National Repository of Grey Literature 200 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Interaction between a teacher and a student in the group-form method of teaching skiing
Jedličková, Eva ; Matošková, Petra (advisor) ; Süss, Vladimír (referee)
Title: Interaction between a teacher and a student in the group-form method of teaching skiing Objectives: The aim of this thesis is to compare the interaction between the teacher and the student in the process of teachig skiing in the foreign ski schools. Methods: In our thesis we used the method of observation with utilization of categorial system according to the standardized method MADI (modificated analysis of didactic interaction). This method involves seven categories describing forms of behaviour of a teacher, didactic content of training, didactic situation and the postural activity. Results: The teachers' profiles were proved to be different, which was caused primarily by the amount of experience and partially by the gained education. The results showed that the main differences were manifested at the teacher number three who gained the shortest practices. This teacher diametrically differs in all examined categories from other teachers. Between the other two teachers there were found differences as well, but not essential. The teacher number three commited many didactitc faults. Some of his forms of behaviour, demonstration and action were not coherent with the process of learning so that they were not able to be analysed. Keywords: ADI, MADI, ski school, ski education
Comparative analysis of selected muscle groups function in the specific kinds of softball pitches by means of the surface electromyography.
Brabec, Jiří ; Süss, Vladimír (advisor) ; Pravečková, Petra (referee)
 Title: The Comparative analysis of selected muscle groups function in the specific kinds of softball pitches by means of the surface electromyography.  Purposes: Goal of the thesis is to measure involvement of selected muscle groups at different stages of a softball pitch and then compare this activity for different types of pitches.  Methods: Surface electromyography analysis and a simple kinematic analysis.  Results: The results show differences in a technique for the different types of pitches.  Key words: Softball, softball pitch, fastball, raiseball, dropball, change-up, curveball, electromyography 3
Functional investigation of players in football tennis
Pavlatová, Lenka ; Süss, Vladimír (advisor) ; Kočíb, Tomáš (referee) ; Kračmar, Bronislav (referee)
Název: Funkční vyšetření hráček nohejbalu Název v angličtině: Functional investigation ofplayers in football tennis Klíčová slova: Funkční testy, zatížení, nohejbal, trénovanost. Cíl práce: Cílem diplomové práce je popsat, na základě funkčních testů a monitorování srdeční frekvence, zatížení hráček v nohejbalu. Závěry: Zatížení hráček nohejbalu má převážně aerobní charakter, nezanedbatelné zastoupení má však i aerobně - anaerobní zóna. V provedeném měření nebylo zaznamenáno anaerobně -laktátové zatížení, ale můžeme se domnívat, že při vypjatých zápasech nebo ve vrcholných utkání, se budou hráčky nohejbalu v tomto pásmu pohybovat. Zjištěné výsledky ukazují na špatnou trénovanost hráček v oblasti vytrvalosti, avšak ve srovnání s výsledky SF z utkání, není asi příliš nutná. Předpokládali jsme, že zatížení v utkání v nohejbale má intervalový charakter. Z výsledků je patrné, že se nejedná o typickou intervalovou zátěž a tudíž nemůžeme hypotézu 1potvrdit. 5
Analysis of overhead throw in baseball
Zelený, Michal ; Süss, Vladimír (advisor) ; Carboch, Jan (referee)
 Title: Analysis of overhead throw in baseball  Objectives: to describe the work of muscles musculus trapezius dexter, sinister and musculus pectoralis major dexter, sinister during the classic side overhead throw, the throw without using left arm, the front throw, the pitch from the floor and the pitch from the pitching hill using the surface electromyography; to compare all types of the throws and to determine the differences between them  Methods: surface elektromyography, video content analysis  Results: based on the results of the analysis we can say, that the activity of the chosen muscles during the various types of throws differs in intensity and in the duration of action potencial as well  Keywords: baseball, surface elktromyography, overhead throw, throw without using left hand, front throw, pitch
Nutrition monitoring in top women white water slalom athletes in the race period of the season.
Kašparová, Anna ; Polášková, Marcela (advisor) ; Süss, Vladimír (referee)
Title: Nutrition monitoring in top Czech Republic women white water slalom athletes in the race period of the season. Aim of the study: Comparison of actual quantitative and qualitative composition of the diet in the Czech water slalom paddlers (women) in the racing period to daily recommended standards for the population group of athletes with a corresponding energy output. Using the results, create both general and individual recommendations and assess the need for the use of supplements in the diet of water slalom athletes. Methods: The thesis is a case study and it is a kind of qualitative research. For our study we chose two main methods. Prospective study method and the method of interview. To determine the total daily energy intake and diet quality inventorial analysis of the four- day dietary record of the respondents was used. For comparison with the standards, the data were subsequently processed by standardized software applications of database functions MS Excel (Vilikus a kol., 2002) and accompanied by a critical commentary. To survey the data concerning use of food supplements has been used a method in which athletes respond to questions asked. The data were assessed in writing and graphically. Results: Our study shows and critically comment on the differences between recommended and...
Comparison of Individual and Group Instruction of Downhill Skiing through the ADI method
Disman, Petr ; Matošková, Petra (advisor) ; Süss, Vladimír (referee)
Comparison of Individual and Group Instruction of Downhill Skiing through the ADI method The aim of the work Compared didactic interaction "teacher - pupil" in individual and group lessons for downhill skiing at the 10 year-old children at the beginner level. Methods It used the method of observation using standardized category system by ADI technique (analysis of didactic interactions). There are 9 categories that define molds teacher behavior, behaviors pupil or group of pupils in office, the forms of speech teacher, attitudinal teacher activity and expression of peace substance, type of activity that is subject didactic interaction and the learner, groups or the entire class. Keywords ADI, ski school, ski lessons, ski instructor Powered by TCPDF (
Fitness training in squash
Cerman, Jaroslav ; Süss, Vladimír (advisor) ; Kočíb, Tomáš (referee)
 Title: Fitness training in squash.  Purposes: Find out the best Czech squash players focus on fitness training. Propose the inclusion of fitness training in the annual training cycle.  Methods: Interview, survey.  Results: Most of the best 200 players by ranking include fitness training into their training process. Fitness training directly affects the squash performance and the position in the ranking as well.  Key words: squash, training, fitness training, speed, power, endurance, coordination, flexibility.
Comparative Analysis of the Difficulty of the Standard Cross-Country Skiing Trails Used for the National Competitions in the Czech Republic
Kocum, Martin ; Finková, Dana (advisor) ; Süss, Vladimír (referee)
Souhrn Název práce: Srovnávací analýza náročnosti standardních běžeckých tratí používaných pro republikové závody v běhu na lyžích v ČR. Název práce v anglickém jazyce: Comparation analysis ofthe difficulty of standarted Cross- Country skiing courses used for A-category competitions in Czech republic. Jméno a příjmení diplomanta: Martin Kocum Studijní obor: Tělesná výchova a sport. Cíl práce: Cílem naší diplomové práce je shromáždit a porovnat homologační parametry jednotlivých 5-ti kilometrových okruhů závodních tratí s homologací pro republikové závody v běhu na lyžích v ČR (závody kategorie A), srovnat je s parametry vybrané zahraniční závodní tratě adekvátní délky, splňující homologační kritéria FIS pro pořádání závodů Světového poháru v běhu na lyžích, a srovnat je s parametry tuzemské závodní tratě homologované pro závody kategorie B a podat přehlednou tabulku rozdělující vybrané závodní tratě v ČR podle objektivního srovnávacího kritéria jejich celkové náročnosti. Metoda: Statistické zpracování a vyhodnocení homologačních parametrů popisujících vertikální a horizontální charakteristiky jednotlivých tratí. Srovnávací analýza podkladových materiálů - homologační protokoly SLČR (Svaz lyžařů České republiky) pro jednotlivé závodní tratě. Výsledky: Výsledné srovnání náročnosti jednotlivých tratí podle...

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