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Significance of virtue in the philosophy of Plotinus
Polák, Ján ; Svoboda, David (advisor) ; Sousedík, Prokop (referee)
The place of virtue in the philosophy of Plotinus Abstract The main intention of this thesis is to clarify some aspects of Plotinus's concept of virtue. Significant part of it is a report of J. M. Dillon's article An ethic for the late anthique sage and its comparison with P. Hadot's essay Plotinus or the simplicity of vision, which form a base for characteristics of a dualism between sensual and spiritual world, the body/soul polarity, and relation between higher and lower virtues. Consequently a relationship of a Plotinian sage towards others is being investigated. The result of this thesis confirms that Dillon's interpretation of a radical distinction between polarities mentioned above is exaggerated and his pronouncement of an absence of the element of concern for others in Plotinus's ethical reflextion is basically mistaken. Key words Plotinus, ethics, virtue, neoplatonism, J. M. Dillon, P. Hadot, higher and lower virtues, relation with other, body and soul, sensual and spiritual world, late anthique philosophy.
The thinking and belief of Otakar A. Funda
Kovářová, Zdenka ; Sousedík, Prokop (advisor) ; Svoboda, David (referee)
1 UNIVERZITA KARLOVA KATOLICKÁ TEOLOGICKÁ FAKULTA Katedra teologické etiky a spirituální teologie Zdenka Kovářová Myšlení a víra Otakara A. Fundy Diplomová práce Vedoucí práce: Mgr. Ing. Prokop Sousedík, PhD. Praha 2018 2 Abstract This diploma thesis critically analyses the thinking of professor O. A. Funda who's work contributes to the problem of secularisation and moral resurgence. The work is divided into three parts, where the first section is presenting Funda's life as a whole picture, showing how his work developed over time, and introducing thinkers who influenced him. It is the second part that presents his thinking in depth on the back of two main subjects of his interests: rationality and transcendence. The last part is a critical analysis with the objective to evaluate whether or not professor managed to overcome the model rationality/transcendence with his own key: reality = complexity of complementarities and components in correlation, in continuity and in context. Keywords ethics, culture, Christianity, God, responsibility, belief, rationality, objectivity, humanity, life, existence, world, freedom, goodness, religion.
Descartes' Conception of the First Principles
Křížek, Pavel ; Svoboda, David (advisor) ; Sousedík, Prokop (referee)
Descartes' Conception of the First Principles RNDr. Bc. Pavel KŘÍŽEK Master's degree thesis, Prague, June 2017 Summary In this Master's thesis, seven interpretations of Descartes' Cogito are reviewed. The introductory chapter presents a brief explanation of the origin and development of Descartes' views on the role of the first philosophical principles, in fact, the principles of certain knowledge, that is, principles understood by him as the necessary and indispensable starting point for laying the foundations of all science. First - naturally - Descartes' own diverse formulations of Cogito are reproduced. Then, based on relevant text and (their) broader context, all Descartes' necessary concepts and terms concerning Cogito are systematically explained. The second chapter, which is the core of the entire study, contains short reviews of seven interpretations of Descartes' Cogito as presented in a number of established academic publications as well as in more recent papers. Every review is then briefly commented on. The authors of the seven interpretations were chosen to show the differences in understanding and explaining Descartes' first principle, as established on the European continent by the philosophical traditions of German-speaking countries, beginning with Hegel's attitude towards Descartes, on...
Wittgenstein's conception of certainty
Enderle, Tomáš ; Sousedík, Prokop (advisor) ; Svoboda, David (referee)
This work tries to analyze the concept of certainty in the Ludwig Wittgenstein's book 'On Certainty' and evaluate whether it corresponds to the criteria expressed by Pope John Paul II in the encyclical letter 'Fides et Ratio'. The first chapter explains the origins of the book and set it within the context of modern concept of certainty and skepticism, with an emphasis on thinking of G.E. Moore, who is main source of inspiration for Wittgenstein. The second chapter deals with the content of the book and tries to answer a series of questions about Wittgenstein's philosophical method. The third chapter first formulates requirements of the former pope on a healthy philosophy from the encyclical letter 'Fides et Ratio' and then try to find out whether these requirements are met or not. Work ends with a description of several elements of the philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein, which can serve as inspiration for thinking and reasoning even if we are unable to accept the whole of his system of thought. Keywords Ludwig Wittgenstein, epistemology, Fides et Ratio, certainty
Wittgenstein's terms Sprachspiel and Lebensform and their relevance for the contemporary theology
Regner, Jan ; Sousedík, Prokop (referee)
The main aim of this work is analyze Wittgensteins' terms Sprachspiel and Lebensform ; and adumbrate their relevance for the theological method. Wittgenstein' impact reaches into various fields of theology. It is demonstrated on concrete examples of thinkers. And so we can see, what might happen to a theology given the full (or at least partial) Wittgenstein treatment. Some thinkers interact with his writings, but they reject his essential ideas. The work conclude with thesis that the appropriation of Wittgensteins's thoughts in theology could be fruitful, but it could not be blind and idolizing.
Aristotle's Conception of Logic
Zavřel, Karel ; Sousedík, Prokop (advisor) ; Svoboda, David (referee)
Bibliografická citace ZAVŘEL, Karel. Aristotelovo pojetí logiky. Bakalářská práce. Praha: Univerzita Karlova - Katolická teologická fakulta, 2014. Abstract Presented bachelor thesis Aristotle's conception of logic describes gradually Aristotle's life, the previous dialectical tradition and also concrete bases of his logical system. There are described in detail the various parts of Aristotle's Organon. The greatest emphasis is placed - and a large space is devoted - especially Aristotle's doctrine of judgments, syllogistics. Aristotle's view on this issue and his solutions are then supplemented by other views, that was brought by the rich historical tradition of Aristotelian logic: in particular the semantic view implemented by using a variety of diagrammatic methods. The last chapter briefly describes the Aristotelian logic, as it is reflected particularly by the scholastic tradition. Keywords: Aristotle, logic, Organon, syllogistics
Ateisms and his Outcome in the French Revolution
Haratíková, Alexandra ; Svoboda, David (advisor) ; Sousedík, Prokop (referee)
Atheism and his outome in French revolution Bachelor thesis is charakterizing atheism and his gradational outcome in French revolution. On beginning it is describing meaning of this term and outcome of atheism in Europe before French revolution, concretely it is focusing on period of Antique, Medieval, Renaissance and Enlightenment, it is presenting concrete exapmles its manifestation on these periods, too. It is putting accent on main thesis, gradational dechristianization and its reasons in enlightening France of 18th century, it is focusing mainly conretely on revolutionary period on its end and on Cult of Reason, too, within what it is describing by- laws nascenting from beginning of Revolution which were infirmativing of prohibiting influence of Catholic Church, philosophy of Cult of the Reason, ceremonies on its honor and then its downfail after commencement of Robespierre and his Cult of Supremene Being. Keywords atheism, Cult of Reason, French Revolution, the Enlightenment, Dechristianization
Human rights and dignity . Some juridical, philosophical and christian principles of the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms.
Stašová, Jarmila ; Svoboda, David (advisor) ; Sousedík, Prokop (referee)
Téma lidských práv a svobod vzešlo v evropských křesťanských státech hlavně z ideových zdrojů v novověku. V dějinách je frekventováno ve stále dalších oblastech a také v mnohých státních a mezinárodních právních pramenech. Nikoli bez mnohých nejasností, rozporů a rizik. V České republice je velmi významným právním předpisem Listina základních práv a svobod (LISTINA). Ovlivňuje mnoho dalších právních předpisů - musí být s LISTINOU v souladu. Rizikem pro výklad, aplikaci a existenci lidských práv v LISTINĚ, a to znamená také pro právní ochranu lidské důstojnosti (kteréhokoli člověka, na kterého se LISTINA vztahuje), mohou mimo jiné být nejasnosti týkající se historických východisek a základních ideových zdrojů LISTINY. Z těchto důvodů se stalo mými cíli: - Na základě vyhledaných právních předpisů a dalších odborných literárních pramenů, čerpaných hlavně z automatizovaného systému právních informací ASPI a knižních publikací, zjistit a na základě zejména parafrází a citací těchto pramenů stručně popsat základní informace o LISTINĚ a jejich důležitých kontextech včetně určení základních ideových zdrojů LISTINY; - Z tradičních ideových zdrojů LISTINY (právních, filozofických a křesťanských) stručně popsat bližší charakteristiku a způsob některé argumentace ve prospěch ochrany důstojnosti člověka a...
Aristotle's conception of ethics
Vitošková, Markéta ; Sousedík, Prokop (advisor) ; Svoboda, David (referee)
Diploma thesis deals the Aristotle's conception of ethics. The aim of this thesis is to introduce and to do understandable a overview of ethics. First of all, the thesis concentrates general characteristic time, Aristotele's life and status of ethics in the Aristotle's philosophy. Secondly, the thesis mentions general Aristotle's ethics. It deals with the subjekt, goals, good and hapiness, virtue and moral conduct. Third, the thesis deals intelectuall virtue including knowledge, art, wisdom and understanding. Fourth, the thesis concentrates moral virtuos and courage, moderation, generosity, other generosity, healthy ambition, calmness and truthfulness. Fifthly, the thesis mentions the conception of justice and its division into general and partiak justice. Last, thesis is devoted friendship and its companions. Keywords: Aristotle, ethics, virtue, justice, friendship
Propedeutics of Logic in Teaching the Basics of Social Sciences
Grulich, Tomáš ; Bendová, Kamila (advisor) ; Jirků, Petr (referee) ; Sousedík, Prokop (referee)
TITLE: Propedeutics of Logic in Teaching the Basics of Social Sciences AUTHOR: Tomáš Grulich DEPARTMENT: Social Sciences and Philosophy Department, Faculty of Education, Charles University in Prague SUPERVISOR: RNDr. Kamila Bendová, CSc. ABSTRACT: This thesis is placed on border between the fields of philosophy and logic. It deals with significance, purpose and possible approach to teaching elementary logic within the framework of the subject - the Basics of Social Sciences. In the initial dialogical logic, latter disputation techniques and the current form of argumentation theory as well as in modern formal logic, it searches for moments allowing to establish such a propedeutics that would both meet the needs of common argumentation in civic and professional matters as well as ensure its openness to further development and specialized usage in particular fields of science. The aim is to fulfil the ethos of dialogue logic: to provide support for creation of well-justified opinions and wishes. It raises the question of how to remain in the environment of natural language while using ideas and tools offered by formal logic for the purposes of rational reasoning. The answer is found in the term of semantic commitment; it uses this term as a basis for interpretation of both traditional as well as modern logical...

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