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Yield formation parameters of winter wheat under two CO2 levels in water sufficient and depleted environment
Hlaváčová, Marcela ; Klem, Karel ; Veselá, Barbora ; Findurová, Hana ; Hlavinka, Petr ; Smutná, P. ; Horáková, V. ; Škarpa, P. ; Trnka, Miroslav
Agricultural production faces with ongoing climate that in Europe takes form of changing seasonal precipitation pattern with more frequent drought spells. These changes come on top of rising air temperature and did and will affect productivity as well as onset and duration of key developmental stages for yield formation of major staple crops such as wheat. In order to ensure stable agricultural production and satisfy demand of the increasing humanpopulation, it is crucial to know responses of major field crops to these abiotic stress factors to assess suitability of genotypes to specific environmental conditions. The aim of this study was to evaluate final yield formation parameters of five winter wheat genotypes cultivated in pots and exposed to two different levels of CO2 concentrations (400 ppm as ambient and 700 ppm as elevated CO2 concentrations) and two water treatments (well- watered control and drought-stressed plants). Theexperimental treatments were set up in growth chambers from the end of heading stage (BBCH 59)to the beginning of ripening stage (BBCH 71) to simulate the conditions under future climate. The results showed that elevated CO2 concentration led to: (1) mitigation of reduction in final yield formation parameters of drought-stressed plants compared to those of control, (2) enhanced results of drought-stressed treatments compared to those of drought-stressed treatments exposed to the ambient CO2 concentration. Pannonia NS was found out as the less responsive genotype to the exposition of CO2 concentration (no statistically significant differences among ambient and elevated CO2 concentrations in all yield formation parameters were identified). On contrary, harvest index of genotype Bohemia was identified as the most sensitive parameter in response to drought stress as well as to the atmospheric CO2 concentration.
Water-use efficiency of winter wheat under heat and drought stress
Hlaváčová, Marcela ; Klem, Karel ; Novotná, Kateřina ; Rapantová, Barbora ; Urban, Otmar ; Hlavinka, Petr ; Smutná, P. ; Horáková, V. ; Škarpa, P. ; Trnka, Miroslav
Because such extreme weather events as dry spells and heat waves are expected to occur more frequently\ndue to climate change, the issue of appropriate water management for sustainable agricultural production\nis increasingly important. This study focuses on wheat, the second most widely grown cereal in the world\nand the most common cereal in European countries. The study assesses the effects of short periods (3 and\n7 days) of high temperatures (26°C as a control, 32°C, 35°C, and 38°C as daily temperature maxima from\n12:00 to 14:00) and drought stress at different developmental stages (DC 31 – beginning of stem elongation,\nDC 61 – flowering, and DC 75 – early grain filling) on water-use efficiency (WUE) in winter wheat\ncultivar Tobak. This cultivar is one of the most widespread winter wheat cultivars in Czech Republic fields.\nThe analysis of WUE showed that the cv. Tobak plants were able to withstand drought stress conditions\nthrough increased WUE. In contrast, wheat plants were stressed more markedly if exposed to higher temperatures\nand drought in combination. Generally, the wheat plants were most sensitive to drought at DC\n31.
Effect of temeperature stress and water shortage on thousand grain weight of selected winter wheat varietes
Hlaváčová, Marcela ; Pohanková, Eva ; Klem, Karel ; Trnka, Miroslav
The aim of the presented study was to assess the effect of high temperatures and water shortage during anthesis on thousand grain weight (TGW) of two winter wheat varieties (Tobak and Pannonia). In addition, numbers of grains per spike were also assessed. The six growth chambers were used to simulate heat stress conditions within following gradient of temperature maxima: 26 degrees C (control chamber), 29, 32, 35, 38 and 41 degrees C. The relative humidity (RH) course and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) intensity were controlled via protocols. Additionally, drought stressed (dry) and well-watered (wet) treatments were established within each growth chamber. The plants were removed from the growth chambers after 14 days and they were left until a full maturity, exposed to actual weather conditions. The TGW at 14% moisture were evaluated for particular treatments within both winter wheat varieties. TGW was generally more affected by high temperatures under drought stress than in well-watered conditions. The results revealed that Pannonia TGW was much more affected by the water deficiency in combination with high temperature (particularly 38 and 41 degrees C) than Tobak TGW.
Effect of high temperature and water shortage stresses duration during anthesis on the selected winter wheat yield formation components
Hlaváčová, Marcela ; Rapantová, Barbora ; Surá, Kateřina ; Klem, Karel ; Hlavinka, Petr ; Trnka, Miroslav
The aim of this study was to assess the effect of drought and high temperatures on Tobak winter wheat variety during one of the most sensitive developmental stage (anthesis) from the viewpoint of harvest index (HI) and spike productivity (SP). The 5 growth chambers (where the plants were exposed to these stress factors) were used for these purposes. The various protocols consisting in photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) course, relative air humidity (RH) and daily temperature courses were run. The plants were divided into 2 groups within each growth chambers: (1) Drough-stressed (Dry) and (2) well-watered (Wet). Two lengths of stresses duration were tested: 3 and 7 days. The plants were exposed to ambient weather conditions up to the full maturity after stresses exposition within the growth chambers. Subsequently, the plants were harvested manually and HI and SP were evaluated. The statistical analyses showed that the effect of each stress factor separately was statistically significant both for HI and SP14, nevertheless, these two factors interaction was statistically significant only in the case of HI.
Effect of drought stress on selected winter wheat yield formation components within pot and field experiimental design
Hlaváčová, Marcela ; Pohanková, Eva ; Klem, Karel ; Hlavinka, Petr ; Trnka, Miroslav
The object of this study was to find out what is the behaviour of the same winter wheat variety (Bohemia) plants cultivated within pot and field experiment. Therefore, the main aim of this study was to verify (based on the pot experiment results) whether the pot experiment (that is limited by the soil area) does not substantially affect plant reactions. The pot experiment was carried out in growth chambers where daily temperature course, relative humidity (RH) and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) were set via protocols. The pots were exposed to the drought stress for 14 days with the daily maximum temperature 26 °C from noon to 2 p.m. The pots were split into 2 groups: (1) Dry where the soil moisture within pots were maintained below 30% of the maximum water holding capacity, (2) Wet where the soil moisture did not decrease below 70% of the maximum water holding capacity. The plants within Wet variant were considered as a control group. The pots were placed onto the concrete floor of a vegetation hall (where the plants were exposed to the weather conditions) prior and after stress regime exposition. The field experiment was conducted within experimental station in Bystřice nad Pernštejnem belonging to the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands in the Czech Republic. The drought stress was established through the transparent roofs installed above plants’ tops level in the field. The control experimental plot without roofs was nearby there as well. The plants were harvested when the full maturity was reached and the selected yield formation components were evaluated.
Vliv aplikace kompostu na množství a kvalitu půdních humusových látek
Hlaváčová, Marcela
Bakalářská práce je věnována sledování vlivu kompostu na množství a kvalitu humusových látek v půdě. Dlouhodobé pokusy probíhaly na černozemi luvické (Praha). Hodnotili jsme množství organického uhlíku, humusových látek, huminovýcha fulvokyselin, poměr HK/FK, stupeň humifikace, obsah živin a absorbanci humusových látek v UV-VIS oblasti spektra. Data byly statisticky zpracovány metodou ANOVA -- jeden faktor. Výsledky ukázaly příznivý vliv na množství a kvalitu humusových látek a na obsah živin v půdě. Klíčová slova: černozem, kompost, humusové látky
Evaluation of water use efficiency of short rotation poplar coppice at Bohemian-moravian highlands
Hlaváčová, Marcela
Diplomová práce poskytuje základní informace o plantážích rychle rostoucích dřevin, dále podává popis nejvýznamnějších druhů rychle rostoucích dřevin pěstovaných v České republice. Následuje podrobný popis topolového klonu J-105 pěstovaného na plantáži Výzkumné stanice Domanínek. Poté jsou představeny klíčové prvky ovlivňující výnos rychle rostoucích dřevin. Poslední teoretická část práce se zabývá efektivitou využití vody (WUE) s důrazem na metodu použitou ke stanovení WUE na experimentální plantáži v Domanínku. Za tímto účelem jsou prezentovány metody měření toku mízy (sap flow) a stanovování biomasy. Hlavním cílem praktické části práce je stanovení WUE 16 měřených stromů, na kterých byly instalovány systémy na měření sap flow. Tyto stromy jsou rozděleny do 3 skupin podle průměrů kmene v prsní výšce (DBH) na začátku vegetačního období 2013. Byla provedena doplňková měření: fenologické snímkování, měření půdní vlhkosti, měření indexu listové plochy (LAI) a stanovení plochy běle. Statistická analýza WUE neukázala žádné statisticky významné rozdíly mezi hodnotami WUE jednotlivých skupin. Pouze v květnu byl zaznamenán statisticky významný rozdíl mezi hodnotou WUE pro skupinu 1 (stromy s nejsilnějšími kmeny) a skupinu 3 (stromy s nejnižsími hodnotami DBH).

Viz též: podobná jména autorů
6 HLAVÁČOVÁ, Martina
7 HLAVÁČOVÁ, Michaela
2 Hlaváčová, M.
3 Hlaváčová, Magda
2 Hlaváčová, Marie
5 Hlaváčová, Markéta
6 Hlaváčová, Martina
7 Hlaváčová, Michaela
2 Hlaváčová, Miroslava
3 Hlaváčová, Monika
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