National Repository of Grey Literature 88 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Terror and the supernatural in Chinese avant-garde literature of the 1980s
Lexa, Filip ; Andrš, Dušan (advisor) ; Šebek, Josef (referee) ; Reismüller, František (referee)
Using selected novellas by the Chinese writers Ge Fei and Yu Hua, this dissertation thesis examines the function of elements of terror and the supernatural in Chinese avant-garde literature of the 1980s. Simultan- eously, it focuses on the issue of how these literary works testify to the possibilities afforded to human subjectivity: whether they depict the sub- ject as a free, autonomous individual, or rather as a being determined by its environment and psychological setup. The literary works under study are treated as examples of "fantastic literature" (as defined by Tzvetan Todorov and Nancy Traill), and elements of psychoanalytic theory are used in their interpretation. Through a close reading of these works, the dissertation thesis reaches the conclusion that while Ge Fei's and Yu Hua's novellas demonstrate that human subjectivity is limited by many internal and external factors, they simultaneously do grant the subject a certain degree of autonomy in being able to recognise these factors, adopt an original attitude towards them, and thus transform its way of relating itself to the world. Elements of terror and the supernatural present in these literary texts act as a "catalyst" of the epistemic function of literat- ure: within fictional worlds constructed by the given texts, they give rise to...
Literary Representation of Beijing in Autobiographical Essays by Chinese Writer Xiao Qian
Zavacká, Daniela ; Andrš, Dušan (advisor) ; Masárová, Šárka (referee)
The thesis examines autobiographical prose works by the modern Chinese writer Xiao Qian (1910-1999), which are inspired by Beijing or in which Beijing is thematized or represented. Relevant short stories from the 1930s and essayistic prose from the 1980s and 1990s are set in the context of the author's life and work. The core of the thesis is the presentation of the linguistic and literary representation of the city and the ways in which a specific identity of the literary space is constructed. The connecting motif of all the works discussed is the motif of life in the hutongs - the typical streets of Beijing - during the 1920s and 1930s. The depiction of life in the hutongs, to which the author had a strong emotional attachment, is linked to several motifs that repeatedly occur in his fiction. These include local delicacies, Beijing dialect, street vendors, children's games, and local customs or festivals. Finally, the thesis also draws attention to the critical tone of some of the works, especially the essayistic prose of the 1980s and 1990s, in which Xiao Qian deals with the city's hasty modernization.
Children's stories by Ye Shengtao
Dřízhalová, Silvia ; Andrš, Dušan (advisor) ; Masárová, Šárka (referee)
(in English) In this master's thesis, we will thoroughly examine two significtant fairy tale collections by the Chinese author Ye Shengtao Daocaoren (1923) and Gudai yingxiong de shixiang (1931). Our motivation is to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of Ye Shengtao's works for children and explore their didactic value. The first part of the thesis deals with the general historical context of children's literature and the genre of fairy tales, the following part deals with the historical and cultural context focused on the field of education in China. Our goal is to explore and understand the views of Chinese intellectuals at the beginning of the 20th century, as well as Western educators, and gain a deeper understanding of Ye Shengtao's pedagogical work and his pedagogical inspirations. In the analytical part, we then determine and examine the main motifs of Ye Shengtao's fairy tales and address the question of how Ye Shengtao uses and transforms literary elements and motifs from Western authors' fairy tales. As a part of the analysis, we will also focus on the structure of the stories in these collections, and we also examine the characteristics of the characters and the environment in order to understand the author's didactic motivations in his realistic portrayal of the fairy tale world.
Yu Guangzhong's early poetry
Suk, Šimon ; Andrš, Dušan (advisor) ; Lomová, Olga (referee)
This diploma thesis deals with the early poetic works of the Taiwanese writer Yu Guangzhong - specifically the first five books of poetry Zhouzi de beige, Lanse de yumao, Tianguo de yeshi, Zhongrushi and Wanshengjie. By means of formal and thematic analysis of representative poems the student in his research introduces the characteristics and main trends in the development of Yu Guangzhong's early poetry, considers its relation to the Chinese traditional poetry, modern Chinese pre-war poetry (xinshi) and the influence of foreign, especially English and American poetry.
Guangdong-Hong Kong School Martial Arts Fiction
Vrána, Petr ; Andrš, Dušan (advisor) ; Maršálek, Jakub (referee)
This thesis deals with the "Guangdong-Hong Kong Martial Arts Fiction School" (Yue Gang pai jiji xiaoshuo 粵港派技擊小說), a specific subgenre of Chinese fiction that was popular from the 1930s till the 1960s. Stories, whose protagonists are most often legendary Southern Shaolin heroes and historical masters and practitioners of Chinese martial arts, were published mostly in Cantonese and Hong Kong newspapers as serialized fiction. The Guangdong-Hong Kong Martial Arts Fiction School is usually considered as one of the subgenres of wuxia (武俠) fiction and it is still insufficiently explored. The Guangdong-Hong Kong martial arts novels, which show many features of junk fiction, increased readers' patriotic feelings, contributed to the promotion of martial arts masters, and reinforced some common ideas about Chinese martial arts, which can still be found in today's society. In this thesis, we put the discussed subgenre in its social and literary-historical context, describe its genesis, discuss the thematic areas and narrative form of Guangdong-Hong Kong martial arts fiction, and introduce three representative authors of Guangdong-Hong Kong Martial Arts Fiction School and some protagonists of selected proses. The main part of this thesis is a literary analysis focused on the definition of the most distinctive...
Novel Feidu by Chinese author Jia Pingwa
Smetanová, Dagmar ; Andrš, Dušan (advisor) ; Lomová, Olga (referee)
This thesis analyses the novel Feidu (1993) by the contemporary Chinese writer Jia Pingwa (*1952). The novel is not easy to classify under any of the literary genres present in China in the 1990s. Its setting in an urban environment and the focus on the upper social class of intellectuals, sets it apart even from the rest of Jia Pingwa's work. In an imaginative way, Feidu creates a picture of Chinese society in the last decade of the 20th century against the backdrop of the fictional metropolis Xijing, drawing attention to the far-reaching problems associated with this period, especially the rapid commercialization and the irreversible decline of Chinese culture. This thesis brings forward an analysis of narrative techniques, subjects and general meaning of the novel, views it within the context of the rest of the author's work and considers the novel's relation to the traditional Chinese narrative fiction, to which Feidu refers in many ways.
Female protagonists in short stories by Mu Shiying
Bušková, Viktorie ; Andrš, Dušan (advisor) ; Masárová, Šárka (referee)
Mu Shiying was one of the prominent representatives of the New Sensationist group active in Shanghai during the twenties and thirties of the last century. The authors of this group were heavily influenced by the same named movement in Japan. Mu Shiying's short stories reflect the speed, chaos and superficiality of urban life. The stories often focus on the relationship between the male and female characters which usually has only a superficial character, lasting for a single night. This thesis represents a literary analysis of the female characters in Mu Shiying's short stories collect Gongmu from nineteen thirty-three. The primary emphasis is placed on the analysis of the characteristics of women in relation to space, time and the names the female characters themselves. The thesis also considers a possible typology of female figures emerging in the twenties.
Chengnan jiushi as a story of development: Tales of childhood and growing up in Peking by Lin Haiyin
Štilipová, Tereza ; Andrš, Dušan (advisor) ; Masárová, Šárka (referee)
The student will perform a literary-scientific analysis of a collection of autobiographically tuned narratives by Chengnan jiushi by the Taiwanese writer Lin Haiyin (1918-2001). She focuses on the motivic and narrative construction of individual stories, introduces Chengnan jiushi as a prose of "formation" (Bildungsroman / novel of development) and names the unifying principles of the short story cycle as a whole. Powered by TCPDF (
Zhou Zuoren's essays on Japan and Japanese culture
Honcoopová, Haruna ; Andrš, Dušan (advisor) ; Lomová, Olga (referee)
V naší studii jsme se snažili předestřít Zhou Zuorenův život a dílo tak, jak se proplétalo složitými dějinami Východní Asie první poloviny 20. století. Právě JaponskoZhou Zuorenova vyvolená země -tehdy velkou Čínu poznamenalo válečným traumatem, z kterého se ještě nestačila vyléčit. Dodnes Japonce lidé v Číně nenávidí a není tedy divu, že ani Zhou Zuoren se svou neskrývanou láskou k Japonsku tam nemá snadnou pozici. Na základě studia konkrétního materiálu jeho esejů jsme se snažili zmapovat, jakými aspekty Japonska se autor zabýval, o čem psal a co ho na Japonsku fascinovalo.
Gu Kuang and his nature lyrics
Teryngerová, Veronika ; Lomová, Olga (advisor) ; Andrš, Dušan (referee)
Smyslem mé práce bude představit básníka Gu Kuanga žijícího v období panování dynastie Tang. Stručně nastíním Gu Kuangův život a dále hlouběji rozeberu jeho básnickou tvorbu. Z Gu Kuangových dochovaných básní se zaměřím na přírodní lyriku. Ve dvou kapitolách pomocí příkladů Gu Kuangovy přírodní lyriky poukážu na hlavní, a sice ideové vlivy buddhismu a taoismu na jeho básnickou tvorbu. V podkapitolách se pro lepší představu v pokusím načrtnout rozdílný projev těchto vlivů u Gu Kuanga a jeho součastníka Wang Weie (699 -760). Práce bude obsahovat přehled témat a forem v Gu Kuangově tvorbě a pokusím se poukázat na autorovo místo v linii básníků v období přerodu éry Vrcholné Tang v éru Střední Tang. Jako vodítko mi bude sloužit článek Zhou Mingxiu "Gu Kuang: zai Li bai yu Li He zhijian, jehož závěry nastíním a na základě četby Gu Kuangova díla s některými budu polemizovat. To pomůže zařadit Gu Kuanga tvořícího v přelomovém období do kontextu probíhajících změn ve směřování čínského básnictví. Nakonec se pokusím dotknout se stručně jazyka, především lexikální náplni Gu Kuangovy přírodní lyriky a zmíním také spolu s ukázkami z básní specifikum vnímajícího subjektu v Gu Kuangově přírodní lyrice. V příloze uvádím překlady dalších vybraných Guových básní a přebásnění vybraných čtyřverší, kde jsem se snažila co...

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