the quadriceps and for the sum of all four skin folds in favor of the non-breastfed girls. The differences in breastfed and non-breastfed averages were evaluated for the group reduced by probands with BMI values above 97th percentile. The t-test comparison showed a statistically significant difference in the group of girls. The non-breastfed girls had higher values of the subscapulare skin fold, skin fold on the thigh over the quadriceps and the sum of all four skin folds. The research part of the thesis includes the results of the relationship among the physical characteristics. The most interesting result were among the selected circumference and BMI. It was found that the BMI has the closes relationship with the arm circumference in all groups of our children. Further, it was found that the sum of skin folds has a closer relationship with BMI than with the body weight in non-breastfed boys group and both of girl´s groups. The children from our group were compared with the previous researches. The most significant results were related to the comparison of the body height and the body weight. Our group had statistically highly significant higher values of these both characteristics.
The physical characteristics of primary schoolchildren in relation to type of nutrition in infancy
The objective of this bachelor thesis was the elaboration of a topic from available Czech and foreign literature and conducting a study to assess the body dimensions of children of younger school age in the category of nine-year-old due to the type of nutrition in infancy. Data collection was performed by the author of this work in the period from October 2017 to November 2018. Total measurements were attended by 136 children - 36 breastfed girls, 28 non-breastfed girls, 36 breastfed boys and 36 non-breastfed boys. The measurement was carried out at ten primary schools in the South Bohemian region in the municipalities from 3 to 6 thousand inhabitants and in the town with a population about 100 thousand. For the assessment were selected basic somatic data, such as body height, body weight and circumferential dimensions of the right arm, abdomen, hips and right thigh. There were also measured the skin folds - above the triceps, subscapular (below shoulder blade), suprailiacal (above the iliac crest) and on the thigh. The research performed in this thesis did not confirm the difference in the values of body characteristics of younger school children due to the type of their nutrition in infancy. The results of our research showed that non-breastfed children have higher average values in all measured parameters, but differences between breastfed and non-breastfed children were not statistically significant. Contribution of the bachelor thesis can be seen in the real use of the theoretical knowledge of this topic and methods of measurement in pedagogical practice. The results of the work could be interesting for professionals and the general public as a basis for further scientific investigation.
Protein intake in nurselings
KYNCL, Tomáš
The aim of bachelory called "The intake of proteins at infant" was to chart an intake of proteins at infant's diet. There are two research questions: What is the difference between breast-feeded infants and infant's feeded by formulas and infants feeded by baby foods focused on the intake of proteins? What is the intake of proteins at infants feeded by baby foods according to nutrition's recommendecions. Bachelory thesis is separeted to theoretical part, which is focused to defined basic concepts like proteins and infants. Further it deals with infant's nutrition, provided by breast-feeding or infant's nutrition formula and baby foods. Practical part was done by applying qualitativ research, there is calculation of 3 days of infant's diet. The evaluation of data was done in programm Nutriservis Proffesional and I used labels from the producers of infant's formulas as well. There are 12 infants involved in the research separeted in 3 groups based on infant's age. The groups are defined as: 0-4 months, 4-8 months, 8-12 months. In each groups there are 4 infants. The results are done using the formo of calculated tabs. In all the groups there is reference value of proteins set up to 10 g a day. (Referenční hodnoty pro příjem živin, 2011). The conclusion says that breast-feeded children at the groups 0-4 months and 4-8 months are closer to this reference value than children feeded by infant's nutrition formula. At the group 8-12 months it is very individuall. There are 2 infants close to the reference value, one of them has the income significantely lower and the second one higher for a change. Out of those results it is possible to say, that for optimal income of proteins it is more convinient breastst-feeding than infant's nutrition formulas.
Comparison of the diet of infants when using 4 formulas (Sunar, Nestle, Hipp, Nutricie)
KUBÁTOVÁ, Veronika
The bachelor's thesis entitled "Comparison of infant diets using four baby formulas" is aimed at comparing the nutritional content of four commercial baby formulas and evaluating the real world consumption of nutrients and micronutrients by infants who are fed with these specific formulations. In this thesis, two specific questions were considered: 1) "What is the nutritional difference between these four baby formulas?" and 2) "Which of these four baby formulas most closely matches the nutritional profile of breast milk?" There are two parts to this thesis. The first part focuses on theoretical information while the second part deals with practical information. The theoretical portion deals with issues including the nutritional needs of infants, breastfeeding, breast milk, and the use of baby formulas. The practical portion used qualitative research into the diets of infants. The research sample consisted of 12 infants using the formulas. The infants were divided into four groups of three. Each group used a different formula during the three days research period. The mothers recorded the quantities consumed by their babies, and the information was recorded and evaluated in the Nutriservis Professional program. The practical portion also includes a table showing the ingredients and nutritional information of each of the four formulas. This information was taken from the manufacturer's product labels. The results of this research are presented in tabular form. The results are compared with the nutritional recommendations for infants as detailed in the publication "Referenční hodnoty pro příjem živin (2011)." Furthermore, the nutritional composition of each of the formulas is compared with the nutritional composition of breast milk according to "Referenční hodnoty pro příjem živin (2011)." The results show that all the infants in the study exceeded the recommended daily allowance of certain nutritents and micronutrients by many times. My conclusion is that breast milk remains the best source of nutrition for infants. This bachelor's thesis may be used as an information source for medical students, expectant mothers, and mothers with babies.
The issue of breastfeeding on newborn intensive care unit.
Skuhrová, Kateřina ; Kulhavá, Miluše (advisor) ; Heczková, Jana (referee)
v anglickém jazyce This bachelor thesis examines the topic of breastfeeding in newborn intensive care units (ICUs). Breastfeeding and feeding babies with mother's milk is one of the best and the most natural ways of nutrition after birth. It is irreplaceable and, at the same time, very convenient for the baby and the mother. The thesis focuses on the problem of separating mothers from their babies after birth when the newborns are hospitalized in an ICU. The newborns therefore cannot be in constant contact with their mothers and thus cannot be regularly breastfed. The thesis comprises a theoretical and an empirical part. In the first chapter of the theoretical part of the thesis, I describe the anatomy of the mammary gland, lactation physiology and the composition of mother's milk. The next chapter pays a great deal of attention to the issues related to newborn ICUs where not only prematurely born children are placed, but also children with worsened afterbirth adaptation, hypoxia, infections, various genetic defects and children of drug-addicted mothers. The last chapter is dedicated to the significance and benefits of breastfeeding, pumping and storing mother's milk, and alternative ways of feeding newborns in ICUs. The last part of this chapter addresses the Lactation League, lactation...
The system of infants nutrition with emphasis on inclusion of gluten into the diet
The aim of the bachelor thesis called System of infants nutrition with the emphasis on adding gluten in food is to determine how the mothers are approaching the nutrition of their children at the age from the beggining of second month to the end of twelfth month. In the theoretical part of my thesis I focused on the overall nutrition of infants, on the breast milk and also on the artificial infant nutrition. Further in the theoretical part I payed my attention to the gluten which is recently very disscused among the experts, regarding its influence on the later development of the disease called celiac disease. At the end of my thesis, I also payed my attention to this particular illness. In the research part of my thesis I focused on the fact, whether mothers are breastfeeding or not and if not, which artificial nutrition are they using. Then I focused on different kinds of side dishes, in which month of the age the mothers add the side dishes and whether they are preparing it themselves or whether they buy it. Gluten plays the most important role in my thesis and also the fact, when mothers are adding it into theirs infants nutrition. To elaborate the research part of this thesis I used the quantitative research method when I have been collecting the desired information via pre-prepared forms which I gave to 50 mothers having a baby in the age between 6. and 12. month. The dominant part of my research is done in the hospital in Ceske Budejovice during my mandatory practice. The rest of the research I gain from mothers living in my neighbourhood. The entire research was made from november 2015 to june 2016. I divided and evaluated the obtained information by using graphs and tables, where collected data are itemized according to the age of infants. Thanks to the second short form I gained another information from pediatricians and pediatric sisters. In this second form I mainly questioned them about the issue of adding gluten to the infants nutrition. The dominant part of the questionnaire was completed with the help of pediatric staff in the hospital in Ceske Budejovice. The rest of the questionnaire I filled in pediatric ambulances close to my residency. The forms dedicated to the doctors and sisters were also evaluated by using graphs and tables. In the last chapter of my thesis I prepared the sample menu with the "Nutriservis Profesional"software. This menu is suitable for infants in the age of 10 months.
Lakatioin and increased physical activity after childbirth
The puerperium period is a very sensitive period. A woman has to familiarize herself with her new role as a mother. During the post-natal period the woman's body is returning to the same condition as it was before giving birth. After the birth a woman has to adapt to new situations and learn a lot, especially if she is a first-time mother. The Bachelor´s Thesis develops the topic of "Breastfeeding and increased physical activity after childbirth". The Thesis is divided into 2 parts. The first part consists of theory and the second part describes the research. The theoretical part is focused on the breast anatomy, physiology of lactation, principles of successful breastfeeding and a variety of sports activities listed below, i.e. sports activities recommended and non-recommended after the postpartum period, the benefits of increased physical activity after childbirth and physical changes during pregnancy. The research part of the Bachelor´s Thesis focuses on the frequency and type of physical activity women do after giving birth. The author also monitored whether the women exercised during pregnancy, and if so, under which circumstances. The research also examined whether the women were breastfeeding or not, whether they had any problems with breastfeeding or their breasts, and investigated how the women breastfed while exercising, or whether they limited one activity at the expense of the other. The Thesis focused on one goal, which was to determine the effect of the increased physical activity had on breastfeeding. The designated research questions were as follows: "Which physical activity do women do after giving birth? How often do women exercise after giving birth? How did the physical activity impact breastfeeding? How long did/do women breastfeed?" The research was conducted by using a qualitative method of semi-structured interviews to be able to ask a woman supplementary questions beyond the established structure. The empirical part was performed from January to March 2017. One research sample consisted of 10 respondents. The interviews with respondents were conducted through Skype. The individual data were captured in writing or by using audio recording depending on the respondent´s approval. The data gathered were transcribed in the form of standard Czech. When interpreting the data, the direct respondents´ quotes were used. As emerged from the research part, the women who are very actively engaged in sports, do not have to reduce breastfeeding due to sports activities. All of the respondents did not restrict breastfeeding and nursed the children according to their children´s needs. Some women encountered some breast problems, such as mastitis and retention. The problem, however, may not have been caused by physical activity, since the problem occurred during the period when the women did not exercise. Some women encountered difficulties when exercising, but they did not stop breastfeeding. They solved the breast problems by using various methods, natural and medical, and continued successfully with breastfeeding. During the study, none of the women mentioned to have had any issues with the child s rejecting breast milk immediately after any increased physical activity. The research study suggests that it is possible to breastfeed and do increase physical activity after childbirth. Women should therefore be informed about this fact by their midwife. It is important that women do not reduce breastfeeding at the expense of physical activity. This fact was not proved in the research part. The conclusion proves that womenafter childbirth do not limit breastfeeding at the expense of their leisure time activities because breast milk is the best food for new-borns. The bachelor thesis can be used to improve awareness of postpartum women who are involved in increased physical activity (fitness).
The history and the present of breastfeeding from a perspective of midwifes
From time immemorial, it is known that breastfeeding is the best and most balanced diet that a mother can give her child. Breast milk is irreplaceable mainly because of its composition, which exactly follows the needs of the child at different sessions of its life. Thanks to breastfeeding, the mother and her baby have a relationship that has been developing since the first few minutes after its birth. During breastfeeding, the baby gets a sense of security and love because it is close to his mother. This relationship was not built in earlier times because breastfeeding was the task of wet nurses. Only few women had breastfed their own child. Therefore, a close relationship between the wet nurse and the breastfed child has emerged very frequently. Over time, breastfeeding came to the forefront and more and more women were breastfeeding their children. Breastfeeding was even taken as the most precious gift and ability of each mother, sometimes even as a duty. Today, breastfeeding is supported by both society and healthcare professionals. Thanks to this promotion and support, the number of breast-feeding women is still increasing, on the other hand there are so many women who do not want to breastfeed, so it is important to spread this promotion to society's awareness and thus to fight against the artificial nutrition manufacturers which are and will be on the market. The bachelor thesis is elaborated as theoretical-historical. By analyzing the documents, we have studied the development of breastfeeding from history to the present. In the first chapter of the bachelor thesis, the anatomy of the breast and mammary gland, lactation physiology and the composition of breast milk are theoretically described. In the next chapter, we have approached the profession of midwife and her position in breastfeeding. The third one describes the development of breastfeeding from the Stone Age to the 20th Century. In the last fourth chapter we dealt with breastfeeding at present.
We grew up on Sunar-mark. communication in the area of infant formula
Fišer, Ondřej ; Hejlová, Denisa (advisor) ; Halada, Jan (referee)
The bachelor thesis We grew up on Sunar - marketing communication in the area of infant formula examines the issue of advertising infant formula, with special focus on the communication of the brand Sunar. A brief outline of the history of breastfeeding and development of artificial infant formula, offering a comprehensive insight into the subject matter, is followed by a case study of the Nestlé company. This case brought on significant changes in the perception of the issue of infant feeding marketing as well as in the regulations limiting greatly the options of marketing communication in this segment. Important legislation is briefly introduced. The work then presents a concise history of the Hero company and its brand Sunar and in detail analyzes and describes individual elements used in selected samples of advertising; these are placed in a larger social and historical context and confronted on the basis of common marketing communication theories. The work also mentions the most significant non-governmental breastfeeding organizations and their activities. The aim of this work is to explore the communication of the brand Sunar resulting from the consumer perception of the brand and to sum up the facts from the area of communication strategies of infant and child nutrition companies.
Feeding strategies for premature infants (24th-34th gestational week) on discharge from the hospital.
According to the experts, the breastfeeding support and education of mothers in the Czech Republic is insuficient. There is declining number of children who are brestfed exclusively to six months of life, premature babies posing even greater problem in this matter. Much of this problematic trend resides in the lack of support for mothers. A major problem in the Czech Republic is the fact that there are still a few maternity hospitals which are arranged so that mothers can be with their babies immediately after birth, especially if we talk about preterm newborns. Breastfeeding is the most important way to ensure the healthiest nutritional needs of an infant. It allows not only nutrition, but also feeling of safety and security, which is very important in proper development of the child. Furthermore, the breastfeeding contributes to the creation of solid emotional relationship between mother and child. Among other things, breastfeeding is undoubtedly the cheapest possible child nutrition. Goal of this thesis is to draw attention to a small number of premature babies, who are fully breastfed at discharge from the hospital leading to many negative consequences such as reduced immunity, psychosocial issues, et cetera. In our opinion, the problem is caused by lack of time, excessive workload of nurses and doctors' little initiative. Through this thesis we would like to draw attention to current knowledge and information about the breastfeeding preterm infants in perinatal centers. We also mapped the number of premature babies fully breastfed at discharge from hospital and identified through research the causes of low prevalence of breastfeeding these children. Another objective was to map the knowledge and skills of nurses in practice, to determine the connection between these skills and the difference in diet between compared hospitals. Finally, we propose solutions to the identifed shortcomings. The theoretical part processed characteristics of a premature baby, anatomy and physiology of breastfeeding and its benefits for the child, proper breastfeeding technique, the importance of nurses in the management of breastfeeding and activities to promote breastfeeding in the Czech Republic and in the world. In the empirical part we used qualitative and quantitative research. We collected data in three randomly selected perinatal centers in the Czech Republic during the fourth quarter of 2012. The stated objectives of the study were processed using a questionnaire, content analysis of documents and methodology and regression trees. The research showed that all of the top centers have similar level of child care. However, there are significant differences in nutrition and ways of feeding the children and nursing care. The study showed that child nutrition at discharge from hospital is different, and this may have an impact on the later development of the child, as evidenced by other studies. Differences in nursing care most relevant to the proper and effective education of the mothers, which both can be observed from the investigation, have the greatest impact on the type of diet at the end of the hospitalization of the infant.

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