National Repository of Grey Literature 3 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Effect of grazing on bryophytes diversity of dry grasslands in the PLA Český kras
Dry grassland are among the most endangered plant communities mainly due to the overgrowth of a number of localities. That is why from the beginning of the 21st century pasture with mixed herds of sheep and goats is restored on the most valuable dry grassland sites in the Bohemian Karst as the way of maintaining these habitats. Concurrently, research sites each 1x1 m in size were set up at four pastured localities, and were paired with control sites equipped with a fence for the research of grazing effect on vegetation. The main aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of grazing on the diversity of bryophytes at the forty pairs of the above-mentioned areas in three types of calcareous dry grasslands. In addition to the inventory of bryophytes, data on the most important abiotic and biotic factors of the environment were recorded on individual sites. The total number of bryophyte species found at the research sites is 46. 37 species were found at the grazing areas and the same number was at the fenced areas. Minimal differences in the number of species of grazed and unspoilt areas were also found in the comparison of individual localities. The grazing effect was shown up more significantly on species richness in the comparison of individual types of communities, especially in broad-leaved dry grassland (T3.4). There was a 40% increase in the number of species on grazing areas. The environmental factors have a positive effect on the species abundance mainly due to the higher slope of the terrain and the correlation with the larger occurrence of the stones, the smaller coverage of the herb layer and the litter. These conditions prevailed in areas with rock outcrop vegetation with Festuca pallens (T3.1), where the largest species richness of bryophytes in area was found. In the obtained data, the influence of grazing on the species composition of bryophytes on grazed and unspoilt areas was also assessed with the statistical methods and the Sörensen test of beta-diversity. The results show that grazing significantly influences the species composition towards open grassland and supports the growth of the bryophytes T3.1 plant community at the expense of the T3.4 plant community
Bryophytes of dry grasslands in southern part of PLA Český kras
The aim of the thesis was to survey the occurrence of mosses in the different types of calcareous dry grasslands in the southwestern part of the Bohemian Karst and assess the impact of major abiotic and biotic factors to their diversity.At seven habitat types was acquired a total of 35 plots of 1x1 m. The most important factor influencing the diversity of mosses turned out to be the degree of coverage of herb layer markedly influenced by used type of management.Dry grasslands with Festuca pallens (T3.1) and Sesleria grasslands (T3.2) appeared to be rich in moss species. Conversely mossy low diversity here is presented by broad-leaved dry grasslands (T3.4).
Populační dynamika ruderálních druhů ve vztahu k limitujícím podmínkám prostředí
Modrý, Martin ; Tenčík, Aleš ; Hofmeister, Jeňýk ; Hošek, Jan
Hlavním cílem projektu je identifikace a ocenění významu hlavních podmínek pro rozvoj expanzních druhů rostlin náročných na živiny v lesní vegetaci. Téma je rozděleno do dílčích částí: a) analýza vegetace modelových ploch a její interpretace zaměřená na expanzní druhy, ustupující druhy, indikačně významné druhy, b) stanovení zásoby živých semen v půdě (analýza semenné banky), c) analýza intenzity deště semen, d) stanovení obsahu hlavních živin a organického uhlíku v půdě, event. pomocných půdních charakteristik, e) popis světelných poměrů stanoviště, především kvantifikace celkového světelného požitku a spektrálních poměrů významných pro klíčení semen, f) popis významných spolupůsobících faktorů (vlhkostní poměry, poměry řídící akumulaci opadu, mikro a mezomorfologie stanoviště, spouštěcí faktorys - mechanické disturbance apod.), g) formulace zásad hospodaření podporující zachování biodiverzity na vybraných lokalitách.

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