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National Repository of Grey Literature 84 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.04 seconds. 
Three Systems of Intial Teacher Traning. Czech, Norwegian and Spanish Teachers of English - Comparative Study
Kocourková, Helena ; Vedoucí práce, (advisor) ; Oponent B, (referee)
- I Abstract In the time ofunification oftertiary education in Europe, there are still significant di:fferences between countries in the initial teacher training. This paper draws attention to the situation in initial training ofEnglish teachers in three countries: Czech Republic, Norway and Spain. The objective of this thesis is to analyse and compare the curricular organization and the content of English studies at three university institutions in the three countries. The empirical part of the study is complemented by a presentation of results of a research carried out at these institutions. The paper is concluded by a few proposals and some suggestions on what each system ofteacher training could adopt from the other two are made. Anotace V době, kdy v Evropě dochází ke sjednocování terciálního vzdělávání~ existují stále zásadní rozdíly v pregraduální přípravě učitelů. Tato diplomová práce se zaměřuje na situaci ve vzdělávání učitelů angličtiny ve třech zemích: České republice, Norsku a Španělsku. Cílem práce je analyzovat a porovnat studijní plány učitelství angličtiny na třech univerzitních institucích ve třech zemích. Empirická část studie je doplněna o výsledky výzkumu provedeného na těchto institucích. Práci uzavírá několik návrhů a idejí, čím by každý systém vzdělávání učitelů mohl obohatit systémy...
The Project of Free Fall Training for the Czech Military Skydivers
Špok, Petr ; Dvorský, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Oponent B, (referee)
Název práce: Návrh výcviku yýsadkové přípravy u AČR ve volném pádu A proposal of free fall training for Czech military skydivers Cíle práce: Vytvořit návrh metodiky výsadkové přípravy v oblasti výcviku výsadkáře od prvního seskoku až po bezpečný seskok volným pádem v časovém intervalu mnohonásobně kratším než je dnešním standardem. Metoda: Návrh byl vytvořen na základě teoretická studie, která se zabývala způsoby výcviku volného pádu v civilu a v armádě. Výsledky: Ukazují možnost změny výcviku ve volném pádu u AČR. Klíčová slova: vojenský výcvik, výsadková příprava, parašutismus, volný pád
Popularity of Sport Among the Students in the Czech republic
Daněk, Jiří ; Janák, Vladimír (advisor) ; Oponent B, (referee)
(English version): Title: Popularity of sport among the students in the Czech Republic. Goals: The goal of the dissertation is review and comment on the popularity of sport followed by the comparison between preferences ofmen and women. Method: I used in the dissertation methods of electronic poll usmg a questionnaire and furthermore, I utilized tables and graphs for the interpretation ofthe result. Results: The research revealed, that the popularity of sport in the Czech Republic is on very high level and also the expected trends are positive and no decrease is expected in this respect. Men tend to be more active than women and the range of different types of performed and viewed sports is wide. Keywords: Popularity of sport, marketing research, ratings, methods, reviewee. 5
Management and Marketing of Sport Events. International Athletic Meeting
Hrušová, Věra ; Navrátilová, Miroslava (advisor) ; Oponent B, (referee)
?I ~ f 1 '' Název: Title: Management a marketing sportovních akcí Mezinárodní atletický mítink Memoriál Josefa Odložila EAA Premium Meetings 2006 Management and Marketing of Sports Events, Intemational Athletics Meeting Josef Odlozil Memorial EAA Premium Meetings 2006 Cíl práce: Charakteristika a analýza managementu a marketingu sportovní akce - mezinárodního atletického mítinku a návrhy na zdokonalení. Metody: Popisná analýza, SWOT analýza Výsledky: Závěry a doporučení vztahující se k pořádání atletického mítinku Memoriál Josefa Odložila Klíčová slova: Management, marketing, sportovní akce, sponzoring, popisná analýza, SWOT analýza.
Reading in school of Geography
Zemanová, Petra ; Vedoucí práce, (advisor) ; Oponent B, (referee)
ZEMANOVÁ, P. (2008): Reading in school of geography. Master thesis. Charles University, Prague, 63 pgs + 19 pgs ofappendix This diploma thesis aims to assist in development of pupil's critical thinking in geography education through reading scientific texts with comprehension. So far only Řezníčková (2004a,b,c, 2007) has dealed with that topíc. The master thesis is devided into three relatively independent parts, which aim to find a solution to several research questions: First part is focused on analysis of scientific literature for the purpose of defining concepts conceming these issues (reading with understanding, reading skills, specification of usable texts) and with the view ofoffinding support in education documents. In order to sustain our demand for including a work with textsto geography education, we realized a research conceming pupils at primary and high schools. We compared their results with results of aspirants for studying geography at Faculty of Science, Charles University. Summary ofthis research makes up a second part of this thesis. The final findings of the research were used as bases for work up a third part, which has a metodical character. As it ensue from previous parts, pupils get a global skill of reading with understanding by consecutive acquiring components of reading...
Establishing a ski school on a business basis with a view to marketing of services in the tourist trade
Legerová, Hana ; Navrátilová, Miroslava (advisor) ; Oponent B, (referee)
Název diplomové práce: Založení lyžařské školy na podnikatelské bázi se zaměřením na marketing služeb v cestovním ruchu Cíl práce: Navržení vhodného marketingového mixu pro modelovou lyžařskou školu vstupující na trh v oblasti Harrachova s použitím marketingových metod. Použité metody: Aplikovaný marketingový mix byl realizován na základě předchozích průzkumů­ SWOT analýzy, dotazníkového šetření a popisné analýzy konkurence. Výsledky: Marketingový mix modelové lyžařské školy založené na základě živnostenského oprávnění se zaměřením na jednotlivé složky tohoto marketingového mixu. Klíčová slova: Služby, marketing služeb,cestovni ruch, cestovní kancelář, lyžařská škola, lyžování Title: Establishing a ski school on a business basis with a view to marketing of services in the tourist trade The aim of the study: Project ofappropriate marketing mix for a model ski school entering the market in the area ofHarrachov using the marketing methods. Method: Applied marketing mix was realized on the basis ofprevious research- SWOT analysis, questionnaire and competition analysis. Results: The project ofmarketing mix for a model ski school based on the commercial trade license directed on various parts ofthe marketing mix. Keywords: Serices, marketing of services, tourist trade, travel agency, ski school, skiing
Tourism in Radhošť Massif in sustainable development borders
Košťálová, Petra ; Šafránek, Jiří (advisor) ; Oponent B, (referee)
Title: Tourism in Radhošť massif in sustainable development borders Aim: This graduation paper should chart the actual state of the tourism near the Radhošť mountain and bring the concept of sustainable development of the tourism with respect to environmental protection Method: During the problem solving especially following methods have been used: results of own data collection and field survey tutorials with addressed extemal authorities analysis of documents, written materials and websites results of scientific reaserches from CHKO Beskydy as well as from outside application of experience from Czech Republic and from abroad Results: Following points result from our survey: visit rate is mostly dependent upon weather conditions, weather forecast and on the fact whether it is holiday, bank holiday, week day or week end tourists are mostly satisfied with the actual state of environmental protection, criticising mostly transport conditions and information availability the main part of tourists come by car, majority oftourist attend the ridge around noon local people prefer conservation of the landscape character while those coming from longer distance emphasize air protection and recyclation development of tourism and environmental protection are not preclusive with respect to...
The communication tools of football team with example of FC Baník Ostrava
Divínová, Magdaléna ; Malecha, Petr (advisor) ; Oponent B, (referee)
Dissertation title: The Communication Tools ofFootball Team with Example of FC Baník Ostrava Dissertation aims: Evaluation of communication mix of FC Baník Ostrava, finding strong and week characteristics and proposition new solutions and procedures. Method: Description analysis and SWOT analysis. Results: Caution about opportunities and threats of FC Baník's communication and proposing solutions by using communication tools. The target of the disertation is evaluate the sense of communication tools for the existence of football team. There is defined conception of marketing and communication tools in the theoretical part and it is pointed out specifics of iťs using in the sport. By using both description and SWOT analyses is reviewed environment ofthe club and iťs communication philosophy. Information and knowledge gained from previous parts are adapted as a criticism ofstrong and week characteristics and as presentation suggestions. These suggestions are new communication philosophy and communication tools and channels. Keywords marketing, target groups, communication tools, PR, sales promotions, merchandising
Cycling ? History and Analysis of the One Hour Record
Vopálka, Petr ; Šafránek, Jiří (advisor) ; Oponent B, (referee)
Cycling - history and analysis of 1 hour record. Aim: The theme of this work is to record driving for 1 hour, which is the most recognized record in the cycling sport. It aims to give a comprehensive picture of its history and sort out the best Attempts by the rules in force at the time. A method: When the work will be used for research materials available, given the literature and archive Mr. Chad. Record in riding 1hour in Czech literature only partially worked Pacino (1969). A comprehensive review of the official world record was elaborated in the book Velo Rekords (Belgium 1992). Both these publications, however, are outdated and even in one not mentioned Czech record. Since 1992 UCI (International Cycling Federation) twice changed rules for the recognition of the record, the work will be supplemented, organized and updated information on domestic and foreign professional magazines and websites. Keywords: cycling, record hodinovka, velodrome Powered by TCPDF (

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