National Repository of Grey Literature 6 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Psychosocial aspects of hallucinogen use and an approximately 40-years follow-up study on LSD self-experimentation amongst professionals in the mental health fields
Winkler, Petr ; Šiklová, Jiřina (advisor) ; Horáček, Jiří (referee)
PETR WINKLER PSYCHOSOCIAL ASPECTS OF HALLUCINOGEN USE AND AN APPROXIMATELY 40- YEAR FOLLOW-UP STUDY ON LSD SELF-EXPERIMENTATION AMONGST PROFESSIONALS IN THE MENTAL HEALTH FIELDS (Study Program: Master Social Politics and Social Work) Supervisor: PhDr. Jiřina Šiklová, CSc. Adviser: Doc. MUDr. Miloš Vojtěchovský, CSc. Opponent: Doc. MUDr. Jiří Horáček, PhD Abstract: The renaissance of hallucinogen research and use that has emerged in last two decades, introduces several challenges for the field of social work. Above all, these challenges are concerned with use of hallucinogens among laymen, for therapeutic, educational, autognostic, and heuristic purposes. The other challenge for social work is the conception, construction, and the influencing of drug policies, including programs of social prevention. Last but not least, there is the challenge of understanding and reflecting upon mental health fields' history and history of drug use in general. Hence, the goal of this paper is to provide necessary information, which will aid social workers in orienting themselves and competently handling the challenges mentioned above. This work valuates the problems related to hallucinogens from the perspective of social work. The theoretical portion, based on rigorous analysis of available literature in both - Czech and...
Imaginative geographies of developing world: an analysis of practices in Czech geographic and travel magazines
Winkler, Petr ; Novotný, Josef (advisor) ; Baštář Leichtová, Magdalena (referee)
This study is concerned with the role of contemporary Czech geographic and travel writing and its involvement with the creation and reproduction of spatialised identities and imaginative geographies as they relate to the 'developing world'. It employs the method of discourse analysis (mostly research tools taken from Critical Discourse Analysis) to examine the contents of articles from all issues of the magazines Koktejl and Lidé a Země for the year 2012. This is done in order to analyse the portrayals of such spaces within the context of imaginative geography and the post-development critique and bring attention to the kind of popular geopolitics that is being created. The main topics covered includes the construction of identity between the authors, readers and the objects of writing, the linear understanding of the flow of history and progress and the relationship between the writers and their objects (both places and people). The main findings of the research consist in the identification of the continued prevalence of the perception of linearity of history which constitutes the developing places as subjected to a universal historical process whith the European civilisation as the current endpoint of history. These places are therefore considered a legitimate domain of knowledge, appreciation...
Psychosocial aspects of hallucinogen use and an approximately 40-years follow-up study on LSD self-experimentation amongst professionals in the mental health fields
Winkler, Petr ; Šiklová, Jiřina (advisor) ; Horáček, Jiří (referee)
PETR WINKLER PSYCHOSOCIAL ASPECTS OF HALLUCINOGEN USE AND AN APPROXIMATELY 40- YEAR FOLLOW-UP STUDY ON LSD SELF-EXPERIMENTATION AMONGST PROFESSIONALS IN THE MENTAL HEALTH FIELDS (Study Program: Master Social Politics and Social Work) Supervisor: PhDr. Jiřina Šiklová, CSc. Adviser: Doc. MUDr. Miloš Vojtěchovský, CSc. Opponent: Doc. MUDr. Jiří Horáček, PhD Abstract: The renaissance of hallucinogen research and use that has emerged in last two decades, introduces several challenges for the field of social work. Above all, these challenges are concerned with use of hallucinogens among laymen, for therapeutic, educational, autognostic, and heuristic purposes. The other challenge for social work is the conception, construction, and the influencing of drug policies, including programs of social prevention. Last but not least, there is the challenge of understanding and reflecting upon mental health fields' history and history of drug use in general. Hence, the goal of this paper is to provide necessary information, which will aid social workers in orienting themselves and competently handling the challenges mentioned above. This work valuates the problems related to hallucinogens from the perspective of social work. The theoretical portion, based on rigorous analysis of available literature in both - Czech and...
Psychosocial aspects of hallucinogen use and an approximately 40-years follow-up study on LSD self-experimentation amongst professionals in the mental health fields
Winkler, Petr ; Šiklová, Jiřina (advisor) ; Horáček, Jiří (referee)
PETR WINKLER PSYCHOSOCIAL ASPECTS OF HALLUCINOGEN USE AND AN APPROXIMATELY 40- YEAR FOLLOW-UP STUDY ON LSD SELF-EXPERIMENTATION AMONGST PROFESSIONALS IN THE MENTAL HEALTH FIELDS (Study Program: Master Social Politics and Social Work) Supervisor: PhDr. Jiřina Šiklová, CSc. Adviser: Doc. MUDr. Miloš Vojtěchovský, CSc. Opponent: Doc. MUDr. Jiří Horáček, PhD Abstract: The renaissance of hallucinogen research and use that has emerged in last two decades, introduces several challenges for the field of social work. Above all, these challenges are concerned with use of hallucinogens among laymen, for therapeutic, educational, autognostic, and heuristic purposes. The other challenge for social work is the conception, construction, and the influencing of drug policies, including programs of social prevention. Last but not least, there is the challenge of understanding and reflecting upon mental health fields' history and history of drug use in general. Hence, the goal of this paper is to provide necessary information, which will aid social workers in orienting themselves and competently handling the challenges mentioned above. This work valuates the problems related to hallucinogens from the perspective of social work. The theoretical portion, based on rigorous analysis of available literature in both - Czech and...
Rite, LSD and Freetechno
Winkler, Petr ; Šiklová, Jiřina (advisor) ; Müllerová, Pavlína (referee)
Minulý rok policejní jednotky z pochybných důvodů a dosti nevybíravým způsobem rozehnaly hudební festival Czechtek. Krev a nemalá finanční částka, jenž zaplatili daňoví poplatníci za zásah bezpečnostních složek vyvolala mediální bouři a něco, co se dá jen stěží nazvat diskuse. Tato práce je skromným příspěvkem k případné skutečné diskusi a domnívám se, že přispívá k vysvětlení, proč a co jsou akce jako Czechtek a jakou představují společenskou nebezpečnost. Tato práce ukazuje, odkud čerpá freetekno energii pro své konání. Myslím, že se mi podařilo zasadit freetekno do širšího kontextu a poukázat tak na kontinuitu, která se nese napříč historií - již od iniciačních rituálů nejstarších společností. Freetekno je, domnívám se, zmutovanou formou těchto rituálů, přičemž platí, že výsledná podoba oné formy je dána i prostředím (společností), ve kterém mutace probíhá, nikoliv freeteknem samotným. Jelikož k iniciačním rituálům vždy patřilo užívání psychotropních látek, zaměřil jsem se na užívání LSD v souvislosti s freeteknem. Na základě svých empirických zjištění se domnívám, že užívání LSD na freeteknu nedosáhlo pro společnost nijak nebezpečných rozměrů, ba možná naopak. Dotazovaní uvádějí, že ačkoliv berou LSD v tomto prostředí primárně pro potěšení a pobavení svých smyslů, umožňují jim tyto zážitky lépe poznat...

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