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Integration of children with autism into school
MATASOVÁ, Kateřina
Integration of children with autism into school I use the theoretic part of my Bachelor thesis to define the symptoms and partial syndromes of the autistic spectrum on the base of professional literature. Further I focus on the concept of integration and on the description of institutions for education of children with autism. At the end of the theoretic part, I state the methods used when working with children with autism. The goal of my thesis is to ascertain how teachers master the education of children with autism, what obstacles and positives they see in it. I see the following research questions: {$\bullet$} what are the goal of education of children with an autistic spectrum disorder from the teacher{\crq}s point of view {$\bullet$} what needs do children with autistic spectrum disorder have from the teacher{\crq}s point of view {$\bullet$} how the teachers cope with their work The research part of my Bachelor thesis is processed on the base of the information obtained in from of interviews and observation. It is qualitative research using the questioning and observation method and the technique of data collection with the help of structured interview. The research set consists of teachers of elementary, special and practical schools of České Budějovice working with children with autistic spectrum disorder. The interview was made with three class-teachers, three teacher assistants and one personal assistant. The research took place at four different schools; I visitek two elementary schools and two special elementary schools. I received the contacts to schools where pupils with autistic spectrum disorders are integrated from the Special Pedagogical Centre of České Budějovice. I come to the conclusion that all the questioned teachers are interested in the issue of autism; they are able to define, on the base of their knowledge, the goals of education of their pupils and to meet their needs in classes in most cases. They admit that the work with a child suffering from an autistic spectrum disorder is more demanding but they take it as integral part of their work. I think that the way of the teachers` mastering the education of children with autism depends on their knowledge and possibilities of full use of their knowledge in practice. The teacher see the cooperation with family as a great positive of their work; they depend on the information from the parents. The parents` interest can be motivating for further work of the techers; therefore I consider such cooperation indispensable. I think it would be appropriate to have all parents informed about the workshops and meetings organized especially by the Pedagogical Centre or possibly to organize such meetings regularly within each classe. The only obstacle to successful education of children with autism is their handicap itself from which all the above stated problems result. But, according to the teachers, it is possible to work with every problem, just because they knot what it results from. I think that even that obstacle can be overcome by preventing the possible problems with the help of the family or maybe other professionals.

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