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Addressing in selected writings of A. P. Chekhov and its equivalents in Czech translations
Koutná, Adéla ; Lendělová, Věra (advisor) ; Stranz-Nikitina, Veronika (referee)
This thesis is devoted to the analysis of addressing as a partial translation problem, preceded by basic linguistic characteristics of this language phenomenon and comparison of addressing in Czech and Russian. Based on the theoretical work of leading theorists of translation, own categorization of translation processes was developed within the work. The application of specific translation procedures on selected Chekhov stories was analysed and evaluated in terms of suitability. The work aims to examine and summarize the issues of addressing translation in a transparent way. Key words: A. P. Chekhov, stories, addressing, its semantic-grammatical characteristic, translation, Czech addressing equivalents
The category of reflexivity in Czech-Russian context with regard to modern educational methods in Czech language education for foreigners
Kovbová, Kristýna ; Lendělová, Věra (advisor) ; Rajnochová, Natalie (referee)
The main objective of this thesis is to describe category of reflexivity in Czech language based on Russian language material, followed by design and formation of language handbook to category of reflexivity for foreign students of Czech language for A1 - B2 levels in accordance with Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, teaching, assessment (CEFR). In the theoretical part individual aspects in category of reflexivity in Czech language are described. Mainly reflexive form of verbs, reflexive deagentive forms and reflexive verbs. The proposal of our own clasification category of reflexivity comes after and it incorporates explored material, which is systemized for design and formation of educational materials. The main target of the practical part is to design and form language handbook to category of reflexivity in Czech language. After the analysis of current educational materials we realized category of reflexivity is not taken in consideration enough, sometimes it is missing at all. In the process of creation of the educational material itself we followed the current methodological base CEFR for Czech language as foreign language. We defined grammar and lexical competences for individual A1, A2, B1, B2 levels in accordance with CEFR. Based on all above rules four...
Folklore group "Skejušan": past, present, perspectives. Case study of cultural strategy
Malinová, Irina ; Lendělová, Věra (advisor) ; Lemeškin, Ilja (referee) ; Otčenášek, Jaroslav (referee)
This thesis aims to analyze the forms and ways of presentation of the cultural heritage of the chosen ethnic group, Ruthenians, by introducing the Skejusan ensemble. The work has the form of a case study and deals with the ensemble including the characteristics of its repertoire - songs, national customs and traditions. The ensemble is important for its endeavour to preserve only the Ruthenian folklore in a conservative way (unlike other Ruthenian ensembles in the Czech Republic). In this way, the interpretation of folklore does not include only isolated songs, but takes into account also the original context, in which the songs had existed in the culture. The thesis contributes by its research and its conclusions to the discussion about the problems of Ruthenian national minority, tries to characterize the complicated national identity of the Ruthenians in the multicultural milieu of the Czech Republic, and defines also the influence of this milieu on the Ruthenian culture. The work also deals with the history of migration of relatively small group of so-called Skejus Ruthenians, it analyzes and clarifies the historic route of transmission of traditions and customs during their migration from Slovakia to Romania and their subsequent movement from Romania to Czech Lands. The work also compares...
Newspaper headlines in contemporary Ukrainian press
Lymarenko, Iryna ; Lendělová, Věra (advisor) ; Kolesnyk, Natalija (referee)
The present study analyzes newspaper headlines in contemporary Ukrainian press (as mentioned in the preface). The head section of the study presents the distribution of newspaper headlines and marks the main tendencies in creating headlines in Ukrainian and Czech periodicals. The following sections deal with newspaper headlines in the context of Internet press and journalists' code of ethics. The individual points of the study are illustrated by extracts from the periodicals researched
The Ukrainian family names
Jarošová, Kateřina ; Lendělová, Věra (advisor) ; Savický, Nikolaj (referee)
In my thesis I follow the issue of Ukrainian family names. The study of anthroponymics in itself is still of live reflection due to the fact that both first and family names make it possible to get important data not only from philological point of view (for language structure research) but also from historical and ethnographical ones. Key guiding sources for this essay were: Publication "Sučasni ukrajinski prizvyšča" by J.K.Reďko and dictionary "Prizvyšča zakarpatskych ukrajinciv: Istoryko-etymologičnyj slovnyk" by P.Čučka. The purpose of this study is to illustrate the origin and history of the Ukrainian family names development and to examine family names word-making together with their grammatical and pragmatical special features. My analysis of individual word-making styles has proved that suffixation is the most common way of word-making in the Ukraine. Furthermore, this study deals with the variety and semantics of the Ukrainian family names. Special attention is being paid to family names of the Carpathian area, which are in typological terms (word roots of non-Slavonic origin) substantially different from family names coming from central and eastern areas. I have carried out detailed analysis of the most productive patronymic suffix in Carpathian Ukraine: "- / - / -" ("-ák" in Czech). I have...
D.I. Fonvizin - the analysis of his dramas (drama "Brigadier")
Mašková, Kateřina ; Lendělová, Věra (advisor) ; Uličná, Olga (referee)
Tématem mé diplomové práce je analýza postav v komedii "Brigadýr" (1769) spisovatele D.l. Fonvizina, resp. analýza z mužské a ženské perspektivy v jejím prolínání i diferenciaci. Na drama jsem nahlížela především z hlediska mužských a ženských postav. Kromě toho nám jednotlivé příběhy a jazyková charakteristika hlavních aktérů komedie vypovídají mnohé o době, v níž autor žil a tvořil. Vztahy mezi postavami rovněž odkryjí společensko-sociální pozadí tehdejšího života. Prostřednictvím postav ve hře se také budeme snažit odhalit některé autorovy myšlenky a názory týkající se jeho vztahu k společensko-politické situaci v Rusku té doby, a také k postavení ženy v rodině a ve společnosti. Ženská a mužská problematika je téma stále diskutované, a tak ani drama z 18. století nám není z pohledu moderní doby cizí. Mnohé otázky, které Fonvizin v dramatu řeší jsou nadčasové, a tudíž můžeme konstatovat, že drama je velmi aktuální i v 21. století. Samozřejmě je nesporné, že některé reálie jako např. úděl žen vojáků či počínající emancipace žen jsou typické spíše pro dobu, v níž autor žil a tvořil.
Categories of possivity in Czech and Russian
Černá, Barbora ; Lendělová, Věra (advisor) ; Chlupáčová, Kamila (referee)
Již ve své postupové práci jsem se zabývala přídavnými jmény tvořenými příponou -ský j-CKMM v češtině a ruštině. Jedna z kapitol této práce byla věnována tvoření přídavných jmen přivlastňovacích od jmen obecných a vlastních a s tím spojené problematice vyjádření posesivity. Toto téma mne zaujalo a rozhodla jsem se mu věnovat i v práci diplomové. Následovalo shromažďování materiálu (jak teoretického, tak i ilustrativního) k dané problematice, a to je i jedním z důvodu, proč právě kapitola věnovaná přídavným jménům přivlastňovacím je oproti ostatním poněkud rozsáhlejší. Dalším důvodem je fakt, že se jedná o téma dostatečné propracované v odborné literatuře.
Numerals as a word class in present Ukrainian language
Poláčková, Jindra ; Lendělová, Věra (advisor) ; Marvan, Jiří (referee)
V této práci bych se chtěla věnovat číslovkám a jejich zařazení v rámci slovních druhů, historickému vývoji, srovnání se slovanskými jazyky, zejména s češtinou a ruštinou, a jejich použití v současné spisovné a hovorové ukrajinštině a jejích dialektech. Nejdříve se chci zaměřit na jednotlivá kritéria, podle kterých lze definovat slovní druh, na základě nichž chci zjistit, je- li možné vymezit číslovku jako autonomní slovní druh či nikoliv. K číslovkám se vyjádřilo bezpočet současných lingvistů a lingvistů 19. a 20. století. Proto bych chtěla zmapovat a prezentovat jejich koncepce a pohledy na číslovku a její existenci jako samostatného slovního druhu. Názory lingvistů se liší podle náhledu na číslovku aje těžké najít jednotný postoj, proto se pokusím představit různé koncepce lingvistů, v nichž představují svůj pohled na vymezení číslovky v rámci slovních druhů. Koncepce budu srovnávat ze synchronního (I. R.Vychovanec, I. K. Kučerenko, K. H. Horodens'ka) a diachronního hlediska (A. A. Potebnja, I. Verchrats'kyj, J. O. Dzendzelivs'kyj, I. P. Pankevič). Budu vycházet z práce Potebni, která je stále aktuální a zasluhuje si pozornost i v dnešní době. Jeho práce obsahuje obrovský ilustrativní materiál, vrací se k němu i současní lingvisté a ověřují platnost jeho postulátů. Pro tuto práci jsem zvolila srovnávací...
Bilingualism and its manifestation in various culturally lingual communities
Novotná, Veronika ; Lendělová, Věra (advisor) ; Gladkova, Hana (referee)
The present thesis mainly deals with bilingualism in adults, comming from Eastern Europe, mainly from Ukraine and Belarus. The main contribution of this work is the analysis of the questionnaires, which I filled my respondents who belong to the status of educated people. Thanks expected, interesting and even original answers reader to better inform and understand the language situation that is occurring in the area of East. In this work, the reader can gain a lot of interesting findings, which are not met. I focus on the further question of how many there are bilingual people who speak two languages at the level of the mother tongue. The theoretical part deals with the process of learning and language acquisition. Furthermore, I turn attention to the concept of bilingualism, which has become in recent decades literally phenomenon. Equally important are the types of bilingualism, with which it is associated bilingual different types of companies and types of bilingual families. Finally, I will outline the benefits of bilingual education. In the practical part, deals with adult bilinguists of southwestern Ukraine and Belarus. It is about one hundred and twenty students and professors from the University Černovické and six students from Minsk. The sample of people I responded to thirty-six issues were...
The Linguostylistic Analysis of Sorokin's Novel "A Day of the Oprichnik" (In Comparison with the Czech Translation)
Beňovský, Jan ; Lendělová, Věra (advisor) ; Chlupáčová, Kamila (referee)
During the last three decades the work of Vladimir Sorokin has become well-known not only in Russia but also all over the world. His novels have been translated into many world languages. This is especially because of his individual attitude to Russia and its politics, history, and social issues, but also because of his attitude to literature and art. These topics are put into literary styles of post-modernism and conceptualism. In 2009 Czech translation of Sorokin's novel "A Day of the Oprichnik" was released. This novel was chosen for linguostylistic analysis because of its lexical and stylistic profuseness. In this thesis Vladimir Sorokin was put into the literary style. The novel "A Day of the Oprichnik" was briefly described, as well as basic characteristic of Oprichnina was summarized. In the detailed linguostylistic analysis were examined 17 historical terms and features (дьяк, приказ, скоморох, смута, стрелец, челобитная, ярлык, государь, калики перехожие, соборность, столбовой, трактир, домострой, гусляр, лик, трапеза, батя) helping to create Sorokin's fresco of the "new" Russia in the future. Subsequently the expression is compared to the Czech analogue. With particular attention paid to the comprehensibility of the Czech translation, semantic differences between the original word or...

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