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Development of Czech water law and legal relations related to water
Urban, Michael ; Kindl, Vladimír (advisor) ; Šouša, Jiří (referee) ; Vojáček, Ladislav (referee)
Development of Czech water law and legal relations related to water Abstract This dissertation thesis deals with the development of the legal regulation of water law and legal relations related to water in the Czech Republic. It provides an interpretation of the issue from the beginnings of the Czech state to the present. The thesis is divided into sixteen chronological chapters focusing on individual periods of development of this issue. The individual chapters are divided into sub-chapters dealing with sub-fields of water law and legal relations related to water. The first four chapters provide a theoretical introduction and a common basis for the other chapters. The first chapter contains an analysis of the concept of water law and the systematics of water law. The second chapter provides an outline of the development of water law in antiquity as an illumination of the earliest roots of water law. The third chapter discusses the foundations and structure of Roman water law as the methodological basis of the field of water law. The fourth chapter deals with the basic features of the development of water law in the territory of states neighbouring the Czech Republic. Chapters 5-15 form the core of the thesis and deal with individual periods of development of Czech water law and legal relations related to...
Social legislation in Czech lands in the years 1918 - 1948
Roubíková, Petra ; Kuklík, Jan (advisor) ; Kindl, Vladimír (referee) ; Rákosník, Jakub (referee)
Social legislation in Czech lands in the years 1918 - 1948 Abstract The dissertation deals with the theme of social legislation in the period of 1918-1948. i.e. during the so called First, Second and Third Czechoslovak republic. However, the foundations of the Czechoslovak laws in this area lays in the period of Austrian laws, especially from the second half of the century. Development of social legislation was directly conected with the existence of a legal regulation of modern municipal self-government and higher levels of self-government. Two very important acts were adopted in this respect: Act No. 18/1862 The empire's code implemented on 5th March 1862 "The Act on Municipal matters" and on 3rd December 1863 Act. No. 105/1863 The empire's code "The act about Domestic rights". For poor relief the "The Poverty act" (Act No. 59/1868 The provincial code) was enacted on 3rd December 1868. Based on the social policies of "stick and carrot" of Otto von Bismarck in Germany, the Austrian Government enacted series of Acts on health and other types of social insurance systems, which were not universal, but had differences for different types of workers and employees, for example for miners, factory workers or white collars. Because the Act No. 11/ 1918 Coll. of laws transferred practically all existing...
Legal Development of the Slovak Republic 1939-1945
Krákorová, Martina ; Kuklík, Jan (advisor) ; Kindl, Vladimír (referee)
Práce je rozdělena do pěti kapitol. První je pokusem zachytit nejvýznamnější právní momenty, které se staly v období, kdy se Slovákům naskytla možnost vymanit se ze spojení s habsburskou velmocí a zformovat se spolu s dalším slovanským národem v samostatný demokratický stát, resp. zklamání určité politicky aktivní části slovenského obyvatelstva z nenaplněných představ o státoprávním uspořádání v rámci společného československé státu. Tato kapitola pak ve své druhé polovině nabízí přehled událostí, které již bezprostředně vedly ke vzniku prvního samostatného slovenského státu. Druhá kapitola pojednává o mezinárodním postavení nově vzniklého státního celku a především se zaměřuje na poukázání na pouze teoretickou samostatnost Slovenské republiky, která se fakticky nacházela ve vazalském poměru k Hitlerovu Německu, a která si nejen kvůli této skutečnosti vysloužila označení "nacistický satelit". Kapitola třetí je studií slovenské ústavní listiny, pokusem o její charakteristiku a zhodnocení. Vývoj slovenského režimu v letech 1939 - 1945, jeho fašizaci a to "legální cestou", na podkladě celé řady právních norem, které postupně zaváděly totalitní právní pořádek, je obsahem čtvrté kapitoly. Poslední kapitola zachycuje jednu z nejsmutnějších a nejostudnějších skutečností slovenských dějin, protižidovské...
The Supreme Administrative Court of Czechoslovakia - its formation and development
Sabevová, Karolína ; Soukup, Ladislav (advisor) ; Kindl, Vladimír (referee)
The thesis deals with formation and development of the Supreme Administrative Court of the Republic of Czechoslovakia. Beside thorough historic discursion pursuing also the normative side of the subject, a considerable part of the thesis deals with the constitution of the Supreme Administrative Court in Vienna as well. The reason is a fact that it was Viennese administrative tribunal that was used as a legislative and personal bridge after formation of the independent Republic of Czechoslovakia for facilitation of a quick establishment of the Supreme Administrative Court of Czechoslovakia as a judicial institution built on a concentrated system and standing outside general judicial system. Following the establishment of the Supreme Administrative Court of Czechoslovakia, the thesis deals with the questions of commencing its functioning after its formation, as well as states the exceptions effected in its conception compared to the Supreme Administrative Court of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. Due to the fact that Czechoslovak Supreme Administrative Court gained a very prestigious and reliable status very early after its formation, it was overloaded by cases. In this context, a part of the thesis deals with the efforts of relieving this overload of the Supreme Administrative Court by an amendment...
Membership in churches and religious societies in the Czech Republic
Knapová, Veronika ; Tretera, Jiří Rajmund (advisor) ; Kindl, Vladimír (referee)
The author deals with the question of the church legal regulation of membership of every Church registered in the Czech Republic under current law by the end of the year 2007. The author used current church legal regulations and abstracted the membership from given angles such as the conditions necessary to become a Church member, the rights and obligations of the Church members in particular in the area of the Church self-government, belonging to a congregation, membership with full rights and without full rights, the church surveillence, and anticipated modalities of the membership termination throughout the members live. The outcome of the work generally summarizes membership criterias common to all Churches registered in the Czech Republic and lists potentiallities of every examined aspect of the church memberhip. Powered by TCPDF (
Legal regulation of the Jewish minority in Czechoslovakia between wars
Urešová, Jana ; Kindl, Vladimír (advisor) ; Šouša, Jiří (referee)
The issue of Jewish minorities especially during the time of WW2 was discussed many times already. In a number of sources is relatively accurately captured the political situation and the gradual elimination of Jews from society, not to mention the persecution itself. This topic has me wondering about since I was about Jews and World War 2 learned. Already in elementary school I was reading children's encyclopedias most this topic and still could not understand how something like this could happen. What I got older, the more information I investigated, but still without understanding the causes why the Jews, whom you made that had so cruelly ended, and again and again the same question, how is it possible that this could happen in the recent past? ? Thesis Theme for me was clear because of that. I had quite a lot of information about Jewish life during the war, but I did not know too much about their origin and especially fascinated by the origins of their control what circumstances preceded the war. As a basis for a complete understanding of all contexts, in my opinion, necessary to start from the beginning. Who are the Jews, where they were married, where they came from, who they were, what they ate and how they are treated as a minority. After finding this information, for me it...

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