National Repository of Grey Literature 5 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
The Influence of Nanoparticles on The Properties of Hard Polyurethane Foams
Eliáš, Filip ; Kotlík, Josef (referee) ; Petrůj, Jaroslav (advisor)
The theoretical part of the thesis focuses on general principles of polyurethane chemistry. Nanotechnologies are also discussed, in particular using nanoparticles in the production of polyurethane foams. There are also mentioned selected preparation methods of silver and titanium dioxide nanoparticles. The experimental part describes mainly a novel method for synthesis of the concentrated solution of titanium dioxide nanoparticles in glycerol and their analysis by using confocal microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, dynamic light scattering and UV-VIS spectroscopy. Finally, there are suggested particular steps for further investigation of prepared nanoparticles for the production of rigid polyurethane foams, and also for other applications.
Petrů, Václav ; Jílek, Jan (referee) ; Mohapl, Martin (advisor)
This master thesis deals with the construction of a new hotel building in the Chateau Valeč complex. This building will serve as a garage, restaurant and accommodation facilities. The building is located on the outskirts of the village of Valeč. The thesis contains a technical report of the object, a situation of the building with broader relations of transport routes, a time and financial plan of the construction, a study, a project of the construction site equipment, a design of the main construction machines and mechanisms, a time schedule, an item budget, a technological regulation, a quality control and testing plan and occupational health and safety. The thesis deals with sprayed polyurethane foam, which serves as a thermal insulator. The thesis also describes the heating system and energy sources for the building.
Vliv biodegradabilní polyuretanové pěny na biocenózu a kalovou aktivitu v reaktorech simulující provoz domácích ČOV
Skleničková, Kateřina ; Říhová Ambrožová, J. ; Pečenka, M. ; Halecký, M. ; Beneš, Hynek
Hydrophilic and fully aliphatic polyurethane (PUR) foam exhibiting a highly open cellular structure was used as a biodegradable biofilm carrier that would serve simultaneously as a nutrient source. A one-month laboratory testing in a reactor simulating domestic wastewater treatment plants was conducted based on chemical and hydrobiological analyses as well as evaluation of microorganism development and enzymatic activity. It was found that PUR foam can successfully serve as a carrier for microorganisms and simultaneously can be biodegraded when the supply of nutrition is limited.
Basic biomechanical characterization of polyurethane based artificial cancellous structures
Šleichrt, Jan ; Kytýř, Daniel ; Pithartová, Kateřina ; Senck, S. ; Fürst, D. ; Schrempf, A.
The main goal of this study is to validate elementary mechanical parameters of a newly designed open-cell foam. The purpouse for investigating artificial material is to approach the properties of the human bone in the case of its adequate replacement. Investigated material can be also used as an artificial bone to train surgical procedures and to improve the skills of the surgeons. Four sets of the foam with different chemical composition were subjected to an uniaxial quasi-static loading to describe basic mechanical behaviour of these samples. Based on these experiments, the stress-strain diagrams were created as a comparative tool including calculation of the effective Young’s modulus. The acquired knowledges will be used as input parameters of a follow-up study aimed at describing the morphology of presented structures and their response to mechanical experiments. A distortion effect of porosity on the results is not considered in this study.
The Influence of Nanoparticles on The Properties of Hard Polyurethane Foams
Eliáš, Filip ; Kotlík, Josef (referee) ; Petrůj, Jaroslav (advisor)
The theoretical part of the thesis focuses on general principles of polyurethane chemistry. Nanotechnologies are also discussed, in particular using nanoparticles in the production of polyurethane foams. There are also mentioned selected preparation methods of silver and titanium dioxide nanoparticles. The experimental part describes mainly a novel method for synthesis of the concentrated solution of titanium dioxide nanoparticles in glycerol and their analysis by using confocal microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, dynamic light scattering and UV-VIS spectroscopy. Finally, there are suggested particular steps for further investigation of prepared nanoparticles for the production of rigid polyurethane foams, and also for other applications.

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