National Repository of Grey Literature 1,250 records found  beginprevious1242 - 1250  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
The Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language and web multimedia presentation
The aim of this Bachelor work is to create a user guide of SMIL technology as a modern method for creation of web multimedia presentations. Furthermore, I tried to compare these three technologies: SMIL, Flash and JavaScript. The work also contains the specific web multimedia presentation which was created by means of SMIL technology.
Rich Internet Application AJAX and web pages creation
AJAX is a modern and very expanding technology.It is relatively new, so i will do my best to sum its main features up, show its function, refer to its probable difficulties and describe its implementation in detail. There is a number of modern technologies (conceptions) consolidated with AJAX, which are used on web. Any AJAX programmer must be able to work with them, and so I can´t avoid pointing out subjects as JavaScript, DOM, XML and server technologies.
WWW presentation of the Artex K, s. r. o. company
KASKA, Stanislav
V této bakalářské práci popisuji technologie XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, MySQL a PHP. Popisuji je, neboť jsem je využil při vytváření projektu. Projekt je zprovozněn na internetové adrese jako internetový obchod. Na projekt musíme nahlížet z pohledu uživatele - zákazníka a z pohledu administrátora - správce internetového obchodu. Obě tyto sekce jsou v bakalářské práci popsány.
Comparing javascript frameworks
Hanyš, Pavel ; Burkoň, Lukáš (advisor) ; Pavlíček, Luboš (referee)
The goal of this bachelor's thesis is to indroduce reader with JavaScript FrameWorks, which are commonly used this time. The introductory part of the paper deals with explanation the basic terms and other information needed to understand the main point of whole bachelor's thesis. Also there are the most used frameworks with its description and mentioning pros and cons. Each framework differs by its scope of function and usebility. My benefits of this paper are comparing of frameworks and providing important information to future users, who make the decision about which framework to choose for their project. This paper can be considered as handbook for starting webdevelopers or programmers. For better view of point is presented the functionality of specific framework on the end of the paper.
Trends in web application development
Jasný, Vojtěch ; Brabec, Tomáš (advisor) ; Špánek, Roman (referee)
The thesis is divided between two main topics: the first are trends in web application development on the client-side. Described are AJAX and COMET techniques, JSON format for data interchange, tools usable to debug Javascript applications and three Javascript libraries. Important part of client-side development are forms, which are far from ideal in their current state. Hence description of XForms and Web Forms 2.0 and their comparison is included. The second topic is server-side development. First the most used technologies used today are evaluated. Further, several frameworks are described and compared on a set of criteria. Python, Ruby and Java languages are represented.
Development Temper of ASP.NET and AJAX technology
Ježek, David ; Buchalcevová, Alena (advisor) ; Skoupý, Radek (referee)
This work is focused on programming technology ASP.NET. Nowadays it's one of the most spread technologies in web development. I will explain what exactly ASP.NET is in firs part. There is two smaller parts aimed on technologies LINQ and Silverlight as two major contributions in ASP.NET 3.5. In main part I will concentrate on AJAX technology, it's conception, use and I will bring closer to the readers the way how this technology is integrated in ASP.NET 3.5 as a ASP.NET AJAX. The goal of this work is approximation of present development temper, AJAX technology, to less experienced programmers. Reading this work should awake their willingness of using AJAX on their web aplications and convince them to search for other information.
Web 2.0 technology
Demčák, Marek ; Buchalcevová, Alena (advisor) ; Gála, Libor (referee)
Práce nahlíží na téma ?Technologie Web 2.0? zejména z pohledu tvůrce internetových stránek. Čtenář je nejprve seznámen s klíčovými principy, které mu pomohou přemýšlet o internetových stránkách v duchu Webu 2.0. Dále je uveden stručný přehled webových technologií na straně prohlížeče a srovnání nejvýznamějších webových technologií na straně serveru. Nejrozsáhlejší část práce se věnuje technologii AJAX a objektu XmlHttpRequest. Veškerá funkcionalita je popsána nejprve v teoretické rovině formou komentované dokumentace. Následuje praktická ukázka tvorby kompletní AJAX aplikace včetně ukládání a načítání dat z databáze. Jsou diskutovány výhody a nevýhody AJAXu. Závěrečná kapitola se dotýká vybraných javascriptových knihoven a frameworků.
AJAX technology
Florian, Jan ; Šalamon, Tomáš (advisor) ; Pavlíček, Luboš (referee)
This paper's goal is to provide a complex description of the AJAX technology. The paper provides detailed technical description of the technology and its parts; names the technology's positives and negatives resulting from its usage and also addresses its most commonly used alternatives (hidden frames, Flash, Java, ASP, NET, XUL, XAML). Further on, the paper addresses interesting JavaScript frameworks facilitating application development (Prototype,, dojo, qooxdoo, YUI) or compatibility of the most commonly used browsers (DOM, CSS, ECMAScript). The paper's conclusion is dedicated to security of applications based on JavaScript, their optimalization and performance. Several recommendations for optimizing the JavaScript are tested on the most commonly used browsers and a wide selection of browsers - both Windows and Linux based - is subject to complex performance tests.
Aktuální trendy ve vývoji webových aplikací
Jasný, Vojtěch ; Brabec, Tomáš (advisor) ; Špánek, Roman (referee)
The thesis is divided between two main topics: the first are trends in web application development on the client-side. Described are AJAX and COMET techniques, JSON format for data interchange, tools usable to debug Javascript applications and three Javascript libraries. Important part of client-side development are forms, which are far from ideal in their current state. Hence description of XForms and Web Forms 2.0 and their comparison is included. The second topic is server-side development. First the most used technologies used today are evaluated. Further, several frameworks are described and compared on a set of criteria. Python, Ruby and Java languages are represented.

National Repository of Grey Literature : 1,250 records found   beginprevious1242 - 1250  jump to record:
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