National Repository of Grey Literature 399 records found  beginprevious287 - 296nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Environmental Aid and its Regulation in the EU Law
Zvěřinová, Věra
The environment is important not only for individuals, but for all mankind and future generations also. The environment and its global issues have become a burning issue for the whole population. The European Union decided to implement the environment into its legal system also. The theoretical part deals with defining sources which control the environment aid and examining the permissibility conditions for providing such aid. Practical part focuses on waste management and analysis of individual legal cases in this area.
Presidential Competence to Grant Pardon in Selected Countries: Study 1.138
Syllová, Jindřiška ; Řebřina, Jan
Comparision of presidential competence to grand pardon in selected countries EU (Finland, France, Ireland, Italy, Germany, Poland, Austria, Greece)
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Commentary to the Changes of the Franch Constitution from 21st July 2008: Study 1.193
Pulda, Jan
Ústava francouzské Páté republiky byla přijata 4.října 1958 a od data svého přijetí byla osmnáctkrát novelizována. Poslední zásadní novelu se podařilo přijmout na Kongresu obou komor francouzského parlamentu dne 21.července 2008. Práce popisuje nejzásadnější ústavní změny ke kterým došlo po 21. červenci 2008: jde o novelu, která byla silně prosazována novým francouzským prezidentem Nicolasem Sarkozym s tím, že hlavním cílem návrhů jeho administrativy byla institucionálni modernizace Páté republiky. Prezident Sarkozy za tímto účelem zřídil komisi již v červenci 2007, tedy krátce poté co se ujal svého úřadu. Komise pro ústavní změny byla řízena Edouardem Balladurem, bývalým předsedou vlády, komise sestávala především z ústavních právníků a politiků. Výsledkem práce bylo popsaní nejdůležitějších posunů v pravomocích a změnách vztahů mezi prezidentem, parlamentem a vládou v paragrafovém znění spolu se stručným přehledem k samotnému projednávání a posléze přijetí ústavních změn. Dále pak práce hovoří o změnách v postavení opozice v parlamentu a změnách týkajících se legislativního procesu spolu s vlastním projednáváním zákonů.
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The land rebels at the beginning of early modern times
This bachelor work provides a comprehensive view of the land rebel on the basis of legal documents from the turn of the 14th and 15th century till 1627. Through the Land Code-book, royal decrees and concrete examples drawn from the noble correspondence from the end of the 15th century and the beginning of the 16th century, the work delimits the typology and the course of detriment. It defines the concrete land rebels, who were known throughout whole the Bohemian Kingdom. These were mainly Kryštof and Jindřich of Gutštejn, whose impact was extended to the foreign countries and thus they endangered the Bohemian Kingdom. Another one is the famous story of revenge to The Old Town of Prague from Jiřík Kopidlanský. The fight of estates between the nobility and cities was depicted on the background of this story.
Podnikání v oblasti cestovního ruchu
Pechová, Helena
The bachelor thesis follows up business of tour operators and travel agencies. It deals with legal as well as ethical viewpoint related to business of tourism. The theoretical part focus on importance of tourism, the characteristic activities of entrepreneurs in this area, as well on the rights and commitments of them or their customers, which are given by contemporary law. The attention is also paid to consumer protection and resolution of complaints. In the practical part the the-sis is concerned with opinions of customers concerning their rights and protection. In conclusion some recommendations will be proposed both tour operators, travel agencies and their customers.
Informovanost středoškolské mládeže o domácím násilí
Sedláčková, Sabina
The phenomenon of domestic violence is a serious social issue. This work is in the theoretical part deals with terminology, describing the character and forms of domestic violence, including characteristics of victims. The content is also the issue of domestic violence against women, men, children, the elderly and the disabled. An important chapter are the causes and consequences of violence, compared Myths vs. facts, prevention and legislation of the Czech Republic. The practical part contains the processed data exploratory investigation in a sample of high school students. Respondents answered the questionnaire questions on the topic and the results are evaluated in a separate chapter. The work ended discussion and conclusion.
Etika a právo v oblasti reklamy
Haluzová, Kristýna
Haluzová. K., Ethics and Low in advertising. Diploma thesis. Brno, 2013. This thesis provides a comprehensive view of the development and regulation of advertising messages only within its definition of marketing, but also with regard to the ethical and legal concepts. These concepts are at work made especially with regard to advertising self-regulation, with regard to the Code of Ethics advertising, and the regulations of public and private rights and to assist the understanding of the problems described in the work and serve as a tool for effective advertising in accordance with both the law and the ethics.
Patients knowledge about their rights during hospitalization in medical institution
Current situation: "As a result of social, economic, cultural, ethical and political progress, a movement for improvement and full utilization of patients' rights ensued (1. s. 56 )" . For a patient to know his legal rights may lead to his speedy recuperation as well as a psychological comfort. From my personal experience I know that, in the nursing patient´s case history records regarding familiarity with their rights, the corresponding column is but checked through without informing the patient about his rights. As well, I know the patient´s feelings in the absence of this information. Therefore, I wish to address this problem and furthermore, I wish to contribute to changes in this situation through this research. Research Aim: The aim of this research undertaking was to find out if patients know their rights and if they can describe them. Further, the research aimed at finding out if, upon admittance to healthcare facilities, the patients were advised of their respective rights and, if these rights were being observed by the nursing staff. For the purpose of this research aim the following questions were chosen: What is the cognizance of the patients regarding their rights during hospitalization in a healthcare facility? Through what approaches are the patients familiarized with their rights? To what extent do the nursing staffs adhere to the legal rights of the patients while in the hospital? Methodology: For the purpose of this research survey qualitative methodology and analyses of data were chosen. The qualitative study was realized through a technique of in-depths interviews with anonymous individuals. The collection of data took place in July of 2014 in the Hospital in the City of Jindrichuv Hradec. Data analyses were done through an open coding system, utilizing methodology "pencil and paper" (2). Consequently, individual categories of answers were organized in graphic diagrams in SmartArt program. Conclusion: From the research survey it is evident that, the patients lack knowledge about their rights. The reason for this rests in an incorrect education of patients by nursing staff upon admittance. Nevertheless, adherence to patients' rights within the wards under questioning meets good standards. This work should contribute to better familiarization with the rights; thus increasing the herein mentioned knowledge of the rights of the patients.
Certain aspects of the legislative regulations applicable to foundations in the Czech Republic, France, Germany and Austria: Study 5.295
Pejchalová-Grünwaldová, Vladimíra
Tato práce se věnuje následujícím aspektům právní úpravy nadačního práva ve jmenovaných státech: 1) druhy nadací z hlediska zákonem přípustných účelů, které mohou nadace sledovat, 2) podmínky pro vznik nadací (požadavky registrace/souhlasu orgánu státní správy) včetně požadovaného minimálního kapitálu, a 3) organizační struktura nadací. Právní úprava v České republice je z hlediska těchto aspektů porovnána s právní úpravou ve Francii, v Německu a v Rakousku. Práce rovněž upozorňuje na určité nedostatky ve stávající právní úpravě nadačního práva a v této souvislosti zmiňuje novelu zákona o nadacích a nadačních fondech, která vstupuje v účinnost dne 1. července 2010.
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