National Repository of Grey Literature 17 records found  1 - 10next  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Air-conditioning of office rooms
Taclík, Jakub ; Toma, Róbert (referee) ; Fišer, Jan (advisor)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to design the air conditioning system for one floor of the offices. The thesis is divided into theoretical, computational and design part. The computational part consists in determining the amount of ventilation air, calculation of heat losses, heat gains and psychrometric calculations for summer and winter season. Based on the calculated values, air ducts, end-points and air-conditioning units are designed. The diploma thesis is supplemented with a list of materials and drawing documentation.
Database of typical clothing for cabin of cars
Toma, Róbert ; Pokorný, Jan (referee) ; Fišer, Jan (advisor)
In this bachelor thesis, there are processed databases of typical clothing for cabin of cars. Data are based on information from survey for both women and men for three seasons – summer, transitional season and winter. There are mentioned factors which affect thermal comfort and thermoregulation of human body. The thesis includes options how to measure thermal comfort and how we can evaluate results on different scales. Next, I process the way how we measure thermal resistance of each databases of clothing. Measurements are placed in climate chamber in VUT Brno and we are using manikin Newton made by Measurement technology Northwest. In the end, we mention some results and comparison of both genders.
Coupling of Thermal Manikin with Human Thermophysiological Model
Doležalová, Veronika ; Toma, Róbert (referee) ; Pokorný, Jan (advisor)
thermal manikin, thermophysiological model, thermal comfort, climatic chamber, clothing thermal resistence
The influence of moisture on the thermal properties of the gloves
Janíčková, Žaneta ; Toma, Róbert (referee) ; Fišer, Jan (advisor)
This diploma thesis is focused on the assessment of the influence of moisture on the thermal properties of the gloves. The first part of the thesis deals with the research of topics related to the given issue as well as with the derivation of the computational relations needed for evaluation of experimental measurements. The main focus of the work lies on defining the hypotheses and experiments that are used to verify the influence of moisture on the thermal resistance of gloves. As for the experimental part, it describes the individual methods of moistening the gloves from which the moistening through the air humidity and the moistening by the immersion were analysed. To verify the suitability of selected moistening methods, the tested glove samples were measured on the thermal manikin both in a dry and a moistened state under the conditions defined by ČSN EN 511 and ČSN EN ISO 15831 standards. Individual states were repeatedly measured and afterwards the progresses of thermal resistance depending on time were graphically displayed. The thesis also includes analysis of measurement uncertainties as well as evaluation of measurement repeatability. From the obtained results, both the defined hypotheses and theoretical assumptions about the decrease of the thermal resistance of a textile material due to the influence of moisture were confirmed in the conclusion of the diploma thesis.
Local Control of Seat Ventilation and Its Impact on Human Thermal Comfort
Matuška, Jaroslav ; Toma, Róbert (referee) ; Fišer, Jan (advisor)
Diplomová práce je zaměřena na měření ventilovaného sedadla s ohledem na tepelný komfort člověka. Popisuje a shrnuje tepelný přenos lidského těla s okolím a termoregulaci člověka. Dále zachycuje a zhodnocuje vybrané přístupy hodnocení tepelného komfortu. Zabývá se komplexním přehledem tepelně komfortních jednotek v automobilu. Představuje použitou metodu měření tepelného komfortu u ventilovaného sedadla, načež analyzuje a vyhodnocuje jednotlivá získaná data.
Measurement of Cabin Environment by Means of Thermal Manikin and Test Subjects
Toma, Róbert ; Tuhovčák, Ján (referee) ; Fišer, Jan (advisor)
In this thesis, there is processed design of test procedure for innovative HVAC system. This design was created in consecutive phases with use of thermal manikin Newton and climate chamber. Correlation between data from thermal manikin and tests subjects and possible design changes were evaluated after each phase. There are mentioned basics of human thermoregulation, factors which affect thermal comfort and ways in which is possible to measure and rate it with use of thermal comfort scales and comfort zones diagram. The thesis includes survey for testing thermal comfort and scales which are used to complete it. In the end, we mentioned some results alongside with our approach in evaluation of correlation between thermal manikin and test. There is also final design of test procedure for innovative HVAC system which would be used for its calibration and final functionality testing.
Measurement of clothing sets by means of thermal manikin
Hanzlík, Martin ; Toma, Róbert (referee) ; Fišer, Jan (advisor)
This diploma thesis is focused on the experimental determination of thermal resistance of the gloves and their combination in the layering system. The measurement was based on procedure specified in the standard ČSN EN 511 by means of thermal manikin. The thesis begins with the description of heat transfer mechanisms, description of glove materials and measurement methodology. The body of paper consists of the measured data analysis and equation design for determination of the glove layering system thermal resistance. At the end of the thesis, these equations are evaluated and it has been shown, that the thermal resistance of glove layering system cannot be precisely determined by the calculation, and it is necessary to measure the whole three-layer system.
Design of ventilation system in family house
Hrbáček, Jiří ; Toma, Róbert (referee) ; Pech, Ondřej (advisor)
The aim of this bachelor thesis is to design a ventilation system with recuperation in a family house. In the first chapter the work focuses on the research of ventilation units and their parts. Furthermore, the required amount of ventilation air is determined, and three ventilation units are selected. The duct route is then designed for the selected units and the pressure loss calculation is performed. In the final part the installation, operation and maintenance costs of the selected units are compared.
Determination of Clothing Evaporative Resistance for - Thermo-Physiology Modelling using a Thermal Mannequin
Toma, Róbert ; Hes,, Luboš (referee) ; Lunerová, Kamila (referee) ; Jícha, Miroslav (advisor)
Globálne otepľovanie a klimatické zmeny sú aktuálne jednou z najdiskutovanejších tém na svete. Keďže začíname vidieť jasné známky klimatických zmien, je nutné sa čoraz viac zaoberať ochranou ľudského zdravia pred tepelnou záťažou aj na miestach sveta, kde táto téma nebola v minulosti aktuálna. Pracovníci vo viacerých profesiách, hlavne v tých ktoré využívajú špeciálne ochranné odevy, môžu byť potencionálne ohrozený vplyvom tepla. Je známe že vyparovanie potu z tela je hlavným termoregulačným prvkom ľudského tela a práve použitie takýchto ochranných odevov, obmedzujúcich toto vyparovanie, v kombinácií s vysokou aktivitou môže byť zdraviu nebezpečné. Z týchto dôvodov sa do popredia dostávajú termofyziologické modeli alebo predikčné modeli tepelnej záťaže, ktoré sú neustále vylepšované a aplikované v rôznych situáciách. Jednými z najproblematickejších vstupných dát takýchto modelov patria vlastnosti odevu – tepelná izolácia, faktor oblasti prekrytia oblečením a odpor odevu proti vyparovaniu, ktorých nepresné hodnoty môžu spôsobiť veľké nepresnosti vo finálny predikciách týchto modelov. Napriek tomu že meranie tepelnej izolácie odevu pomocou tepelných manekýnov je už zavedené, spoľahlivé a presné, to isté nie je možné povedať o meraní odporu odevu proti vyparovaniu, ktoré je stále vo svojich začiatkoch. Cieľom tejto práce bolo vyvinúť a implementovať experimentálne zariadenie, procedúru merania a spôsob kalkulácie pre získanie odporu odevu proti vyparovaniu pomocou manekýna NEWTON-a na VUT v Brne. Výsledky merania boli validované na základe dát nameraných pomocou manekýna TORE na Univerzite v Lunde. Reprodukovateľnosť merania bola na úrovni do 4 % rozdielu od strednej hodnoty takmer vo všetkých prípadoch. Výsledky ukazujú že je možné dosiahnuť dobrej reprodukovateľnosti merania pri striktnom dodržaní metodológie merania. Výsledky taktiež ukázali dobru opakovateľnosť merania, kedy bol dosiahnutý výsledok opäť na úrovni 4 % na oboch manekýnoch, čo je zároveň aj požadovaná hranica určená v normách pre meranie tepelnej izolácie odevu. Ďalším bodom práce bola verifikácia samotnej kalkulácie výparného odporu. Aj keď mass loss metóda určuje priamo intenzitu prenosu hmoty vyparovaním a najbližšie opisuje samotný jav vyparovania potu z ľudského tela, nie je vhodná pre určenie lokálnych hodnôt odporu proti vyparovaniu odevov z dôvodu technických limitácií senzorov a tepelných manekýnov. Z tohto dôvodu je použitá heat loss metóda, ktorej výpočet však musí byť korigovaný. Súčasťou práce bolo testovanie a verifikácia viacerých korekcií tejto metódy, čo môže byť prínosom výskumných pracovníkov z oblasti termofyziológie, keďže tieto lokálne hodnoty vlastností odevov sú pre dosiahnutie presných predikcii priam nevyhnutné. Úspešná implementácia a validácia možnosti merania odporu odevu proti vyparovaniu na VUT v Brne pomocou tepelného manekýna prináša taktiež nové možnosti pre ďalšie projekty a kooperácie v rámci výskumnej ci komerčnej činnosti Univerzity.
The influence of moisture on the thermal properties of the gloves
Janíčková, Žaneta ; Toma, Róbert (referee) ; Fišer, Jan (advisor)
This diploma thesis is focused on the assessment of the influence of moisture on the thermal properties of the gloves. The first part of the thesis deals with the research of topics related to the given issue as well as with the derivation of the computational relations needed for evaluation of experimental measurements. The main focus of the work lies on defining the hypotheses and experiments that are used to verify the influence of moisture on the thermal resistance of gloves. As for the experimental part, it describes the individual methods of moistening the gloves from which the moistening through the air humidity and the moistening by the immersion were analysed. To verify the suitability of selected moistening methods, the tested glove samples were measured on the thermal manikin both in a dry and a moistened state under the conditions defined by ČSN EN 511 and ČSN EN ISO 15831 standards. Individual states were repeatedly measured and afterwards the progresses of thermal resistance depending on time were graphically displayed. The thesis also includes analysis of measurement uncertainties as well as evaluation of measurement repeatability. From the obtained results, both the defined hypotheses and theoretical assumptions about the decrease of the thermal resistance of a textile material due to the influence of moisture were confirmed in the conclusion of the diploma thesis.

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