Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 7 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
Composite coatings containing nanometric constituents prepared by plasma spraying with liquid feedstocks
Mušálek, Radek ; Tesař, Tomáš ; Medřický, Jan ; Čížek, Jan ; Lukáč, František
Plasma spraying of liquid feedstocks allows deposition of materials with novel microstructures. Due to the combination of a liquid carrier and ultrafine powders (in case of suspensions) or in-situ formation of the final material in the plasma jet (in case of solutions), preparation of ultrafine composites is possible, typically in a form of coatings on the substrates. Moreover, both suspension and solution spraying routes can be easily combined, either together or even with conventional plasma spraying of coarse dry powders, thus merging benefits of “nanometric” and “micrometric” constituents in the final composite microstructure. As a consequence, liquid feedstock plasma spraying represents an industrially-relevant deposition process with wide variability, providing coatings with properties tailored for various applications ranging from compact wear-resistant layers, porous thermal barrier coatings, bio-compatible medical coatings, catalyst carriers, fuel-cells, etc. The paper introduces several examples of such ultrafine coatings recently deposited at IPP CAS using hybrid water-stabilized plasma torch.
Suspension plasma spraying of sub-stoichiometric titania by hybrid water/argon stabilized plasma torch
Mušálek, Radek ; Ctibor, Pavel ; Medřický, Jan ; Tesař, Tomáš ; Kotlan, Jiří ; Lukáč, František
In this study, suspension plasma spraying of sub-stoichiometric titania was attempted using hybrid water/argon stabilized plasma torch (WSP-H). Porous coatings with fine cauliflower-like columnar microstructure were successfully deposited in two separate experiments with different power levels of the plasma torch. In both cases, high solid-load content (40 wt. %) of the water-based suspension resulted in considerable coating thickness increase per deposition cycle. Coating annealing and partial remelting of the surface asperities were also achieved by additional pass of plasma torch in front of the coating surface. According to X-ray diffraction, all coatings consisted dominantly of rutile phase. Detailed microscopic observation of the as-sprayed and annealed deposits showed that the local coloration of the coating (ranging from dark blue to beige) was driven by the local overheating of the rough coating surface which could also promote the oxygen intake. Moreover, sample annealing was also observed to increase the sample reflectivity as observed by UV-VIS-NIR scanning spectrophotometry
Preparation of spheroidized and nano-structural spinels by the SPPS method
Brožek, Vlastimil ; Lukáč, František ; Medřický, Jan ; Mušálek, Radek ; Mašláni, Alan ; Mastný, L. ; Brodil, R.
Solution Precursor Plasma Spraying (SPPS) method, using hybrid water-stabilised plasma torch (WSP®-H), is presented in this study. Precursor, in a form of a solution of inorganic salts, is injected into the plasma jet, where the temperature can reach up to 25 000 K and a series of reactions lead to the formation of spherical sub-micrometric sized particles. The complete process of evaporating the liquid, crystallization, thermic decomposition, melting and recrystallization takes place in few milliseconds before the particles solidify. Melted nanoparticles can be either directly collected in order to obtain ultrafine powders or deposited onto a substrate to form micro-splats and continuous polycrystalline, and often partially amorphous, coatings. The possibility of continuous and discontinuous changes of stoichiometric composition in tetrahedral and octahedral configurations were analysed for the deposits of MgAl2O4, CoAl2O4 and CoFe2O4 spinels. Furthermore, thin colourful coatings of ruby and modified cobalt oxides were deposited onto ceramic and metallic substrates.
Deposition of Titania from Solution by Hybrid Water-Stabilized Plasma Torch
Mušálek, Radek ; Medřický, Jan ; Tesař, Tomáš ; Kotlan, Jiří ; Lukáč, František
Thermal spraying with liquid feedstock presents a novel route for deposition of functional coatings. In this study, possibility of preparation of titania coatings from solution by hybrid water stabilized plasma torch is presented. Coatings were prepared from solution of titanium isopropoxide Ti[OCH(CH3)2]4 in anhydrous ethanol. Fragmentation of feedstock stream in the plasma jet was monitored by shadowgraphy. Deposition was carried out on steel samples mounted to the cooled rotating carousel. Cross-sectional images from SEM microscope showed successful formation of the deposit with dual morphology consisting of fine feather-like features combined with bigger droplets. X-ray diffraction revealed formation of nanometric rutile crystallites.
Plazmové stříkání z kapalné fáze: interakce kapaliny s proudem plazmatu a vznik nástřiku
Tesař, Tomáš ; Mušálek, Radek ; Medřický, Jan ; Lukáč, František
Plazmové stříkání z kapalné fáze je rychle se rozvíjejícím odvětvím žárového stříkání. Hybnou silou vývoje jsou unikátní vlastnosti, které vrstvy deponované z kapalné fáze nabízejí, jako je vysoká tvrdost, vysoká odolnost vůči tepelným šokům či nízká tepelná a elektrická vodivost. Klíčovým faktorem ovlivňujícím výsledný vzhled a vlastnosti vyrobeného nástřiku je zvolený vstupní materiál, kterým může být suspenze jemného prášku či roztok. Parametry dané suspenze (koncentrace pevné fáze, viskozita, povrchové napětí, chemické složení, atd.) či roztoku (zejména koncentrace) pak ovlivňují interakci s proudem plazmatu, která má na výslednou mikrostrukturu zásadní vliv. Tento příspěvek přibližuje problematiku interakce kapalného vstupního materiálu s plazmatem a ukazuje možnosti studia mechanismů růstu nástřiku.
První experimenty s přípravou suspenzního nástřiku Al2O3 pomocí hybridního plazmového hořáku
Tesař, Tomáš ; Mušálek, Radek ; Medřický, Jan ; Kotlan, Jiří ; Pala, Zdeněk
Hybridní vodou stabilizovaný hořák WSP-H představuje zajímavou alternativu k běžným hořákům pro žárové stříkání, neboť poskytuje jedinečnou kombinaci rychlosti plazmatu a entalpie dostupné pro zpracování materiálu. V této práci je studován vliv depozičních parametrů na charakteristiky nástřiku. Jako modelový materiál byl použit nanometrický Al2O3 dispergovaný v etanolu. Nástřik byl zkoumán pomocí skenovací elektronové mikroskopie a rentgenové difrakce. Výsledky prokázaly závislost charakteru mikrostruktury a fázového složení na podávací vzdálenosti a podávaném množství suspenze. Výsledky jsou zajímavé pro další optimalizaci depozičního procesu
Properties of Novel Hybrid Water-Gas DC Arc Plasma Torch
Chráska, Tomáš ; Hrabovský, Milan ; Glanc, Aleš ; Mušálek, Radek ; Medřický, Jan
A new type of plasma torch with combined stabilization of electric arc by water vortex and gas flow is presented. This hybrid water/gas stabilization offers the possibility of adjusting plasma jet parameters within a wide range from high-enthalpy low-density plasmas typical for liquid stabilized torches to lower enthalpy higher density plasmas generated in gas stabilized torches. Moreover, gas flow in the cathode part protects a cathode tip and thus a consumable graphite cathode used in water-only stabilized plasma torches could be replaced by a fixed tungsten cathode. Examples of hybrid WSP torch utilization for high temperature application are given.

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