Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 266 záznamů.  1 - 10dalšíkonec  přejít na záznam: Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
Optimalizace scintilačního detektoru pro detekci nízkoenegiových signálních elektronů v elektronové mikroskopii
Tihlaříková, Eva ; Kadlec, Jaromír (oponent) ; Uruba, Václav (oponent) ; Neděla, Vilém (vedoucí práce)
Dizertační práce se zabývá optimalizací scintilačního detektoru pro účinnou detekci nízkoenergiových signálních elektronů v komoře vzorku rastrovacího elektronového mikroskopu. Řešení vycházelo ze studia mechanismů ztrát energie signálních elektronů během jejich interakce s vodivou vrstvou a scintilátorem, které je možné studovat pomocí simulací založených na stochastické metodě Monte Carlo. Na základě testovacích simulací a srovnání jejich výsledků s dostupnými experimentálními daty byl vybrán vhodný Monte Carlo software. Následně byly kvantifikovány ztráty energie signálních elektronů rozdílných energií při jejich průchodu konkrétními vodivými vrstvami na povrchu scintilátorů a během jejich interakce se scintilátory. Výsledky simulací umožnily definovat kritéria pro optimalizaci vodivých vrstev, které byly následně naneseny na scintilátory a experimentálně měřeny ve scintilačním detektoru rastrovacího elektronového mikroskopu. Tato měření umožnila verifikovat výsledky simulací a poskytla řadu nových informací o vlivu materiálu a tloušťky vodivých vrstev, v kombinaci s materiálem scintilátoru a světlovodu. Zvýšení detekční účinnosti scintilačního detektoru s optimalizovanými vodivými vrstvami, schopného detekovat nízkoenergiové signálních elektrony, bylo experimentálně prokázáno.
Effect of Cylinder Roughness on Strouhal Number
Yanovych, Vitalii ; Duda, D. ; Uruba, Václav ; Procházka, Pavel P. ; Antoš, Pavel
The main goal of this paper is to establish a better understanding of the relationship between a Strouhal number and surface roughness. Hot-wire anemometry was used to evaluations the characteristics of turbulent flow behind circular cylinders with different relative roughness 0% (smooth surface) 0.83%, 1.67%, 3.33%, and 6.67%. At the experimental investigation, the Reynolds number based on the cylinder diameter was 5 × 103 < Red < 2 × 104. The obtained data showed that the Strouhal number decreased with increasing roughness. While, the dissipation rate decreases, and the value of the Kolmogorov and Taylor microscales increases. Also, spectral analysis of streamwise velocity fluctuations allowed us to estimate the location of the vortex-shedding frequency which at growing roughness tends to reduce.
Simple Rheoscopic Flows Used in Teaching Fluid Mechanics
Duda, D. ; Yanovych, Vitalii ; Uruba, Václav
Four simple demonstration experiments are presented. They are used as a support in the teaching of Fluid Mechanics I (a compulsory lecture at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen). All mentioned experiments use the rheoscopic fluid obtained as a water solution of mica powder to visualize the flow in a esthetic way, which, as we hope, has a potential to attract students attention. The experiments are: demonstration of Bernoulli equation in a widening and narrowing channel, Taylor-Couette flow, the effect of viscosity to the scales and decay of turbulence, and the Galilean transformation inside an axial compressor.
The Design and Aerodynamic Testing of DPIK Probe
Procházka, Pavel P. ; Barraclough, V. ; Skála, Vladislav ; Uruba, Václav
The isokinetic probe used to detect the liquid phase drift from the cooling tower is presented here. The main motivation is costs reduction that arises during standard drift measurements. The probe was developed in the framework of the grant project between private company 4Jtech and Institute of Thermomechanics. The aerodynamic design and optimization of this probe should fulfill one important criterion – to capture the droplets from the drift with maximal efficiency. Kalorimetric principle is then used to evaluate the amount of trapped water. Standard PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry) measurement technique and modified IPI (Interferometric Particle Imaging) methods were used to measure the flow field topology and the particle size distribution, respectively.
Wake Behind a Cylinder: An Overview of Spatio-Temporal Aspects
Uruba, Václav
A circular cylinder in crossflow is subjected to the overview study from the point of view spatial and temporal characteristics. It represents itself a typical engineering problem, appearing in practice frequently in various forms. In fluid mechanics, this case is considered to be a typical canonical case, with relatively simple and straightforward definition, but complex and dynamical flow topology. The typical dynamics is characterized by quasi-periodic behavior called von Kármán – Bénard vortex street with a typical frequency expressed in dimensionless number called Strouhal number. The wake flow structure is considered to be characterized by a single frequency and 2D topology, homogeneous along the cylinder axis, very often. The presented paper concentrates on differences between this commonly accepted model and physical reality. Both temporal and spatial aspects of the flow in the wake behind a cylinder are to be addressed. The turbulent subcritical wake characterized by Reynolds number about 5 thousand will be considered, as this situation is a typical case in mechanical engineering applications.
Electro-Magneto-Hydrodynamic Model for Electron Microscopy
Mačák, Martin ; Horák, Vladimír (oponent) ; Uruba, Václav (oponent) ; Vyroubal, Petr (vedoucí práce)
This dissertation thesis deals with the description and development of an electromagneto-hydrodynamic model intended for electron microscopy. The basis of the work lies in the description of characteristic phenomena taking place in electron microscopes with a focus on environmental electron microscopy. The work dealt with a description of the electromagnetic field, supersonic flow of rarefied gas and a motion of relativistic charged particles in a gaseous environment. An electromagnetic model based on the definition of electric and magnetic vector potential was presented and was used for a simulation of an electromagnetic coil. The supersonic flow of a rarefied gas was defined by Navier-Stokes equations. In order to extend their application to low pressures, the boundary conditions for velocity and temperature were modified. Viscosity and thermal conductivity were subsequently introduced as functions of gas pressure. These adjustments were able to describe the effects of lower collision frequency of gas particles. The presented model was used for the analysis of a flow through a separate aperture and a differentially pumped chamber. Furthermore, the model and necessary adjustments for the description of relativistically moving particles were presented. The model was used for the simulation of electron optics. Separate attention was paid to the interaction of charged particles with a gaseous environment. These interactions had a stochastic character and the presented model described both elastic and inelastic collisions. The presented multiphysics model enables the simultaneous simulation of different physical areas and the interactions between them, which leads to a possibility of a more detailed description of processes and to the improvement of environmental electron microscope design.
On Harmonic Content of the Wake Behind a Circular Cylinder
Uruba, Václav ; Procházka, Pavel P.
The wake behind cylinder of circular cross-section is subjected to detailed analysis from the point of view harmonic content. The basic, fundamental frequency could be linked to well-known Bénard-von Kámán vortex street, it is called Strouhal frequency very often. However higher harmonics of 2nd and 3rd order have been detected, as well as important inharmonic partials. The topologies of the velocity flow-field corresponding to the harmonic is to be shown.
Torque and Flow Field Optical Measurements of The Single Blade Under Stall Flutter
Procházka, Pavel P. ; Uruba, Václav ; Šnábl, Pavel
The single blade NACA0010 was exposed to the incoming flow inside a channel with rectangular cross-section. The blade was investigated for three different working regimes. The first configuration was for fixed blade. The second regime was for fluttering blade due to flow instabilities and the last one was performed for blade under force excitation. The flow field was measured using Particle Image Velocimetry. A force transducer and a small rotary encoder were used to evaluate the force ratios.
Reduced order model of the swirling flow
Urban, Ondřej ; SUSAN-RESIGA, Romeo Florin (oponent) ; Uruba, Václav (oponent) ; Rudolf, Pavel (vedoucí práce)
This doctoral thesis is aimed at studying the vortex rope phenomenon. For this purpose, a new swirl generator capable of regulating the swirl intensity was designed. The behavior of the vor-tex rope was studied both numerically and experimentally. Scale-resolving numerical simulati-ons were employed, visualization methods based on volume rendering were proposed, and di-fferent vortex criteria were tested. Several flow field decomposition methods were studied. Fi-nally, methods for extracting quasiperiodic patterns were proposed. These methods enabled the construction of a reduced-order model for a range of operating conditions.
Urban Ventilation Dependence on Geometric Configuration
Kukačka, Libor ; Jaňour, Zbyněk (vedoucí práce) ; Carpentieri, Matteo (oponent) ; Uruba, Václav (oponent)
Název práce: Ventilace městské zástavby v závislosti na jejím geometrickém uspořádání Autor: RNDr. Ing. Libor Kukačka Katedra: Katedra fyziky atmosféry Vedoucí disertační práce: prof. RNDr. Zbyněk Jaňour, DrSc., Ústav termomechaniky AV ČR, v. v. i. Abstrakt: Cílem práce je výzkum vlivu geometrie městské zástavby na její ventilaci za použití fyzikálního modelování proudění v aerodynamickém tunelu. Za účelem měření advektivního a turbulentního transportu znečištění uvnitř složité geometrie městské zástavby, navíc ve vysokém časovém rozlišení, byla vyvinuta speciální měřící metoda. Touto metodou bylo nejprve proměřeno šíření znečištění napříč křižovatkou uvnitř zjednodušené zástavby z přízemního bodového zdroje umístěného v uličním kaňonu, a to pro čtyři různé směry větru. Následně bylo simulováno šíření znečištění ve složitější zástavbě, přičemž bylo použito přízemního liniového zdroje znečištění vlastní konstrukce, pomocí něhož byly modelovány emise z automobilové dopravy. V rámci tohoto experimentu byly proměřeny tři typy uličních kaňonů s různou geometrií při kolmém a šikmém směru větru na podélnou osu kaňonů. Na základně proměření svislých bočních a vodorovných ploch uzavírající uliční kaňony byl zjištěn zásadní vliv geometrie městské zástavby a směru nabíhajícího větru na procesy ventilace. Zatímco v...

Národní úložiště šedé literatury : Nalezeno 266 záznamů.   1 - 10dalšíkonec  přejít na záznam:
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