National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Contribution to arsenic solid phase speciation in soils and mine wastes
Filippi, Michal ; Pertold, Zdeněk (advisor) ; Zeman, Josef (referee) ; Chovan, Martin (referee)
N1ichó] F] ]ppi Abotract Sunrnrar 1, ,tf Dtssertdtron The presentď dlssertat|on attempts to contrlbute to the current know|edge on the arsen|c (As) m|n€ra|og|ca| spec|at|on |n diverse types of so||d materta|s, such as contam|nated solls and mlne wastes. . lntřoductory part of the d|ssértat|on prov|des a geneftr| |ntroduct|on to As chemlca| and physlcal characterlstlcs and to the behavlor In the environment, wlth the maln emphasls on As so||d phase spec|aíon ln so||s and m|ne wast€s. . Next part of thé d|ssertat|on summar|zes and br|efly eva|uates m|nera|ogka| Ínethods to the study of prlmary and secondary As-bearlng phases. The maln alm ts to help wlth better or|ental|on |n the app||cat|on of these methods. The ||terauJre rď|en, showed thát áhhough a rank of modem methods have been developed |n |ast years (HMDF-STEM, AFM, BFM, PÍxE, xAs techn|ques, ND, etc.), there rema|n severá| estab||shď rnethďs (xRD, sEM, etc.) as a startlng step br mlneraloglcal research. Some other group of methods has been found as posslble useful for the study of As solld phase spechtlon (e,9,, RS, DTA, TGA, Vts DRS, VMp), The ma|n part of the d|ssertat|on |s pr€s€nted as a s€t of three papeni on shllar subjccts pub||shed |n scienťflc Journa|s - Env|ronÍrEnta| Cieo|ogy, sc|ence of the Tota| Env|ronrnent and Geoderma, The fu||ow|ng...
Contribution to arsenic solid phase speciation in soils and mine wastes
Filippi, Michal ; Pertold, Zdeněk (advisor) ; Zeman, Josef (referee) ; Chovan, Martin (referee)
N1ichó] F] ]ppi Abotract Sunrnrar 1, ,tf Dtssertdtron The presentď dlssertat|on attempts to contrlbute to the current know|edge on the arsen|c (As) m|n€ra|og|ca| spec|at|on |n diverse types of so||d materta|s, such as contam|nated solls and mlne wastes. . lntřoductory part of the d|ssértat|on prov|des a geneftr| |ntroduct|on to As chemlca| and physlcal characterlstlcs and to the behavlor In the environment, wlth the maln emphasls on As so||d phase spec|aíon ln so||s and m|ne wast€s. . Next part of thé d|ssertat|on summar|zes and br|efly eva|uates m|nera|ogka| Ínethods to the study of prlmary and secondary As-bearlng phases. The maln alm ts to help wlth better or|ental|on |n the app||cat|on of these methods. The ||terauJre rď|en, showed thát áhhough a rank of modem methods have been developed |n |ast years (HMDF-STEM, AFM, BFM, PÍxE, xAs techn|ques, ND, etc.), there rema|n severá| estab||shď rnethďs (xRD, sEM, etc.) as a startlng step br mlneraloglcal research. Some other group of methods has been found as posslble useful for the study of As solld phase spechtlon (e,9,, RS, DTA, TGA, Vts DRS, VMp), The ma|n part of the d|ssertat|on |s pr€s€nted as a s€t of three papeni on shllar subjccts pub||shed |n scienťflc Journa|s - Env|ronÍrEnta| Cieo|ogy, sc|ence of the Tota| Env|ronrnent and Geoderma, The fu||ow|ng...

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