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Výroková logika a algebra
Polach, František ; Krajíček, Jan (vedoucí práce) ; Pudlák, Pavel (oponent)
Algebraic proof systems of which the most important are the polynomial calculus and the Nullstellensatz proof system are proof systems that use algebraic means for proving propositional tautologies - they are based on polynomial identities over (commutative) rings. Razborov [9] have proved a non-trivial lower bound on degree for polynomia calculus proofs of the tautologies (a set of polynomials) that express the pigeonhole principle over any field. This work gathers present important results for algebraic proof systems and generalizes the Razborov's construction used in his proof of the lower bound to another set of polynomials. We explicitly describe the basis of the vector space of polynomials that are derivable by a small degree polynomial calculus proof from the tautologies that express a variant of the pigeonhole principle (that generalizes the principle for multifunctions).
Výroková logika a algebra
Polach, František ; Krajíček, Jan (vedoucí práce) ; Pudlák, Pavel (oponent)
Algebraic proof systems of which the most important are the polynomial calculus and the Nullstellensatz proof system are proof systems that use algebraic means for proving propositional tautologies - they are based on polynomial identities over (commutative) rings. Razborov [9] have proved a non-trivial lower bound on degree for polynomia calculus proofs of the tautologies (a set of polynomials) that express the pigeonhole principle over any field. This work gathers present important results for algebraic proof systems and generalizes the Razborov's construction used in his proof of the lower bound to another set of polynomials. We explicitly describe the basis of the vector space of polynomials that are derivable by a small degree polynomial calculus proof from the tautologies that express a variant of the pigeonhole principle (that generalizes the principle for multifunctions).
Testování identit
Polach, František ; Žemlička, Jan (oponent) ; Stanovský, David (vedoucí práce)
Nazev prace: Testovdni identit Autor: FrantiSek Polnch Katedra (ustav): Katedra algebry Vedouci bakalafske prace: RNDr. David Stanovsky, Ph.D. e-mail vedouciho: stanovsk@karlin.mff.citni.cz Abstrakt: Na overeni, zda dana identita (napf. komlttativita, asociativita, apod.) plati v dane algebre (grupe, okrului,...), existuje ocividny algoritmtts, ktery ma exponencidlni slozitost vzh- ledem kdelce zadane identity (profixm'algebru)- Neni tezke nahlednout, ze tento problemje pro libovolnou algebra v I ride co-NP a ze existuji algebry, pro ktere je co-NP-uplny. Na druhou stranu, pro mnoho algeber (napr. pro abelovske grupy) existitje algoritmus polynomidlni. Ex- istuje mezindrodni projekt, jehoz cilein je charakterizovat ty algebry, pro ktere je tento prob- lem pollfnomidlni, rcsp. co-NP-iiplny. Cflem tcto prdceje shrnout nektere zndme vysledky o grupdch a okruzich. Konkretne ukdzeme polynomidlni algoritmy pro testovdni identit v nilpo- tentnich i dihedrdlnfch grupdch a nilpotentnich okruzich, a dokdzeme co-NP-iiplnost testovdni identit v nenilpotcntnfch okruzich. Klicova slova: testovdni identit, slozitost, grupy, okruhy Title: Identity checking Author: Franlisek Polach Department: Department of Algebra Supervisor: RNDr. David Stanovsky, Ph.D. Supervisor's e-mail address: stanovsk@karlin.inff.cuni.cz Abstract:...

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