National Repository of Grey Literature 5 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
King in turbulent times: Přemysl Otakar II.
Žemlička, Josef
The study is concerning to the political and economic activity of Přemysl Otakar II. (1253-1278), especialy to the founding of the cities.
The character of Přemysl Otakar II. in Czech chronicles - history and literary fiction
VAŇKOVÁ, Martina
The thesis The Character of Přemysl Otakar II. in Czech Chronicles History and Literary Fiction is analysing, as the name suggests, the image of Přemysl Otakar II. in chronicles. For this purpose, writings from the High and Late Middle Ages were selected; they are Kronika tak řečeného Dalimila, Zbraslavská kronika of abbot Ota and Petr Žitavský, Kronika of František Pražský, Kronika česká of Přibík Pulkava z Radenína, Kronika česká of Jan Marignola and Stručné sepsání římské a české from Neplach. From the period of humanism chosen writings are Historie česká of Aeneas Silvius Piccolomini and Kronika česká of Václav Hájek z Libočan. The first task of this thesis is not only to interpret the subjective attitude of each historian, but also to compare their opinions with each other, taking into account the period in which the writings were created. Another aim of the thesis is to capture the similarities and differences in interpretations of selected stories of medieval and humanistic chroniclers and also their comparison with the views of contemporary historians.
Archaeology in Přemysl Otakar II.'s castles in south Bohemia
Thesis contains summary of establishment and development of castles in Czech republic territory, emphasis is on royal seats in south Bohemia. Typology and history of Ottokar II.´s castles in region of south Bohemia will be presented. In analytic part will be general knowledge about extent of archeological researches and their contribution to history of these sights. Final part of thesis is dedicated to comparison material evidences (archeological) with sources.
Minnesing and court literature at the court of last members of Přemysl's dynasty and the first membe luxembourg's dynasty
Qualifying work has interdisciplinary charakter. This work is concentrate on knowledge of history and culture of age last members of Přemysl´s dynasty and the first members of Luxembourg´s dynasty. The primary aim of work is to identify the conditions under which there is courtly literature and minnesing on the courts of these rulers. Next aim is using the comparative method to define the basic topics in prose and poetry. The secondary aim is recognizing influence of German and Latin literature domestic and foreign on literature written in Czech. The work ?Minnesing and court literature at the court of last members of Přemysl's dynasty and the first members of Luxembourg's dynasty? deals with years 1283?1306 and 1310?1333 taking into account also past years.

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