National Repository of Grey Literature 95 records found  previous11 - 20nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Dolní Vilémovice 1939-1945. A Czech Village under the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia
Hanák, Zdeněk ; Vojtěchovský, Ondřej (advisor) ; Plachý, Jiří (referee)
Dolní Vilémovice 1939-1945. A Czech Village under the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia The thesis deals with the destiny of Dolní Vilémovice, small village which lies in West Bohemia, during the Nazi occupation. It uses sources of local authorities and oral history to describe everyday life of Czech villagers throughout the Second World War. The village mentioned above was not chosen incidentally, as it is a birthplace of Jan Kubiš, one of czech soldiers who commited assassination attempt on Reinhard Heydrich. That is why this thesis also discusses the issue of German repressive measures against the local population, especially against Kubiš family, and anti-Nazi resistance.
The Image of Bolsheviks in Memory of Czechoslovak Legionaries
Pácha, Martin ; Vojtěchovský, Ondřej (advisor) ; Tumis, Stanislav (referee)
The aim of this bachelor thesis was to describe the process of creation of the image and role of the Bolsheviks in the memory of Czechoslovak legionnaires. The main goal questioned was (i) how this image was generated immediatelly during the period of the legionnaries activities in Russia and (ii) how it has been changed after their return to Czechoslovakia. The first part of the analysis is based on legionnaries publications issued in Russia, namely the newspaper "Československý denník". The second part analyses the interwar legionnaries literature, mainly the texts of writers who commented on the Russian revolutionary events in general. Using the comparison of literary sources this work shows that returned legionnaries writers oversimplified Bolshevik theme in their texts and assigned them a stereotyped role of the enemy. Key words: Czechoslovak Legion, Literature of Legionaries, Bolsheviks, Image of the other
Croatia 1989-1990: between Yugoslavia and nationalism
Moskovič, Boris ; Pelikán, Jan (advisor) ; Vojtěchovský, Ondřej (referee)
This thesis deals with political developments in Croatia since the beginning of 1989 to the first multiparty elections in the spring of 1990. It analyzes the evolution of attitudes of Croatian communists to the Yugoslav crisis and activity of opposition groups during this period. The main emphasis is on the attitudes of Croatian ruling and alternative political elites against national and constitutional questions. Attention is paid to the development of so-called Serbian Question in Croatia. The thesis analyses the development of political pluralism in the territory of Croatia and the activities of the Croatian Democratic Union and Croatian Social Liberal Party. The thesis is based on a detailed analysis of the contemporary press and memoir and secondary literature. Keywords: Yugoslavia, Croatia, Communist Party, nationalism, election
Macedonian orthodox church in the context of south-Slavic politics and society (1944-1968)
Mlynáriková, Eliška ; Pelikán, Jan (advisor) ; Vojtěchovský, Ondřej (referee)
Když V létě roku 2005 dospěl obnovený spor mezi Srbskou a Makedonskou pravoslavnou církví tak daleko, že srbské aerolinie JAT stáhly své dva letouny zapůjčené makedonské letecké společnosti MAT (pikantní na této záležitosti bylo, že MAT následně musela požádat o dočasné zapůjčení letadel bulharskou leteckou společnost), asi jen málokdo znal dobře pozadí a kořeny tohoto sporu. Můžeme rovněž předpokládat, že patrně nikdo z tvůrců nezávislé makedonské církve v roce 1967 netušil, jaké komplikace bude jednou tento zdánlivě podružný problém vytvářet. Ústředním tématem mojí diplomové práce je vznik a formování národní Makedonské pravoslavné církve v období po druhé světové válce. Od prvních iniciativ v roce 1944 proces vyústil až k vyhlášení samostatnosti církve a jejímu odloučení od Srbské pravoslavné církve v druhé polovině 60. let. Základní otázkou položenou hned na počátku výzkumu bylo, proč jugoslávský komunistický režim vlastně vznik církve podporoval. Po této otázce následovaly dvě další, neméně důležité, a to: proč církev získala nejprve v roce 1958 autonomii a proč se v roce 1967 osamostatnila úplně. Na prvotní dotaz odpovídá většina seriózních autorů, kteří se touto otázkou zabývali, shodně: vytváření makedonské národní církve bylo součástí nové národnostní jugoslávské politiky v Makedonii, a na zbylé...
Demographic changes in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the 90' of the last century: forced migration and its spatial impacts
Žíla, Ondřej ; Pelikán, Jan (advisor) ; Vojtěchovský, Ondřej (referee)
The thesis does not include an abstract in English The thesis does not include an abstract in English The thesis does not include an abstract in English The thesis does not include an abstract in English The thesis does not include an abstract in English
Yugoslavia at the crossroads. Reflection of the Yugoslav press in the beginning of 1990
Moskovič, Boris ; Pelikán, Jan (advisor) ; Vojtěchovský, Ondřej (referee)
Thesis analyzes activity of two daily newspapers of Yugoslavia, namely zagrebian Vjesnik and belgradian Politika at the beggining of the year 1990 before SFRY desintegrated. It outlines stance that these periodics adpoted on three selected events and problems prevailing in January 1990 on yugoslavian political and social scene. Among them are economical reforms started by federation prime minister Ante Marković, the rise of croatian and serbian nationalism during assembly of HDZ and SNO parties and dissolution of the Communist League of Yugoslavia at its 14th Congress. All these events are put into context of domestic politics development of Yugoslavian Federation. Keywords: press, reflection, Yugoslavia, Communist Party, economic reform
The Nationalized Beer. Brewing Industry in Central Bohemia 1945-1955
Šperl, Jiří ; Vojtěchovský, Ondřej (advisor) ; Janáč, Jiří (referee)
After the Second world war in Czechoslovakia as well as in most European countries there was a tendency to implement into the economy the principles of nationalization, planning and production rationalization. However, in reality the use of these rules encountered difficulties that had not been expected neither by political nor economic areas. It was not only the issue of the rate and form of interventions into the economy from the communist and non-communist parties but also disputes and fights for pushing through particular interests which were being accompanied by a radical form of expropriation done by the communists after the overthrow in February 1948. The aim of this paper is to analyse the nationalization development in brewing industry which belonged to traditional Czech industrial branches and despite its considerable capital and production concentration it preserved a high level of diversity ranging from mass- production to family facilities. This paper will deal with e.g. mechanisms of occupying of leading positions, nationalization impact and effect of political changes on employees, unions activities, production management strategies (reaching the plans of governmental institutions, socialist competition among companies), by the influence of state programmes, improvement of population...
Refugees from Croatia and Bosna and Herzegovina and internally displaced persons in Serbia. Integration in society
Fialová, Kristýna ; Pelikán, Jan (advisor) ; Vojtěchovský, Ondřej (referee)
Tato práce popisuje postavení uprchlíků z Chorvatska a Bosny a Hercegoviny a vnitřně přesídlených osob z Kosova žijících v současné době v Srbsku. Soustředí se především na míru jejich integrace do srbské společnosti. Cílem této práce je tedy popsat, nakolik se uprchlíci a vnitřně přesídlené osoby cítí být součástí společnosti, ve které se byli nuceni usídlit. V posledním desetiletí dvacátého století došlo v bývalé Jugoslávii následkem několika válek k mohutnému stěhování celých etnických skupin. To mělo mimo jiné za následek příchod ohromného počtu uprchlíků a vnitřně přesídlených osob do Srbska. V roce 1991 až 1995 přišlo do Srbska přes půl milionu uprchlíků z Chorvatska a Bosny a Hercegoviny. V roce 1999 jako následek bombardování Srbska a s tím spojeným odchodem srbského vojska z Kosova se do Srbska uchýlilo přes dvě stě tisíc takzvaně vnitřně přesídlených osob z Kosova. Přestože počet uprchlíků a přesídlených osob je v Srbsku stále vysoký a jejich postavení se nezlepšuje, srbská veřejnost se tímto tématem příliš nezabývá. V samotném Srbsku se uprchlíkům a přesídleným osobám věnují například srbské nevládní organizace!. Velmi aktivní jsou především organizace, které se sdružují pod hlavičkou Srbské rady pro uprchlíky. Srbská rada pro uprchlíky také realizuje malé vlastní vědecké centrum s knihovnou....
The Jocism: A Social Movement of the Catholic Church in the First Half of the 20th Century
Štofaník, Jakub ; Vojtěchovský, Ondřej (advisor) ; Kubiš, Karel (referee)
The work examines formation of the Catholic Church's social teaching from the end of the nineteenth century until the end of the World War II. It pays attention to official documents denoting its realm as well as to the response to the programme within the Belgian milieu. On the example of La jeunesse ouvrière chrétienne the work tries to indentify foundations of the Church's social teaching along with changes, shifts and adaptations that appeared in their unique form in the JOC movement. The work also notices origins, formation and development of JOC itself. This historic and religious topic is set in wider social and cultural context. Latter part of the work is devoted to particularities in the acceptance of Church's social teaching in Czechoslovakia in between the world wars.
The historical symbolism in the education literature of Czechoslovak Legions
Purkert, Jan ; Vojtěchovský, Ondřej (advisor) ; Ira, Jaroslav (referee)
This bachelor's thesis contains an analysis of various modes of utilization of historical themes in educational literature, which was produced by Legionnaires, in the context of Legionnaire movement. The goal is to detect how and which motives are employed by Legionnaires for construction of their identity and explication of the context of their movement within the national history. The method of achieving this goal is to survey the distribution of historical themes among various types of titles. The results serve as a basis for setting the historical symbolism into the context of social life of legionnaires in the interwar period and for detection of factors, which determined its formulation with comparison of differences of usage between authors with different political convictions. The first section contains interpretation of the development of the Legionnaire movement in the wartime in relation to historical motives, the second in the interwar period in the context of production of legionnaire literature. The third section describes the content of historical symbolism.

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